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“Are you even listening to me?” Morgan asked, taking a healthy sip of champagne.

“No,” Embry answered honestly. “Sorry.” She followed Morgan’s lead and sucked down some more champagne. “Let’s go find Jer and—”

She watched Morgan’s eyes shift and grow wide as a warm hand pressed against the bare skin of her back. She struggled to stand as her knees buckled and her body flooded with sensation. His touch didn’t last more than a second, but in that second, everything slowed down. His thumb dragged down her naked spine and tangled with the pearls. He gave a slight tug and drew her back into his body as his lips brushed her ear. She smelled his spicy-clean scent combined with whatever scotch he was drinking, and she had to fight the whimper rising up her throat.

“You look stunning tonight, Miss Jacobs,” he rasped as he dropped his hand and continued walking.

Her heart kicked into overdrive as she watched him walk away.

“Miss Jacobs,” a voice said to her left, forcing her gaze away from Luke.

Embry turned to see her contracts professor standing before her. “Professor Coleman! How are you feeling? You look fabulous.” Embry said, taking in her long, black gown.

“I’m well, thank you. Feeling much better and ready to get back to work next semester. Professor Brody has nothing but wonderful things to say about your help as a research assistant. I’ve seen the results, and I’m quite impressed myself.”

“Thank you. He’s been a good teacher.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Well, it was nice to see you. I look forward to working with you again next semester,” Professor Coleman said.

“Thank you, Professor. Happy holidays!”

“You too, Embry.”

Professor Coleman walked away, and Embry turned to Morgan, panic sweeping over her features. “Do you think she saw him? Us?”

Morgan grabbed Embry’s hand and pulled her toward the bar. “Calm down, and no. Even if she did, it was so quick I doubt anyone would have given it a second thought.”

“I’m pretty sure your professor doesn’t greet you like that,” Embry argued.

“I’m pretty sure my professor doesn’t look like yours.” Morgan wiggled her eyebrows. “Come on, stop worrying and have another drink.”

The girls found Jeremy and Tessa at the bar. He’d been pretty cold toward Embry since the review session, but they stayed and mingled for a few minutes before strolling out onto the dance floor.

“I don’t like that girl,” Morgan commented.

“So it’s not just me?”

“No. She gives me the creeps. There’s just something about her. It’s kind of like someone cloned you and left out the brain.”

“What? She’s nothing like me!”

Morgan raised her eyebrows. “Really? You can’t see it? That boy is hopelessly in love with you. He went and found a girl who looks just like you.”

“I don’t see it.” Embry shrugged.

“You wouldn’t. You don’t want to.”

“Morgan, stop. He’s my friend.”

“I know he is. I love Jeremy too. I’m just saying I don’t like her.”

“Well, we can agree on that,” Embry said.

At that moment, the music stopped, and the dean grabbed a microphone to address the faculty and students. The dance floor cleared, and Embry had her first real look at Luke. He stood directly across the dance floor, wearing a charcoal-gray suit with a thin black tie and crisp white shirt. The suit was perfectly tailored to his long muscled body, and his dark hair set off his cobalt eyes, which were fixed intently on Embry.

“Wow,” Morgan said, following Embry’s line of sight. “Your man cleans up well.”

“Yeah, he does,” Embry agreed.

The dean prattled on in the background, but Embry’s eyes remained locked on Luke’s. She couldn’t look away. He was jaw-droppingly handsome, and he was all hers. A jab to her ribs caused her to stop her greedy perusal and glare at Morgan.

“Just doing my job.” Morgan gave Embry a dazzlingly smile.

“What job is that?”

“Bree-sitting. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to keep you from mounting your professor in the middle of a school-sponsored event.”

Embry rolled her eyes and took another sip of her champagne. They chatted idly for a few minutes while the dean finished his speech. Everyone clapped politely, and the music kicked back on.

Embry and Morgan made their way around the room, mingling with other students and enjoying the hors d’oeuvres. She did her best to keep her eyes away from Luke, but no matter where in the room she went, she felt him watching her—felt his eyes like a soft caress that set her skin on fire. She eventually lost the battle and found him across the ballroom. He was talking with the blonde woman he’d taken to the bar the night of her setup with Brendan, but his eyes were fixed on Embry. She was stuck to the spot and lost in this gaze.

Morgan leaned in close to whisper, “I suggest that if you want to keep up the innocent student act, you stop eye-fucking your professor from across the room.”

“I’m not—”

“You are, Bree. Everyone stares at him; that’s not the real problem.”

“Then what exactly is the problem?” she asked, annoyed.

“That he stares back. I don’t think a single person in this room could miss the sparks flying between you two if they bothered to pay any attention.”

“Well, then I guess it’s good they’re not paying attention.”

“You’d better hope they’re not,” Morgan said.

Embry let out a frustrated sigh, but she knew Morgan was right. They couldn’t be so obvious. “You’re right, thanks.”

Morgan nodded.

“I’m going to find the bathroom.”

“In need of a cold shower?” she joked.

“Yeah, something like that.”

Morgan wasn’t entirely off base. Embry had to remove herself from the situation, take a few deep breaths, and compose herself. They weren’t love-struck teenagers, and they needed to exhibit a little more self-control. She looked around for Luke but lost sight of him. She walked down the long corridor to the bathrooms. Other than a few students on their way back to the ballroom, the hallway was empty. She found the bathroom and opened the door. Suddenly, a warm chest pushed against her back and forced her into the room. Startled, she gasped and turned to find Luke smiling down at her.

He pressed his body into hers and against the closed door. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Luke!” she whisper-yelled, pushing against his chest. “Are you crazy? You can’t be in here with me!”

“I can’t?” he asked, smirking.

“No, you can’t!”

He eased away from her and reached for the door. “Okay, I’ll just—”

“No,” she said, grabbing his tie and pulling him to her.

He crushed his lips to hers and held her against the door. She felt his erection, long and hard, pressing against her belly.

“Luke,” she whispered.

He tore his mouth from hers, his hands coming up to cup her cheeks. “I couldn’t help myself, baby.” His eyes burned into hers. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.” He captured her lips in a searing kiss, his tongue slowly invading her mouth.