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Embry made short work of his belt buckle and pulled him free. His hands traveled down her body, hiked up her dress, and ripped down her panties as he continued his assault on her mouth. Luke cupped her ass with both hands and lifted her up against the door. She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist as he slid her onto his hard cock. Embry cried out. He stretched and filled her until she wasn’t sure she could take anymore.

Luke’s hand came down over her mouth. “Shhh.”

She groaned into his hand as sensation took over and she felt that delicious tremor building deep inside. Luke removed his hand and gripped her ass again. He held nothing back, slamming into her with such force her back slid up the door.

“Is this becoming our thing, baby?” Embry whispered teasingly. “Sex against doors?”

Luke smiled against her lips. “It’s your fault. If you weren’t so goddamn beautiful, I might have a chance at keeping it in my pants.”

“I like it that you can’t keep it in your pants, at least with me. I just think I might miss the bed a little bit.”

Luke groaned as he dragged himself out of her before pushing back in with more force. “Mmm, I have plenty planned for you later tonight, don’t you worry.”

“Is that a promise?”

“No, beautiful. That’s a guarantee,” he said as he joined his mouth with hers once more.

Embry’s mind went fuzzy, and she wasn’t sure if it was the champagne or Luke or both. Her head fell onto his shoulder as her body seized up. “Oh my God! Luke!” she cried into his neck as waves of pleasure took her over.

“Fuck,” he said softly, releasing inside of her.

He feathered light kisses across her cheeks, whispering how beautiful she was before slowly sliding out of her and easing her down from the door. They both cleaned up, and Embry fixed her curls in the mirror. Luke watched her intently before slipping his arms around her from behind, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror.

“You’re coming back to my place tonight, right?” he asked, nuzzling her neck.

“Yep. I packed a bag and left it in the limo.”

They were spending the weekend doing all of the fun Christmas things they wanted to do together before Luke’s family flew in that week.

“Good. I’ll see you in a few hours then.” He spun her in his arms, turning a mega-watt Luke smile on her.

“I’ll see you in a few hours.” She pushed up onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his before he slipped out of the bathroom.

Embry checked herself once more in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, but she could chalk it up to the alcohol. She stepped out into the hallway and saw Luke a little ways ahead of her. He nodded at someone walking toward him and continued into the ballroom. The woman was walking in her direction and as she drew nearer, Embry’s heartbeat skyrocketed.

“Miss Jacobs,” Professor Coleman said, tilting her head and pausing to examine Embry.

“Professor,” she replied, smiling. She felt her blush deepen as her skin flushed with embarrassment, but she kept walking and hoped that Professor Coleman wasn’t as perceptive as she seemed.


Embry shoved her hands in her pockets and huddled against Luke, the cold wind whipping against her face. Snow had fallen the night before, adding to the feel of Christmas. His arm came around her, tucking her against him.

“How high are your ceilings again?” she asked.

Luke chuckled. “High enough, baby. Pick whichever one you like.”

Embry stared at the row of Christmas trees before her and chewed on her lip. Christmas music echoed in the background, and Luke waited patiently as she made her decision. She picked the largest one of the bunch, a fifteen-footer, and watched as it was wrapped up and tied to the top of Luke’s Rover.

After their little tryst in the bathroom the night before, Luke and Embry had managed to stay away from each other and socialize for the remainder of the evening. She left with Morgan in the limousine and met Luke at his house. He’d kept his promise, and they had made very good use of his bed. They were ready to enjoy their Christmas-filled weekend, just the two of them, before his family flew into town.

Luke came up behind her and kissed her cheek. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Yes, it was. They’re all so pretty,” she said, pouting.

“Well, I think you did good.” He squeezed her tight. “Where to next, Mrs. Claus?”

“Hahaha, very funny.”

“Don’t you mean ho-ho-ho?” he teased.

Embry rolled her eyes, and the salesman walked up interrupting Luke’s comedy routine. Luke followed the man inside to pay for the tree, and Embry took the opportunity to scoop up a handful of fresh snow and pack it into a perfectly round and lethal snowball.

Luke walked out of the shop and headed toward the car. He stopped and looked back at Embry, who was hiding her new weapon behind her back and smiling innocently. “You coming, Bree?”

“Yep, right behind you.” She waited for Luke to turn around before she launched the snowball into the air and right at the back of his head. Her aim was a little off, so the snowball hit his right shoulder and exploded in a shower of cold and wet all over his back. He stood frozen to the spot, shoulders tense, facing away from her.

Oh, shit. Embry walked toward Luke, the snow crunching beneath her feet as she waited for him to react, but he didn’t. “Luke?” she asked, hesitantly.

He wouldn’t answer her, wouldn’t turn around. She watched him slowly bend down, but she couldn’t see what he was doing. Did I piss him off that much? She was so engrossed by his change in mood that she missed the fact that he had turned around with a large ball of snow in his gloved hand.

A devilish smile spread across his lips as he faced Embry and yelled, “Run!”

Embry squealed and took off for the other side of the Rover, her boots slipping and sliding on the snow-covered ground. She ducked down beside the front bumper at the same time Luke launched the snowball in her direction. It hit the hood of the car and exploded in a mist of wet snow in her face.

“Shit! That’s cold!” She popped up and scrambled around the SUV as Luke chased after her. Hitting a particularly icy patch, Embry’s feet slid out from under her and she landed on her ass in the snow, laughing hysterically.

Luke stood over her, fighting back a smile. “You all right?” he asked, offering his hand.


“You sure?”

Embry nodded and took his hand. He pulled her up and bent his head, bringing his mouth down on hers. She lifted up on her toes and dug her fingers into his hair as he pushed her against the back of the car and kissed her senseless.

Luke pulled back, rubbing his nose against hers. “Time to warm up by the fire?” he asked.

“Affirmative.” She grabbed his face with her cold hands and planted a wet kiss on his lips.

* * *

Embry carried in bags of decorations while Luke pulled the tree into the house and set it up in the living room. Bing Crosby sang “White Christmas” in the background as they decorated the tree together.

“Leave it to you to pick the biggest tree on the lot, babe,” he teased.

“Hey! You said to pick any one I wanted,” she said, stringing tinsel across the tree.

“I did. I’m just glad I have high ceilings.” He climbed on the step stool and hung ornaments on the higher branches.

They worked on the tree until it was covered in beautiful, white twinkling lights, tinsel, and ornaments. Luke dimmed the overhead lighting, and they stood back to admire their work, the giant tree glowing in front of them.

Embry wrapped her arms around Luke’s waist and laid her head on his chest. “Thank you.”

He tipped his head down, kissing her hair. “For what?”