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Micah gave what sounded like a low laugh. It was true. D’Angelo didn’t like someone who didn’t follow orders exactly as given. He also didn’t like having orders questioned. David tended to get under D’Angelo’s skin, and if it hadn’t been for the rest of the family being so valuable, he would have disposed of David a long time ago. Not that David wasn’t an excellent hit man, his methods and accuracy rivaled Micah’s, but he had a stubborn, insubordinate streak that pissed off people in high places.

“…but, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have value. I want you and David to help me with a new member we’re bringing into the family. I think this will go a long way in reinstating his loyalty.”

“Who’s the target?” Micah knew it would be someone big, if it was going to ‘impress’ the family.

The second folder slid down the table into Micah’s waiting grip. He opened the folder and the picture that met his gaze was of a middle-aged Hispanic man. He was ready to scan quickly over the document, but the first thing he noted about the man stopped him. He was a diplomat to the U.S. from Bogota.

“Government leaders aren’t usually our concern.”

“No, but this one has crushed the supply of a certain product provided by a group willing to be an exclusive supplier to us at a very tempting price.”

“Drugs, D’Angelo? My personal family has stayed out of the drug market. You know how my parents have felt about it since the influx from the seventies.”

“True, but this new supplier will add billions to our revenue and open a whole new venue in our family. We’re getting stale, Micah. Other families are edging into our territory and they are out pacing us. We either make a move and re-dominate, or we fade.” D’Angelo leaned forward as his eyes narrowed, “I’m not going to let that happen.”

“So this job is as much for you as it is for David. You have a personal interest in seeing this group come in through Louisiana and no one has catered to your personal interests quite as well as me.” Micah had done things to help D’Angelo stay in a position of power that even his own family didn’t know about. One of them had left a scar on his shoulder.

“I like having a man I can count on. I can count on you, Micah. That’s why I was against you leaving the family to chase after that spoiled little girl.”

You could almost hear the growl rising from Micah’s chest. He knew one person had been in stubborn opposition to him leaving the family and it almost cost him his chance to be with her. Now he knew who that one person had been. As rough as it had been to watch her run from him, there was something about the experience he would never be able to regret for having gone through it.

“Of course you can forget about today, you’re not under any obligation by mob rules to do anything I ask of you. But I am obligated to do something about your brother.”

“I’ll do what you need done, but only if I have your word the contract on David is never executed. And he can’t know that’s why I’m doing this hit.”

“You’re both going to have to do this hit. It’s probably the most complicated you’ve ever tackled and he is the only one who has enough brains to help you do it. The two of you went out of this family at the same time and it’s going to take both of you coming back in to make this work. The price is right for the job. The supplier is willing to pay ten million U.S. to reopen their business routes.”

D’Angelo rose and stretched out his hand toward Micah, “Do we have an agreement? You save your brother’s ass, we get a new influx of revenue, and I own you again. There will be more personal business to attend to when this is done and you’re the only person who can handle my most delicate situations.”

Micah looked at D’Angelo as he stood up, dwarfing the man who had a propensity for impious scheming and self-promotion within the ranks of their orderly society. This would slow down his own plans he already put into motion, but if his plans failed, well the money from this job would keep him in the lifestyle he had grown so very accustom to over the years. He shook his hand, picked up the folder, and walked away.

Chapter Fourteen

It had been three weeks since we had moved to Colorado Springs and things were going remarkably well. There was no evidence that Micah had discovered our location, and our home had become a safe haven to enjoy with our friends and each other. Candace became a regular visitor and Ryan started teasing me, privately, that he should take us both to Utah and become a polygamist.

I politely declined, but I was glad he was starting to think of Candace in that way. I had a feeling there would come a place in our near future where Ryan and I would part ways and she would become the significant person in his life. All the signs were there; they teased each other relentlessly, and the last few days they had begun to touch each other, not in a sexual way, but little things like watching her reach over and touch his arm when she would say something to him, or slug his shoulder if she didn’t like something he said. Sometimes he would reach over and squeeze her shoulder or grab the back of her neck like he was going to rough her up, but of course it was all in teasing.

It was weird for me because I was fighting jealousy every time they got a little bit closer. I wanted him to find someone, but I still felt some kind of ownership to my security blanket. We didn’t sleep apart and over the last week, I didn’t need to be asleep for it to work. Some nights we would just lie awake and talk until the wee hours. He liked kissing my neck and I finally admitted I enjoyed it, but it pushed the line between us every time.

“So why do you like it so much?” he asked me as we cuddled preparing to go to sleep.

“Because it tingles all the way to my belly button,” I laughed as he placed another slow kiss on my neck. “The sensation is almost electrical.”

“It shocks?”

“Not exactly, look let’s try something, but don’t get the wrong idea.”

“I love it when you tell me not to get the wrong idea about something because I know I’m getting ready to get the wrong idea about something,” he snickered in my hair.

I rolled over and faced him, which was something I didn’t do when in bed with him, “Roll over.”

“You mean you want me to-”

“Yeah, you roll on your side and let me hold you for a little while. You’re going to tell me if this feels anything to you like it does to me. Let’s see if I can generate a little of this electrical feeling for you.”

“Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” he said, suddenly sounding very unsure about being the recipient of affection.

“Yes or no?” I asked simply. I didn’t want to do anything to make him uncomfortable, he was much too important to me to ruin a beautiful friendship.

“Okay, but if you lose your level head we’re both in big trouble.”

I didn’t know why he was concerned about it. It was true I’d only been on the receiving end of affection from him, but how hard could it be to draw a line and stop? “I’m not going to flip out and jump your bones, Ryan.”

“Okay,” he said softly, still sounding unsure, but rolling to his side.

“Well, it certainly isn’t going to be easy,” I laughed, trying to fit against him. “You’re like a giant from this perspective.” I slipped my arm around his waist, but had to move it up to his chest so I could get a good angle on his neck. And then I started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” he asked seriously.

“I feel like a freaking vampire getting ready to bite your jugular!” I teased as I made a lunge for his throat.

“Damn that tickles,” he said, scrunching his neck.

“Okay, okay, I’ve got it under control. I swear all I’m going to do is kiss your neck and you tell me how it feels.”

He was still laughing, “You know this is kind of fun, Leese.”

“Be quiet and be still,” I warned as I prepared to kiss his bared skin. I didn’t think I was going to get into this, but as I breathed, nibbled, kissed, and suckled against his skin, I lost all sense of what I was doing. His reaction as he moaned and whispered my name only made me want to do more to him.