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A cascade of boos erupted.

Adam raised his hand for quiet. “All that changes tonight. As we speak, the schematics for three zero-point-energy generators are being emailed to some of the most advanced green energy companies in the world, along with the means to apply for $100 billion in grant monies.”

Cheers erupted from the crowd — so loud that Adam couldn’t think.

“The price…” he signaled again for quiet, “the price for this gift is very high. Many people — many scientists — were murdered to keep zero-point-energy a secret… including Dr. Jessica Marulli, my fiancée”—he choked out the words “—and our unborn child.”

A hush fell over the crowd as the string of recent news stories fell into place.

And that was it… Adam had nothing more to say… nothing more to do. Surrounded by forty thousand people, he felt completely alone, his life spent. He had no desire to re-enter the ARV… he just wanted to crawl in a hole somewhere and die.

It was at the moment that the mothership which had appeared at the Greer’s home dropped from out of transdimensional space to hover over the stadium… the triangular-shaped vessel so immense it blotted out the night sky.

The video screen powered off.

The stadium lights shut down.

And then, in the midst of this uncharted moment in human history, a message of light appeared on the scoreboard:

There is no future in war and hatred.

There are no boundaries in peace.

Part 5

“In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

— President Eisenhower
January 1961

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

— Senator Daniel K. Inouye
August 11, 2007

“Every great change is preceded by chaos.”

— Deepak Chopra


Ocean City, New Jersey
April 23, 2033

The unlit five-mile stretch of public beach had been zoned from nine p.m. through three a.m. as a CE-5 area. Groups of twenty or more could reserve a designated locale on the city’s webpage, while individuals seeking to join a larger circle could sign up.

Michael Sutterfield’s seventh grade class was on their third night of a six-day field trip. The first two sessions had been uneventful and the teen was beginning to fear that his “condition” was blocking communication with the Interstellars.

Dr. Mallouh had attempted to reassure him that his presence had no bearing on the lack of extraterrestrial activity.

“Over the last decade we’ve learned that Earth is a complex self-regulating system which seeks a physical and chemical environment optimal for advanced life forms to evolve. Many processes necessary for the conditions of life — from microorganisms to the salinity of the planet’s oceans — adapt as they interact with each other, in essence moving life along the path it was intended to follow.

“Like all of us, Michael, you are one of these organisms; the question is whether you can adapt to function within a system that has finally self-regulated to continue humanity’s intended evolution.”

“Which is what?”


“I’m a sociopath, Dr. Mallouh; you diagnosed me so yourself. I’m incapable of fitting in.”

“Not true. Being aware of the limitations imposed by a condition can sometimes be enough to prevent one from stepping off that slippery slope. Besides, unity is not dependent on loving your fellow man; just as important is accepting their right to exist. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are not just words, they’re a birth right. For seventy years a segment of our population remained convinced that the only way they could maintain their way of life was to deny it to the rest of us. These selfish acts nearly led to our own extinction because they ran counter to our very nature — our nature being the essence of the Creator, which is to share.”

“What made you change your mind about allowing me to participate in the CE-5 field trip?”

“We’re hoping your desire to communicate with the Interstellars exceeds your lack of restraint. Remember, every living organism possesses a spark of the Creator which unifies and connects all of us to every living organism in existence.”

* * *

Connection? Who was Mallouh kidding?

Seated in a circle beneath the stars with his classmates, Michael Sutterfield knew he was different… knew he didn’t belong.

He waited for the group meditation to begin, then he left the circle.

* * *

The radar and electro-magnetometer sounded simultaneously. A moment later an amber-orange light appeared over the water, the object as large as the moon.

“Boys and girls, we have a major event. Everyone please stay seated.”

“What is it, Dr. Mallouh?”

“It’s a large ETV… an Extraterrestrial Vehicle. They emerged from the sky but they’re hovering just above the water about two miles out.”

“Look… there’s another one!”

A second identical object appeared next to the first, the ETVs poised on the horizon like a fiery pair of eyes.

“I’m looking through the night scope, they are definitely not flares.”

“Connect to them with your consciousness and welcome them. Open your heart chakra and send them the beauty of humanity. Thank them for coming.”

Dr. Mallouh looked for Michael, only to realize the teen was missing from the group. Using his night vision glasses, he searched the beach, locating a lone figure standing by a dune.

Leaving the group, the principal headed for the rise.

“Michael? Are you okay, son?”

“They’re so… beautiful.”

“They are, aren’t they? Dr. Greer says it’s a color you never forget.”

“I saw it before they appeared… the color. It was in my head… I can’t explain it.”

“You’ve obviously made a connection.”

They watched together as the first object faded into transdimensional space, followed a moment later by the second.

“Come on, we should rejoin the group.”

“If it’s okay, I’d like to stay here a moment.”

“Of course. I’ll be with the group if you need me.”

“Dr. Mallouh?”

“Yes. Michael?”

“Thank you.”

The guidance counselor smiled, tears in his eyes. “You’re very welcome.”


To learn more about the hidden history behind UFOs, ETs, and Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, read: