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“I don’t know. Do I get the same deal as Ty?”

Men! Lord, now they were all laughing. I was glad to hear Candace’s knock at the door; at least I had some female assistance to help control the male population in the house.

Naomi insisted we all eat before heading over to the new place. No one would argue with that. She had made oven roasted chicken, real mashed potatoes, gravy,and sweet peas. She had even baked a big pan of double-chocolate brownies for dessert. A person could get used to eating with this family. Well, if you didn’t lose a limb at the dinner table as Andy and Ty dove for the food.

We had no space in the Javelin for our duffel bags, but Andy offered to take them in the Caprice. And, even though Ty and Andy had plenty of room for Candace in their car, I told her, for safety sake, she’d better ride with us; she agreed.

We pulled up to the house at four fifteen and everyone grabbed an armload of boxes and bags as I unlocked the door. They all thought the place was really cool, but then the delivery truck pulled in right behind us and the real work began. Between our guys and the delivery driver and his assistant the truck was unloaded quickly.

Candace and I unrolled rugs and placed the smaller furniture while the guys brought in and set up the larger pieces. It was a lot of work, but by nine p.m. we actually had a house that looked livable. The beds were made, everything was arranged, and it was totally perfect, until I looked at the windows.

“Ah, nuts!”

“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked.

“Nothing is wrong-if you’re an exhibitionist. I forgot to get stuff for the windows!”

“Just put a sheet over them for tonight with a couple thumbtacks,” Candace explained. “Then tomorrow you can buy curtains.”

“We really appreciate all the help,” I said, speaking for both Ryan and myself. “We haven’t gone grocery shopping yet so I can’t offer you guys a drink, but it is Friday night and I hear there is a great bistro a short walk from here. It’s my treat if everyone wants to go.”

The rest of the night was a blast. We walked in the cool night air to the café and then sat around and laughed and joked until about eleven. Andy and Ty said they would drive Candace home.

“I had a really good time,” she said just before she got into their car.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Do you need a ride to work tomorrow?” I asked. “I don’t imagine your alternators been fixed since we’ve tied you up all evening.”

“Thanks, but no. I’ve got the day off. I’ll get someone to help me with it.”

“Momma kept me and Ty busy all afternoon or we would have fixed it for you. Tomorrow we go back on twelve hour shifts at the base so it’ll be Wednesday before either one of us gets a spare minute.”

“What are we doing tomorrow?” Ryan asked.

“Shopping, of course. We’ve got window treatments to buy, groceries, and-”

“I have a great idea,” Ryan interrupted. “I’m basically shopped-out, but I am mechanically inclined. Why doesn’t Candace help you shop and you two can leave me up to my elbows in grease and parts.”

Candace looked at me and smiled, “I’m game.”

“Sounds good to me, too.”

We waved goodbye and wearily walked inside and locked the door. I had no thumbtacks, but the second bedroom was windowless and we decided we were both too pooped to be of any trouble for each other tonight so sharing the bed was viable.

I changed into my shorts and tank, and Ryan slipped into a pair of shorts and we crawled into bed.


“Yeah,” I yawned.

“I like the house.”

“Me, too,” I whispered back.

“Can I hold you? I’m starting to get a thing for sleeping this way.”

“Would you give me a few minutes to fall asleep? Last night I couldn’t-I mean being awake is harder for me because I know it’s you.”

“You don’t like knowing it’s me?”

“The problem is that I do like it, but I just can’t let myself cross that line.”

He leaned against me and kissed my ear, “Goodnight.”

It wasn’t long into my dream state when I felt the comfort my tired body craved. It was a very good night.

Chapter Thirteen

Micah pulled up to the small office he once regularly visited, but it had been six months since the last time he was here. That was when he accepted a file on a beautiful young woman who was to be his next target. In a matter of weeks, she changed everything he ever knew about himself. He threw everything away for her, only to have her throw away all he offered. It was as if he became the target because she absolutely blew him away.

The annulment had been finalized. His attorney informed him the judge would not accept the abandonment issue, but he was able to get the annulment by claiming she abandoned Micah because he had forced her into the marriage and put her under duress. Micah didn’t like the sound of any of that. He didn’t force it on her, but his parents insisted he take the steps to annul the marriage so his assets would be safe.

The problem was he didn’t care about his assets anymore. He already planned what he was going to do with his millions and it would leave him nearly broke, but, in his mind, it was a gamble worth taking.

He walked inside, nodded at the young woman who sat at the desk and walk to the door behind her. There was no need to be announced. He had been called so he was expected.

D’Angelo was ready as soon as Micah came through the door.

Two files were on the table in front of him so Micah expected this would be a double homicide. He took his seat and waited for D’Angelo to speak to him.

“I’m sorry to hear what happened to you, Micah. Women are far more treacherous than men give them credit. I’d use them for making hits, but I haven’t found one I can trust,” he finished with a little mirth to his voice.

Micah didn’t respond.

“I am hoping you plan on returning to what you do best. You aren’t going to bother with this girl anymore-am I right?”

“I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do at this point. I’m still planning on facing her over her…” he paused and took a breath, “decision.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, because-”

“You aren’t me.” Micah knew it was borderline insubordination to speak that way to D’Angelo. He watched the anger flush the man’s skin, but then he seemed to cool.

“As I was saying, the only thing facing her will do is to put you in jeopardy of killing her and the man she ran away with. That would be a waste of your life, because I doubt you’d do that job neatly.”

“I won’t kill her. I just need to know why she changed.”

“Women change their minds like their clothes, Micah. But I didn’t call you here to discuss your foolish waste of time pursuing a tramp.”

Micah’s eyes flashed with a fire that momentarily worried his commander. That was who D’Angelo was in all reality to Micah. He commanded; Micah obeyed.

“I want you to rejoin the family…”

Micah started to speak, but D’Angelo silenced him with a simple movement of his hand as he slid a folder down to him.

“Take a look.”

Taking a look was very dangerous in this business. A look at something could create obligations you couldn’t simply turn away from. He steeled himself as he opened the folder. It only took a second for his blood to boil under his skin, “You’d be crazy to think I’d take this assignment.”

“No, Micah, I wouldn’t ask you to kill David. But someone is going to-if you don’t intervene. I’ve been holding that file for months and the family is starting to get annoyed with my hesitation. I’ve told them he can be trusted. I told them he only did what he did to help you, but we both know actions speak louder than words, especially in this business. I never particularly like David…”