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She snuggled into him, soaking up his heat, and replayed the night before. A shiver ran through her, causing her insides to clench, as she recalled feeling him inside of her, all over her. She wasn’t sure how she had gotten so lucky, especially after all she’d put him through, but the beautiful man beside her was all hers. She had fought him so hard and wound up in his bed anyway. But there was nowhere else she would rather be.

As her body came awake, she realized she was sore, deliciously so, and she needed to pee. Stretching, she rolled out from beneath Luke and tiptoed to the bathroom. Peeking back to make sure she hadn’t woken him, she walked silently into the bathroom. Embry examined herself in the mirror. She was stark naked, her hair falling in wild waves around her face. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed, giving her a healthy glow. She looked good, happy, and she couldn’t help but grin. She dug through the bathroom drawers until she found a brush. After trying in vain to tame her long locks, she grabbed a toothbrush and freshened up.

She snuck back into the bedroom and found Luke sprawled on his stomach, the comforter kicked aside. Just the white top sheet was draped over his waist. Embry lifted the sheet, climbed into the bed, and tried her best not to wake him. That turned out not to be a problem—he was out. She watched him, eyes roaming his body, as the sound of his even breathing filled the room. He was gorgeous, even in sleep.

His hair was ruffled from her hands, his eyelids closed and fluttering, framed by long dark lashes. His lips looked plump—perfect and kissable. Her gaze traced every line of his lithe, lean build. Unable to help herself, she lifted the sheet, stealing a greedy glance at his sculpted ass. But as she took in his perfect form, she found a surprise. Her hand flew to her mouth, trying and failing to stifle a giggle. Tattooed on the right side of his beautiful butt was a small dark green shamrock. What the hell? Her tiny snicker quickly turned into an all-out bed-shaking laugh, causing Luke to stir.

He turned toward her, looking up with adorable, sleepy eyes. “Hey.” His voice was nothing more than a throaty rasp.

She acknowledged him with a nod, her face turning pink. She tried to control her laughter, which just made her laugh more.

“What’s so funny?” he grumbled.

Embry shook her head and continued laughing until she found herself pinned to the mattress. Luke hovered above her, nudging her with a very noticeable erection, as he stared at her with a burning intensity.

“Not that I don’t love waking up to your gorgeous laugh, baby,” he said, kissing her face, “but do you mind telling me what you’re laughing at?”

Her mouth parted slightly, her tongue darting out to run across her bottom lip. “I … I was peeking under the sheet, and I found your tattoo.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You were peeking under the sheet?”

She nodded.

“At what?”

“Your ass,” she whispered.

“You were peeking at my ass?” he asked, deadpan.

She squirmed beneath him. His heated gaze and the weight of his body made it hard for her to think straight. “Yes.”

He nodded thoughtfully. “Did you like what you saw?” he asked, pushing his hips into hers again.

Her legs fell open, giving him more room. Luke’s question went unanswered as he settled against Embry’s core, eliciting a low moan instead.

“Answer me, baby.” He planted a soft kiss on her lips.

“Yes, I liked it,” she said against his mouth.

Slowly, he pushed inside of her. “Do you like this?”


Luke thrust the rest of the way in, erasing all thoughts of the tattoo from Embry’s mind.

* * *

“It was a bet in college,” Luke said.

Embry lay tangled in his arms as he explained how he wound up with a shamrock on his ass. She found it hysterical when she had first come across it. But after seeing him moving around unabashedly naked in the morning light, she decided it wasn’t funny at all. It was hot—seriously hot. She tipped her face toward him. “A bet?”

“Yep,” he answered, giving her a quick kiss on her nose.

“What kind of bet?”

“The kind that I lost and wound up with a shamrock on my ass,” he joked.

He was being uncharacteristically vague. “Did it have to do with a girl?”

Luke remained quiet.

“It did, didn’t it?”

He chuckled. “Several, actually.”

Embry’s jaw dropped open. “Several?”

He nodded. “My fraternity brothers and I had a little game we played when we went out. We bet who could come home with the most numbers.”

Embry pushed herself up on his chest, coming to his eye level. “Seriously?”

He nodded. He grinned sheepishly, and the tips of his ears turned red in embarrassment.

“And you lost?”

“It was a setup!” Luke said, becoming animated. “I lost by one number, and it was a technicality!”

She laughed. “Oh, I have to hear this.”

He sat up against the headboard and tucked her underneath his arm. “I was getting bored with the game—”

“Ohhhh, you were bored?” Embry scoffed. “Getting numbers was too easy for you, sexypants?”

Luke looked at her. “Did you just call me sexypants?”

Embry raised an eyebrow. “I may have. What’s it to you?”

He grabbed her sides and dug his fingers into her hipbones.

“No tickling!” She squealed. She squirmed down the bed, away from him, and he followed, pulling her back against his chest.

“Fine, no tickling. But for the record”—he lightly kissed her hair—”I like ‘southern sexy’ better.”

Embry gasped. “How do you know about your nickname?”

“I have my sources.” He wiggled his eyebrows. Her eyes widened in alarm, and Luke laughed. “I’m kidding, baby. I overheard you and Morgan talking.”

Embry shook her head. “Fine, southern sexy. Finish your story.”

“Demanding little thing aren’t you?” he joked, nuzzling her neck.

She pulled back, giving him an expectant look.

“Fine. I was bored,” he said, poking her in the side, “so I decided to make it more interesting. I’d dated a girl a while earlier, and things hadn’t ended on good terms. I thought it would be a challenge to get her to give me her number again since she wasn’t a very big fan of mine. Or so I thought …”

“What do you mean, ‘or so you thought?’”

“Well, I got her number. But one of my brothers was sleeping with her roommate. It turned out she’d still been lusting after me pretty hard. She kept pictures of me stuck to the wall next to her bed. It was … creepy. Her phone number put me over the top, but when my brothers found out about her little obsession, they disqualified me. Said it was cheating and didn’t count. Hence the tattoo.”

Embry laughed. “Sounds like you had to fight them off with a stick, huh, Casanova?”

Luke rolled her up and onto his chest. “Usually I do,” he said, a cocky grin on his face. “But not you.”

Embry winced, her laughter dying on her lips. It was too fresh, too new, to joke about all of the ways she’d pushed him away.

“Hey.” He ran his fingers along her jaw. “Stop whatever it is that’s putting a frown on your beautiful face.”

He kissed the frown away, and Embry went boneless, rolling off of Luke and back onto the mattress. She caught sight of the clock on the nightstand and let out a frustrated sigh.

“What’s wrong?”

She peeked up at him, lips pouting. “I wish I made up with you on a weekend so we could stay in bed all day. I have to be in Dawson’s class in a few hours.”