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“Senator, I was asked to testify about these Unacknowledged Special Access Projects. The reason they’re ‘Unacknowledged’ is because the individuals running them don’t want the public, your committee, the President of the United States, or even their own employees to know about them, and the biggest, most secret USAPs all deal with UFOs and ETs. Many of you may not be able to handle that fact, but if you want to dismiss the truth by labeling it a circus or conspiracy theory, or those of us who came here today to testify as nut-jobs, then you ought to consider two things: First, every one of us was entrusted with duties requiring security clearances far above top-secret; second, dismissing anyone who comes forward to discuss this topic as being crazy is exactly what the intelligence agencies and the people in charge want you to do. I know that because hiding the truth in plain sight by attacking an eyewitness’s credibility is exactly what I used to get paid a lot of money to do.”

Catcalls of “let him testify” and “we want the truth” filled the chamber.

Senator Sampson held up her hand for quiet. “Alright, Mr. Wade, you have our full attention… please continue.”

“As I was saying… while I was stationed at the Groom Lake Complex, I conducted investigations into the UFO phenomenon, with my primary mission focused on UFO sightings and any threats imposed by these extraterrestrials on Air Force or Air Force-related properties.”

“And have you actually seen a UFO?”

“Yes, senator. I saw them when I was stationed at McGuire Air Force Base in Montana — they were always buzzing the bases where the nuclear weapons are kept. I also saw footage of an aerial demonstration at Nellis where they would accelerate to incredible speeds, stop on a dime, and execute a ninety-degree turn.

“But tens of thousands of civilians have seen them as well. Back in 1997, the ETs gave us an incredible show over Phoenix that was witnessed by tens of thousands of people and, of course, was immediately dismissed by the authorities.”

“Mr. Wade, it’s hard to believe so many people have had these… encounters, and yet there’s never anything in the news or on TV.”

“Senator, maybe you still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, because if you actually think we have a free press, then you’re fooling yourself. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and deregulation, a handful of CEOs now decide what the news is, and they take their marching orders from the CIA, who will fabricate or kill any story in order to protect their own agenda. As for members of the Armed Forces, any military personnel who speak about these encounters in public or to members of the media often find themselves transferred to some remote base far from home. Soldiers in the field who were first responders to a UFO crash have been intimidated, and in some cases beaten, by arriving members of our Blue Teams, where it is Standard Operating Procedure to physically threaten the soldier or even to kill him and his family should he ever go public with what he witnessed. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve seen one of these elite Delta Force guys crack open an American soldier’s skull with the butt of his assault rifle simply because the sentry glanced at a photo of a downed UFO.”

A brief exchange among the committee members was interrupted by Senator Tiffany Townsend from Florida. “Mr. Wade, you stated that your job was to assess any threats imposed by these extraterrestrials on our Air Force facilities. Are these aliens a threat?”

“Senator, that’s a concern which dates back to late June of 1947, the first time our radar systems knocked two of these ET craft out of the sky.”

“Are you talking about Roswell, Mr. Wade?”

“Yes, Madam Chair, only the craft didn’t actually go down at Roswell. The first crash site involving two of the three ships was located southwest of Corona, New Mexico. It took the military two years before they found the second crash site, which was way out west of Magdalena. When they read us in on Yankee Black—that was the security code on this particular USAP — the first thing they did was show us a 16mm movie of the recovery. There were dead extraterrestrials at the Corona site, along with the one survivor. The bodies at the Magdalena site were too decomposed to salvage.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Wade — did you just say the authorities managed to capture a living ET?”

“Yes, ma’am. They named it EBEN, short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. It was taken to Kirtland Air Force Base and then on to Los Alamos. We saw footage… they kept it alive for a few years. The other bodies were sent to Wright-Patterson field in Dayton, Ohio, and placed in a deep freeze.”

“Can you describe this creature for us?”

“He was a Grey biped and male — all of the Greys were thought to be male. He was about four feet tall and hairless, with a large skull, big eyes, an indentation for a nose, and no visible ears. The Grey’s hands were slender, with four fingers and no thumbs, and the fingers had suction devices on the tips. Their outfits were skin-tight and they wore an apparatus on their head with what appeared to be an ear piece for communicating with their craft, which were saucer-shaped. Not all of the craft are saucers; some were oval, others cigar-shaped. There are big ones that look like a kid’s top. Different species… different craft.”

“How many different species have visited Earth?”

“That’s hard to say. One source told me nine; though I’ve heard as many as thirty-seven. Mind you, I’ve only seen photos of four different species. The most bizarre one looked like an insect, with big bug eyes, a large head, and a small body. They had two different hands on each arm and several joints in their legs.”

Multiple discussions broke out, quelled by the Chair’s gavel. “Senator Townsend asked you whether the ETs pose a threat. Do they, Mr. Wade?”

“Let me answer that first from the perspectives of the Eisenhower-Truman Administrations, then post-JFK. You have to remember that the majority of these encounters first began when the United States was testing the atomic bomb, culminating in the detonations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those events definitely caught our visitors’ attention, and throughout the late 1940s and 1950s there was a lot of UFO activity around our nuclear installations. Roswell had the 509th Bomb Wing — the only nuclear-capable strike force in the United States at that time, so it’s no surprise they frequented New Mexico, which was also home to the lab in Los Alamos and other nuclear testing grounds. Kirtland Air Force Base had nukes, which again drew a lot of ET activity. Between the development of the hydrogen bomb and the Cold War with the Russians, our paranoia was running pretty deep, and now Eisenhower had these ETs to deal with. Were these reconnaissance flights? A prelude to an invasion? You can hardly blame the president for wanting to keep a tight lid on everything.

“A lot of the physicists who had been involved in the Manhattan Project were assigned to the ET problem, so secrecy was second nature to them. But there were no Intel groups back then, it was just the military and the scientists.

“Things changed during the Truman years. You had the establishment of the NSA, the CIA, and the eventual engagement of a group called MJ-12, which became the agency overseeing all things ET. That’s when things evolved from assessing the threat to reverse-engineering the downed interstellar craft for our own use. That required secret bases and serious black budget defense funding and that’s when Truman lost control. Once the Military Industrial Complex and MJ-12 took over, the president and Congress no longer had a need to know, and suddenly the money started pouring in.