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Luke was fast. Pulling his hands free, he sat up, wrapped his arms around her back, and pulled her against his chest. “Wrap your legs around my waist, beautiful.”

She did as he said, and he thrust deep inside of her, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

“Am I helping you forget?” he asked before sucking her nipple into his mouth and causing a soft whimper to escape Embry’s lips. He pegged her with his seductive stare. “Answer me.” He bit down lightly as he lifted her hips and slammed her down on his cock.

The orgasm hit her hard and fast. She bit her lip, threw her head back, and rode it out as Luke moved inside of her, his hips bucking wildly as he found his own release.

“You never answered me,” he said against her neck, breathing heavily.

Embry pulled her head back and examined him. She raised an eyebrow and gave him a sultry little smirk. “Who are you again?”

A sexy grin stretched across Luke’s face. “That’s what I thought.”

He rolled over on top of her, and she felt him growing hard inside of her.

“Again?” she whispered.



Luke and Embry left her parents’ house after breakfast the following day and headed home so that Embry could study. Jack wasn’t mentioned again, and Embry made sure to wear something that covered her bruises. Her parents had been upset enough on Thanksgiving. She didn’t want them to worry any further.

She spent the remainder of the weekend in the library with Jeremy and Tessa. The two of them were officially dating, and as far as Embry knew, Jeremy had given up his slutty antics for her. He seemed to care for Tessa, and she made him happy, so Embry was all for it.

They had three final exams to study for—criminal law, contracts, and torts—and a final memo due in their legal writing class. Thankfully, their first year skills class had no final. They spent hours in the library drawing up flash cards and quizzing each other. Tessa may have been ditzy, but she seemed to have a good grasp on the law. Embry was happy to have her in their study group. Except for when she and Jeremy couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Ick.

Embry reserved a study room for Monday and planned to spend the day finishing her final memo. Tessa showed up before Jeremy, and she brought coffee, which scored her points in Embry’s book.

“How’s your memo coming along?” Tessa asked as she settled in the chair across from Embry.

“It’s good, I think,” Embry said. “I’m almost finished. I just have to go back and add in the proper citations. How about yours?”

Tessa gnawed her bottom lip. “I’m not sure. I don’t think I’m going to do well.”

“Why do you say that?” Embry felt bad. The rules about student memos were extremely strict. They weren’t allowed to consult with anyone on their memos. Even having friends or family read over them to help proofread was against the rules, so discussing any of the specifics with other students wasn’t an option.

Tessa shrugged. “I just don’t feel like I’m making a good argument.”

“Well, at least we aren’t graded as much on whether we apply the right law, but more if our argument is persuasive enough, you know? Just make sure it’s backed up by good research and proper citations.”

“Yeah …” Tessa sounded as if she were trying to bait Embry, to make her curious.

Embry felt uncomfortable. She still couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something about Tessa that left her feeling unsettled. “I’m sure you’ll work it out and do great,” Embry said, attempting to encourage Jeremy’s girlfriend.

“I hope so.”

Embry ignored the awkward silence that filled the room and went back to work on her memo.

Jeremy joined them a short time later. “Hey, Blondie.” His hand brushed Embry’s shoulder before he walked over to Tessa and planted a kiss on her lips. “Hey, babe.”

“Hey, Jer,” Embry replied.

“Hi,” Tessa said.

“What are you beautiful girls working on?” he asked, plopping down beside Tessa and using the chair next to Embry as a foot rest.

“Memos,” Embry replied.

He pulled his laptop out of his bag and set it up. “Memos it is!”

Embry looked up from her computer. “You are way too happy right now.”

“Didn’t you hear?” Tessa asked, a bit of haughtiness in her voice.

Embry looked at the girl and then eyed Jeremy. “Hear what?”

Jeremy cast a sidelong glance at Tessa, but his eyes lit up as he turned back to Embry. “I didn’t want to tell you until it was definite. My dad wants to expand the firm’s practice into private criminal defense, starting with the firm in the city. Turns out a few attorneys there have criminal experience already, so they’re going to head up the division. He always expected me to go back up to Rochester to work with him, but we have a penthouse in the city, so I can stay there during school breaks and start interning in criminal law!”

He was so excited he was practically bouncing. Embry couldn’t have been happier for him. She knew how badly he wanted to practice criminal law and how much he struggled with the pressures of his father’s expectations.

“Oh my God! That’s awesome, Jer!” Embry hopped up to wrap her arms around his neck. One glance at Tessa, and Embry dropped her arms and her smile. The girl was glaring at her with open hostility. Embry smoothed her sweater and sat back down. “That’s really great, Jeremy. I’m happy for you.” She went back to her memo while Jeremy looked disapprovingly at his girlfriend.

Midway through the day, Embry’s phone went off. She had long since removed Luke’s picture, but his name still flashed across the screen. Jeremy stared at it from across the table. Being Luke’s research assistant, it was no secret that he called her, but she could tell that Jeremy still thought something more was going on. She pressed ignore and continued working on her memo. The phone buzzed again a few minutes later. A text message. Jeremy’s eyes darted to the screen again, but Embry snatched up the phone.

I know you’re studying, but I need you for a minute. Call me?

She saved her work and left her computer on the table. “Be right back.” She put on a fake smile. Jeremy’s scrutiny made her uncomfortable. She walked out of the library and dialed Luke.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey, yourself. What’s up?” She came off a bit more testy than she meant.

“Everything okay?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Embry dragged a hand through her hair, frustrated. She sat in the nearest chair and leaned her head back. “I’m fine. Just stressed, I guess.”

“Anything I can do?”

“We’re still on for tonight, right?” she asked, hopeful. Luke had agreed to cook her dinner at his place so that she could focus on studying.

“Of course.”

“Then that’s all I need,” she said, her tone softening. “So what were you calling about?”

“I’ll talk to you about it tonight. If you’re already stressing, I don’t want to add to it.”

She knew he was backpedaling for a reason, and she could guess what it was. “Out with it. Just tell me.”

“I filed your petition this morning.”


“The judge issued a temporary order of protection, but there will have to be a hearing to finalize it. Jack will be notified, and I’m sure he’ll attend the hearing.”

Embry’s stomach rose into her throat. The thought of facing Jack again had her heart racing, and not in a good way. She was still freaked out about the fact that he would have her home address and know where she went to school. It was necessary for him to be able to comply with the restraining order, but that didn’t make her feel any better.