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The next day we drove down to show them the monastery and to rehearse. I brought Mom, Giorgio, and Kimmy in my car; Micah and David followed in the Corvette. When we arrived, Micah had a constant sheepish look on his face as we went through our rehearsal, and I was beginning to wonder exactly what he and David had been discussing on the way down to North Miami. But his face changed when we took everyone on a tour of the grounds and buildings; he was beaming from ear to ear as his father mentioned multiple times that the church was outstanding and beautiful. He had impressed his father and that, I knew, was something very important to him.

We returned home and went out for lunch and then Micah used my car to take them back to the airport.

I wanted to see if Mom was interested in talking about David, but she was off to pick up the shoes she had dyed to match her gown, then she and Kimmy were going to the salon for haircuts and to get their nails done. It sounded like a fun girls-afternoon-out, but I had my day of pampering already scheduled for the day before the wedding, so I stayed at home and waited for Micah to return.

When he came home, I got the distinct feeling he was trying to avoid me.

“I’m going to take a shower,” he declared as soon as he realized we were alone.

“Why? You had one last night and I haven’t done anything to make you run for it,” I teased, wrapping my arms around his waist.

He kissed me quickly and tried to slip from my grip, “I’ll be back down in a little while.”

“Good,” I replied, my suspicions getting stronger, “then we can discuss David-and Mom.”

His face lost color as the slight smile he had melted away, “Wh-why? What did your Mom say about him?”

“She’s avoiding me, like you’re trying to do. What did David say to you on the drive to the church?”

“Leese, do you remember when we were in the Inlet Motel and you thought I’d gone out and done something you didn’t want to know about? Do you remember what you said to me when you thought I was getting ready to confess?”

“Yeah, I said… Aaah!”

“Baby, there are some things you really do want to remain ignorant about.” He was giving me a very sympathetic look, “And besides, we’re getting married in six days and I was hoping they would be six happy days.”

Exactly what did David tell you?” There was no way he was getting away from me now. I had to know what it was he didn’t want me to know.

Micah put his hand on the back of his neck and rolled his head as if he was suddenly stiff, “Well, he used a lot of four letter words.”


“Yeah, he used like, want, need, and-and love several times. I don’t know what the women in this family do to the men in my family, but I’m afraid he is crazy about your mother.”

“But all they did was sit out by the pool and talk.”

He gave me a strange look.

“That was all they did, right? We were the last ones to go to bed.”

For someone very large, he started to get small in a hurry, “Remain ignorant, remember.”

“She didn’t-they didn’t-”

He cringed. “Baby-”

I put my hand over my open mouth, “Did he drug her?!”

“No,” he offered quickly, “It was absolutely consensual. Don’t flip out on me, please. I told him I didn’t want to know!” he rolled his eyes toward the ceiling.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to cry or scream. The tears seemed to be winning the emotional battle. Micah was right, ignorance would have been better.

“Do you want to know anymore? I think if you just listen to what he told me, you won’t be so upset.”

“Would you want to hear about your mother doing something like that?”

“My mother isn’t single, and she’s 51. Come upstairs with me, baby, and I’ll tell you the rest. I don’t want your mom to walk in and catch us discussing what happened.”

I slumped against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me and led me upstairs. He scooped me up as we entered his room. He knew how much I loved it when he picked me up and pulled me in close, placing me on the bed and wrapping his arm around my waist. He kissed my bare neck and began telling me how they had enjoyed each other’s company so much they decided to meet downstairs after everyone went to sleep.

“They were both hurting. She got to talk about everything she has gone through with Robert. She didn’t know David was the informant that busted Robert until last night. He explained, as much as he could, about the problems he’s still facing for doing it. He’s been ostracized and it’s killing him to be out of the family. She talked to him about your dad and how much she missed him and-and she said how much David reminded her of him.”

I was thinking about the fact that she had said the same thing about Micah, but then again David and Micah looked a lot alike.

“David has never said a woman fascinated him, but she did. That’s not how he normally views women-they’re good for one thing as far as he’s concerned.”

“Well, he should be happy. He got what he wanted.” I said, wiping the last of the tears from my cheeks.

“Baby, he said he didn’t want to make a move on Nadia, but she asked if she could kiss him and he said everything just unraveled. He said she seemed so fragile and hurt by everything-he was hurting and he described it as beautiful-my brother who has never used the phrase ‘making love’ said that was a true first for him; it wasn’t just sex. She told him not to expect a relationship, especially since you and I are getting married, but he’s in new territory and I know it really messed with his head.”

“I could tell,” I began, “when I saw them last night out by the pool that she was actually happy. I haven’t seen her like that in like forever. I don’t want you to think I hate David-it’s just weird for me, that’s all.”

“I understand how you feel about the moral side of this,” he empathized, as he stroked my arm. “That’s one thing that you and your mom don’t share, but-”

“Yeah, if we shared that,” I laughed bitterly, “You and I wouldn’t be discussing this because I wouldn’t exist.”

His face descended into the pile of my hair at the back of my neck. I could hear him inhaling deeply as he nuzzled into it, “Then, baby, I’m glad she doesn’t because I can’t imagine my world without you.”

I rolled over and wrapped my arms around his glorious neck as I kissed him slowly and tenderly. He began to moan as his body covered my own. We’d been so well behaved lately that it felt good to forget the rules for a few minutes.

“I guess it proves my point about God having a purpose for everything. I wouldn’t have done what she did at seventeen and this wouldn’t be happening right now.”

“I know I shouldn’t ask this and spoil the moment, but your mom told David she was safe, as far as getting pregnant goes. She is, right?”

I finally smiled, “She had her tubes tied after Kimmy was born.” But with that said a new worry entered my mind and I had to ask, “What about David? I mean, I know he’s been around, a lot evidently, and I hate to think they had unprotected sex, but it sounds like they did. I don’t want her life to be cut short because she spent a night with him.”

“He’s always been careful about that-always. But, he didn’t come here for the night and expect to… Well, I’ll just say he wasn’t prepared. I was actually kind of worried about that because even though Nadia’s been with Robert all this time, Robert has been with Sharon and who knows who all she’s been with.”

“Micah, I’ve never asked, but have you always been safe?”

He looked at me with those deep green eyes as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I could tell he was getting emotional and I was suddenly afraid of the answer.