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The white noise disappeared, replaced by the guard’s voice, which was crisp and clear. “Evening, doc.”

“Good evening, Monroe. I assume you received security clearances for Dr. Marulli?”

“Yes, ma’am, she’s all set. I alerted Dr. Lara that you just arrived.”

“How much time do we have?”

“Prep started twenty minutes ago. At your request, the procedure was moved to TDS-2 so your friend could watch.”

“Excellent. Tell him we’re on our way.”

Joyce headed for the glass doors which were already parting outward, releasing a stream of cool air. Once inside, she turned left down a corridor, Jessica hustling to keep up.


“A little something that falls under the description Weird Science and Frickin’ Magic. Since we still have some time before the show begins I thought I’d show you a bit of history.”

The wall on their right illuminated into a ten-by-twelve-foot section of smart glass. As Jessica watched, a slide show began, featuring black and white photos taken of the 1947 UFO crash site in Corona, New Mexico. These were augmented by 16mm footage showing the remains of the vessel, along with military personnel recovering the dead bodies and the extraterrestrial vessel’s lone survivor.

The scene jumped to a series of graphic autopsy slides of the deceased ETs, which were narrated by the Army’s Medical Examiner.

“… as you can see, the EBEN’s brain possesses eleven different lobes as compared to the eight lobes of a human brain. The optic nerves are also larger and far more sophisticated than ours, and their eyes operate from different parts of the brain.

“In regard to the EBEN’s internal parts, one organ appears to function as both a heart and set of lungs. Multiple stomachs are responsible for different digestive processes. There is also an organ designed to remove the moisture from whatever they eat, eliminating the need to consume a large amount of fluids. The reproductive organs are internalized; the vocal cords nonexistent. While communication between the surviving EBEN indicates female Greys do exist, the ETs aboard the crashed vehicles all appear to be male.”

Joyce tapped her shoulder. “We need to cut this short; Dr. Lara is ready to begin.”

The two women followed the corridor signs heading for TDS Suites 1–4. Glass doors parted with a hiss of air pressure and they entered what appeared to be a hospital wing, the corridor walls covered in green tile.

Joyce led Jessica up a narrow flight of steps to an observation galley. Below was a surgical suite that looked like it had been designed by a modern-day Dr. Frankenstein.

Half-a-dozen six-foot-tall, sickle-shaped transformers surrounded a rubber-insulated surgical table like an electronic ribcage. Strapped to the table was a balding Caucasian man in his mid-forties, sporting an unkempt brown beard and mustache and wearing a pale-blue dressing gown. He was unconscious; his right leg covered in rubber pads connected to electrodes which ran from the exposed flesh of his lower right limb to a circuit board situated outside the central dais.

Jessica could see that the man’s left leg was gone, having been amputated above the knee. Just like Adam

The only other person in the suite was a dark-haired man dressed in black scrubs who was seated at a computer terminal.

Joyce switched channels on her headset to converse with him. “Dr. Juande Lara, say hello to Dr. Jessica Marulli. Dr. Lara is our resident specialist in TDS… Transdimensional Surgery.”

The Spaniard continued typing out commands on his keyboard, never bothering to look up. “Tell me, Marulli, are you familiar with TDS?”

“Never heard the term until you just mentioned it. From the looks of your lab, I assume it has something to do with the zero-point-energy field.”

“Correct. Scientists have known for decades that animals use bioelectrical signals to regenerate body parts — this is how tadpoles regenerate their tails. Two components are required: a proton pump to remove hydrogen ions out of the cell surface, and sodium ions which flow across the cell membrane. This bioelectric state stimulates regeneration-specific genes to multiply, allowing nerves to develop in the direction of the new growth and new cells to replace the damaged ones — including those in the spinal cord, essentially reversing paralysis.”

“That’s amazing.”

“No, Dr. Marulli, amazing is what happened after we used stem cells to crack the bioelectric code and applied the regeneration recipe in a zero-point-energy field.”

Dr. Lara walked over to the man whose three limbs were grounded to the rubber-insulated surgical table. “Our patient this evening is Mr. David Griggs. Mr. Griggs worked for MAJI as a… well, let’s just call him a bounty hunter. Unbeknownst to Mr. Griggs was the fact that he had diabetes, which was left untreated for eighteen years, resulting in gangrene and the eventual amputation of his left leg.

“These six electrodes are powered by zero-point-energy. When I activate them, it will surround the patient in a transdimensional field similar to the bubble generated by the extraterrestrial vehicles. At that exact instant, the bioelectric code to regenerate Mr. Griggs’ left leg will be juiced.”

Returning to his console, Dr. Lara typed in a few commands on his keyboard, causing a neon-blue aura to surround the surgical table.

Jessica watched in amazement as the patient’s left leg began growing from out of his stump, forming a new limb from the inside out within sixty seconds.

“Oh my God…”

“You got the ‘God’ part right. The new limb is fully functional, the neurons channeling directly to Mr. Griggs’ brain.”

Joyce smiled. “Tell Dr. Marulli what else we can do.”

“In a word… everything. There’s not a disease we haven’t cured or an injury we can’t heal within minutes of the application.”

Jessica could barely contain her excitement. “This is incredible. Is this still in the trial phase? When will it be announced to the rest of the world?”

“It won’t be announced,” Dr. Lara said. “The cabal will keep it black-shelved forever, along with zero-point-energy.”

Jessica felt numb. “But why?”

“I think you already know that answer. There’s far more money to be made in treating the symptoms of a disease with prescription medicines that have to be reordered every month than by actually curing something. Eradicate a disease, and you’ve eliminated a trillion dollars from the economy. Big Pharma and the Bankocrats don’t want cures — except for themselves, of course.

“As for the amputees and the paralyzed… the diseased and the dying — MAJI could care less. This is all about money and controlling the masses — the less of them to deal with, the better.”

* * *

Jessica’s feeling of utter helplessness had quickly evolved into anger by the time Joyce had dragged her out of the debate and down the hall.

“I wasn’t through!”

“You were preaching to the choir, Jess. Dr. Lara and his colleagues would love to bring these discoveries out, only they’re scared. Physicians and biochemists who claim to have found holistic cancer remedies get shut down… or worse.”

Jessica adjusted the tension on her headset which was squeezing her temples and giving her a headache. “Watching that man’s limb grow out of his stump… all I could think of was Adam—”

She stopped walking, forcing Joyce to turn back. “What?”

“That’s why you wanted me to see that procedure… you even found a left leg amputee, just like Adam.”

“That was a coincidence.”

“Bullshit. You’re lobbying me against Council. Admit it, Joyce.”