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“Oh for fuck’s sake!” Morgan spit as Luke came into view.


Embry stared across the club, unable to take her eyes from Luke. What is he doing here? He sat at the lounge bar talking to a man she didn’t recognize, swirling a drink in his hand. She watched him tip the glass back, empty the contents into his mouth, and push the glass toward the bartender. A frown marred Luke’s perfectly sculpted lips, and she saw the tension in his shoulders. The other man had a sympathetic look on his face as he talked to Luke. Part of her wanted to go and ease Luke’s tension; another part knew she was probably the cause.

Morgan grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. “I know what you’re thinking. I can see it in those dreamy doe-eyes you’re giving me, but I’m not letting you do it. Tonight is about you. Do what you have to do, pretend he isn’t here, but don’t let this ruin your night.”

Morgan’s pep talk snapped Embry out of her daze. She was conflicted over Luke, but nothing would be solved in a noisy club with alcohol involved. She grabbed Morgan’s drink, tossed it back, and called to Jeremy and Brett. “Let’s go dance!”

They made their way across the club, past the lounge, and up the stairs to the second floor. The energy upstairs was completely different. A slow, sexy beat thumped through the speakers as the people on the dance floor writhed in one large mass. Muted lighting illuminated the dance floor and cast shadows across the crowd. Everyone was in masks, making the mood more sensual and mysterious.

“Now this is a masquerade party,” Morgan said, dragging Embry out onto the dance floor.

Brett and Jeremy followed, and soon they all melted into the crowd, just more bodies moving to the beat. A club remix of Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” played in the background as Jeremy pulled Embry toward him. His hands landed on her hips as she shimmied around in front of him. He was a surprisingly good dancer and kept up with her easily as she spun around the dance floor. She was finally loosening up and enjoying herself.

“Let’s grab another drink,” she suggested after they’d been dancing for a while.

She and Jeremy left Morgan and Brett on the dance floor and headed to the bar. Jeremy paid for their drinks, and they leaned against the bar to talk.

“So I have a question,” he said.

“Nope. No questions,” Embry teased. A mischievous smile crept across Jeremy’s face.

“What’s your deal?” he asked.

“This sounds eerily reminiscent of the first time we met,” she said.

He leaned in close to speak over the music, and his proximity made her squirm. “It is. But I mean, really, B. You’re beautiful. Why don’t you date anyone?”

Embry hadn’t expected Jeremy to go there. He’d become one of her best friends, and they never crossed that line. As she looked into his handsome face, she couldn’t help wishing she could just fall for him. He was sweet, good-looking and had an amazing sense of humor, but she couldn’t force herself to feel something that wasn’t there. She couldn’t feel anything for anyone other than Luke. Things would be so much easier if she could.

She let out a long sigh. “It’s complicated, Jer. I had a rough relationship. I’m just focusing on me right now.” At least that was partially true. That was her plan when she got to law school. Unfortunately, she hadn’t planned for Luke Brody.

Usher’s “Euphoria” started playing, and Embry took the opportunity to drag Jeremy back onto the dance floor and end their awkward conversation.

“I love this song!” she shouted as she hopped up and down, waving her arms and shaking her ass.

“I can see that,” joked Jeremy, falling into step with her and accepting that the conversation was going no further.

They danced through a few more songs before a beautiful brunette in a feathered mask walked by and stole Jeremy’s attention. He darted off but returned in a flash, towing her along and letting Embry know he was leaving with her. She waved him off and went back to dancing. Morgan and Brett were somewhere nearby, but she wasn’t concerned. The alcohol was having its desired effect, erasing any reservations she may have had about dancing by herself.

The crowd had thinned out a bit, and she was about to take a break when a slow electronic beat thumped through the speakers, setting her hips in motion. She let herself sway in time with the music as Robin Thicke sang about putting lovin’ on him. She ran her hands down her body and let loose as she lost herself to the beat. Strobe lights flashed, casting shadows off the other dancers and making their movements appear in slow motion. The music pulsed through her and she gave herself over to the rhythm. She felt good, hips swaying and body moving, as she owned the dance floor.

Strong hands landed on her hips, and a warm chest pressed against her back. Her body responded immediately. She knew without looking who was behind her, but she couldn’t help herself. Stealing a glance over her shoulder, she saw a gorgeous man in a black Venetian mask. No one else would know it was him, but those piercing blue eyes gave him away. Luke.

“Nice mask, professor,” she quipped.

“Thought you’d like it,” he said as his lips grazed her ear. He gripped her tighter and pushed his hips into her backside as they began to move to the music.

Embry thought Jeremy was a good dancer, but he had nothing on Luke. Luke wasn’t simply following her moves. He led her with his hips and hands, guiding her body with his. Suddenly she couldn’t remember why she’d avoided him earlier, why she was trying to stay away at all. The fog of alcohol, combined with her heightened emotions, had erased all logical thought. His hands left a trail of fire on her skin as he skimmed her curves, and she rocked her hips from side to side, keeping with his perfect rhythm. She was suddenly consumed by the thought of his dance-floor abilities and how they’d translate in the bedroom. She was desperate to know how good Luke’s body would feel moving above and inside of hers. Embry reached back and hooked her arm around his neck, pulling him closer. His mouth landed on her nape, licking and kissing up to her ear.

“You look downright edible tonight, Miss Jacobs,” he rasped as he pushed forward with his hips again, letting her feel just how edible he thought she was.

He was leaning so close, she couldn’t resist turning her head and letting her lips graze the corner of his mouth. Just that simple touch sent a bolt of desire straight to Embry’s core. Luke spun her in his arms, and her hands landed on the solid wall of his chest as she caught her balance. The left side of his mouth pulled up in a delicious smirk before he brought his lips to hers igniting the fire in her belly. His arms tightened around her as he licked into her mouth and she tasted whiskey sweet on his tongue.

Pulling back slightly, Luke nodded toward the bar and grabbed her hand. “Follow me.”

She shook her head in agreement and he led her toward a hallway beyond the bar. She’d follow him anywhere. At least in her current hazy, lust-filled state. They pushed through groups of people dancing and mingling and made their way past the bar. The hallway was dimly lit and flashes of the strobe lights from the dance floor exploded before them. The muffled bass beat pumped through the hall as they walked. Embry focused on Luke’s back, the way his muscles flexed and jumped as he moved down the corridor. He gave her arm a tug, and she was pulled into an alcove.

Before she could get her bearings, he had her up against the wall. He caged her in and slanted his mouth over hers. Their masks crashed together as their lips collided, hungry and desperate. Her hands ran over every inch of his body as his tongue stroked hers. She would have climbed inside of him if she could.