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“Sorry, Claire. What I meant was it seemed real. Just a bad dream…”

“Come back to bed.”

Bed? Hell, no… I’ll not be sleeping anytime soon.

“You go on, hon. I’m just going to fix a cup of tea.”

* * *

Scott Muse gazed at the subject’s vital signs coming across the EMS monitors in real time. Fear, anxiety, confusion, depression — he had seen it all before. And yet the engineer knew that the target had gotten off lucky.

Colonel Johnston was not a man you’d want to provoke. Wearing the calm mask of a sociopath, it was the thanatologist’s presence among MAJI’s Council that kept the more progressive members in check.

Yet even they had stood up to Dr. Death a decade ago when he had used the EMS weapon to remotely deliver malignant cancer cells via scalar waves to a congressman and two civilians who had become a thorn in MJ-12’s side.

Two had died — the politician and a woman. The lone survivor was the man who had been responsible for briefing high-ranking members of the Pentagon about UFOs and the ET’s technology—

— Dr. Steven M. Greer.


Washington Plaza Hotel
Washington, D.C.
August 3, 2017

Adam Shariak handed his ticket to security. Placing his coffee on the desk, he held up his arms to allow a second guard to pass a hand-held metal detector over his body, the device squealing as it moved over his left pant leg.

“It’s a prosthesis.”

“I’ll have to pat you down.”

“Knock yourself out.”

Adam waited while the man ran his palms up and down his pant leg and stump, a chore he was forced to endure whenever he entered a Federal building or made his way through airport security.

“Thank you, sir. Enjoy the presentation.”

He limped inside Ballroom-C, surprised at the size of the crowd. Twelve hundred folding chairs faced the small stage and lectern and almost every spot was occupied. He managed to locate a vacant seat in the middle of the tenth row but had to squeeze his way past an obstacle course of unyielding feet and purses in order to reach it.

Settling in, he noticed a familiar face working security. Tech Sergeant Hershel Eugene Evans, United States Air Force… Been a while, amigo.

Adam turned back to the stage as a tall, muscular Caucasian man in his late fifties strode toward the podium to enthusiastic applause.

“Good morning. My name is Dr. Steven M. Greer and I am the founder of the Disclosure Project and CSETI, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, as well as the Orion Project. I would like to welcome all of you to this presentation on the secret government and the UFO cover-up. You’re going to learn things that have been kept from every sitting U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, representatives in congress, heads of state, and members of the Joint Chiefs. I know this, because in many cases, I was the one who briefed them.

“What I speak of now will sound like Conspiracy Theory 101, and yet it is absolutely true, and we have thousands of classified documents and hundreds of eyewitnesses with top security clearances to prove it. Whether you accept anything I say this morning is up to you, but what I say now is absolutely true: There are two U.S. governments… the government of We The People represented by our elected officials, and a shadow government made up of mid-level functionaries whose roots trace back to a black budget organization launched in 1956 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. This group, which was known back then as Majestic-12, was tasked with overseeing and keeping from the public the most astounding discovery in the history of the world — the existence of extraterrestrial life. It is this secret regime which covertly runs the USAPs — the Unacknowledged Special Access Projects — which are presently being funded to the tune of $80 billion a year in taxpayer money, without the knowledge of the American people, nor the oversight of congress or the president. When it comes to these two governments, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, and in many cases, they don’t want to know. Innocent people have been murdered, including members of my team, close friends, military personnel, intelligence directors, and scientists. They were not murdered because they witnessed UFOs — millions of people share these close encounters. They were killed because they were perceived as a threat to bring out advanced energy technologies that would change the lives of the seven billion people living on this planet.”

Adam felt the blood rush from his face.

“How did this all come about? Let’s get that out of the way first since it is the easiest part to explain. UFOs are real; they are of extraterrestrial origin and they have been around for decades, if not centuries.”

All eyes looked up as a large overhead screen came to life. The first video footage was taken using a night telescope, the heavens appearing emerald green. Moving rapidly within a visual sphere across a brilliant tapestry of stars was a triangular object, its underside appearing as three points of light.

The scene changed to a day shot. What began as an iPhone selfie on a crowded street in London, turned to the skies high above the city where several white saucer-shaped objects darted in and out of the clouds at incredible speeds, only to come to a complete stop before taking off again.

The next video was filmed by a passenger from their window seat inside a South Korean commercial jet. Several thousand feet below the aircraft, a white disk-shaped object suddenly darted above a cityscape, moving incredibly fast. This was followed by a dusk shot taken in Mexico City of two circular craft soaring majestically overhead.

The next scene was a night shot overlooking the city of Jerusalem. Hovering above the Dome of the Rock was a dazzling, spinning drone-like speck of light. It remained steady for a good thirty seconds before suddenly launching straight up and disappearing into the heavens in a split second.

The final footage was taken of the moon using a high-powered telescope. Leaping off the lunar surface, like sparks from a flame, were dozens of white specks — fast-moving craft scattering into space.

Greer continued, “Watching these videos, the mind still struggles to accept that any of this is real, and yet instinctively, we know that it is. The conflict is that, all our lives, we’ve been told by the government and the official ‘gatekeepers of the truth’ that UFOs aren’t real, and that anyone who believes in ETs is crazy. In a sense, the UFO provides its own best cover; for to believe in it and discuss a sighting is to welcome ridicule.

“To be honest, my own first reaction to what you just saw and are about to hear was, ‘Yeah, right.’ Understand, I am not a NASA scientist nor a member of any covert organization. I am an emergency room physician and the former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital. But then confirmation after confirmation, and independent corroboration after independent corroboration, convinced me the information I was being made privy to was real, and by then I was saying, ‘Oh God…’

“The information I am about to reveal comes from private meetings and long discussions I have had with very senior and relevant military, intelligence, political, and private corporate sources. The search for truth regarding these secret projects has brought me to heads of state, royalty, CIA officials, NSA operatives, U.S. and foreign military leaders, politicians, and high-tech corporate contractors.