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“I already know how amazing you are, Jer.” She batted her eyelashes. “But I’m pretty sure I wasn’t made to tame your beast.”

His smile fell a fraction of an inch, but before Embry could recover with another joke, her phone rang. She looked at her phone and saw Luke’s smiling face flash across the display. Noticing Jeremy’s eyes on the screen as well, Embry snatched the phone. She still wasn’t ready to talk to him about her relationship.

“I have to take this,” she said.

“Go for it.” He pushed away from the desk. “I’m going to run to the snack machine.


“Hey, beautiful.”

Luke’s deep, raspy voice made Embry’s belly clench. “Hey there. When did you put that picture on my phone?”

“When you were sleeping on Saturday.”

“Sneaky,” she scolded. “I love it. I miss your face.”

“You get to see it tomorrow, sweetheart. What are you up to?”

“Going over outlines with Jer. I’m in the library.”

“Oh, okay, I won’t keep you then,” he said.

“No, it’s okay. He just ran out for a sec. What’s up?”

“Nothing, just wanted to hear your voice. We still on for tomorrow?”

“Yes, I can’t wait. Do you have any requests?” she asked.

“I’ll love whatever you make, baby.”

“Nope, I’m not letting you get away with that. You don’t have a snarky best friend I can get all the right answers from. At least give me a hint.”

“Surprise me.”


“Really, I like it all, babe. My favorite is barbeque, you know that.”

“Living up to your nickname, I see,” she said.

“What nickname?”

“Nothing, just something me and Morgan call you.”

“Oh I’m definitely going to get that out of you tomorrow night.”

“You can try,” Embry taunted.

“I’m going to try, all right. I can be very persuasive.”

“I bet you can. Just how do you plan on persuading me?”

“You sure you want to get into this while you’re in the library?”

“Get into what?” Embry asked, feigning innocence.

“Embry,” Luke warned.

“Luke.” She mimicked his tone.

“God, you’re sexy when you’re being a pain in my ass.”

Embry flushed at the desire in Luke’s voice. “Even over the phone?”

“Even over the phone, beautiful.”

She changed the subject back to dinner. “Seriously, Luke, I want to make something you like.”

“Let’s cook another time. You want to do sushi instead? I can pick it up on my way over.”

“Are you scared of my cooking?”

Luke laughed. “No, baby. I just want all of your attention. Now go study. I’ll text you later, okay?”


Jeremy walked back in as Embry hung up. She couldn’t keep her smile from forming. When she looked up, Jeremy was studying her, an odd look marring his features.

Blushing, she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and spread out her notes. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” Jeremy walked past her and settled back in his seat. “You’re all red.”

“What?” Embry felt her face heating even more.

“You look all flustered. You okay?

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” She wasn’t about to share with him what—or more accurately, who—had gotten her so flustered.

“Cool. Let’s get these new sections added to the outline so we can get out of here.” Jeremy’s voice lacked its usual warmth, and she wondered what had caused the change.

* * *

The following day, Embry drove home from class with bleary eyes. She had stayed up half the night getting ahead on her assignments so that she would be free to spend the night with Luke. When she’d finally gone to bed, her sleep was plagued with nightmares. She dreamt her criminal law book had turned into a small demon with teeth and chased her around the apartment. Needless to say, she was exhausted. So she had foregone lunch with Jeremy to drive home for a power nap between classes. She hoped that would make her feel more awake for her night with Luke. By the time she got home, she could barely keep her eyes open. Letting herself into her apartment, she dropped her bag by the door and walked on unsteady feet until she reached her room. She fell into bed and was asleep before she could remember to set her alarm.

Embry woke up over two hours later, completely disoriented. She heard a faint ringing and figured it must be her cell in the other room. She looked around, confused by the daylight shining through the windows. Glancing at the clock on her dresser, she bolted straight out of bed. “Oh shit!”

It was 1:50, and class started at two p.m. Embry didn’t live far from campus, but between driving there and finding a parking spot, she knew she’d be late. She straightened her clothes then darted into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. She ran into the office, switched out her textbooks, grabbed her bag on the way out the door, and jumped into her car.

While waiting at a stoplight outside of her complex, Embry’s phone chirped. Fishing it out of her bag, she saw a ton of missed calls from Luke and a few text messages. He hadn’t left a voicemail, but the texts made her nervous.

Baby, please call me, I need to talk to you.

Are you there?

Shit, Bree. Please answer me.

What the hell is going on? She dialed Luke’s number while trying to keep her eyes on the road. It rang until his voicemail picked up. Crap. Embry hung up and concentrated on getting to campus. She lucked out with a spot right out front. It was 2:05, but at least Coleman would just be getting started. She hurried into school and through the atrium as she typed out a text to Luke.

Hi baby. Went home for a nap, I was exhausted. Everything ok? I’m worried.

Whitman wasn’t a huge law school, but it felt as if it took Embry forever to make it through the halls. She reached the end of the hallway, and her classroom was the last on the left. As she went for the door handle, her phone chirped again. Luke’s words made her stomach drop.

I am so sorry, baby.

Embry pulled up short and stared at her phone. What? With shaky hands, she attempted to type a response. She had no idea what he was sorry about, but whatever it was, she couldn’t deal with it until after class. She’d call him as soon as she got out, and they’d figure it out then.

Sorry for what? You’re freaking me out. Late to class. I’ll call when I get out. xx

Embry took a deep breath, steeling herself and settling her nerves, and walked into the classroom.


As she entered the room, Embry breathed a sigh of relief. A man stood at the front of the classroom writing on the whiteboard, and she realized they must have a sub. Weird, why didn’t Coleman just cancel class? She was mesmerized by him. She liked the way the muscles in his back expanded and contracted under his white dress shirt, sleeves rolled halfway and exposing thick, tan forearms. He reminded her of Luke. Get a grip, Bree.

She was about to move toward her seat when the man turned to address the class. “I wasn’t supposed to start until next semester, but Professor Coleman had an emergency. Unfortunately, she won’t be back this semester. So I’ll be taking over from here on out.”