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I hope that you have seen sexuality in a new light by reading this book. I have by writing it. This book has distilled for me much of the knowledge I have gained in my career as a sex educator and researcher, and I now see sexuality through a new lens because of my research on asexuality.

Finally, a few words on the title of this brief, concluding chapter: Is it truly a beginning? Not really, as there is already a small but important body of literature on asexuality, along with a plethora of literature that allows us to view sexuality for what I believe it is: the great, but utterly mad, story of human life. But the conclusion of this book is still more of a beginning than an end, because the thought and work devoted to understanding asexuality and its strange counterpart, sexuality, is in its early stages. Take this book and its concluding chapter as an invitation—the party hasn’t yet started.


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