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“Ryan is the guy you… Why didn’t I realize this when I knew he was from Palm Beach and you have all this money to spend? So it’s true then, you dumped your husband for Ryan. You’re a real cheap piece of work, bitch!”

“No she’s not,” I heard Ryan’s now fully awake voice. “You can haul ass out that door and never know the truth or you can sit down and let me explain. But if you go out the door then that blows the chance for us to be more than friends, Candace.”

Her eyes got big, as well as Andy and Ty’s. It was the first time Ryan made any reference to the fact that he had a ‘thing’ for her.

We didn’t make it to church as we sat around the living room and explained to them as much of what really happened as we could. I couldn’t give details, but I did let them know that the mob was threatening his whole family if I stayed. Ryan had put his life on the line to get me out of there. I told them how much I loved Micah and that I couldn’t sleep for days until Ryan offered to be his stand-in.

“And now it’s just become natural for us to sleep in the same bed, but we’ve never made love to each other.” I blushed a little which I’m sure to my audience was for uttering those words, but for me it was because we had come way, way too close to not being able to state this as the truth.

“Damn, Ryan, you’ve got more will-power than freaking Superman,” Ty stated honestly. “I hate to admit it, Leese, but I couldn’t handle that,” he said gesturing toward my body.

“So you haven’t had sex together?” Candace wanted to confirm.

Ryan shook his head.

“And you are honestly available to have a girl friend?” she continued.

“Yeah, I am.”

“Okay, I’m cool with all of this, but Ryan I don’t know if I can get used to the idea of you sleeping in the same bed with her. Can you try sleeping on your own, Leese?”

I smiled, “I’ll do you one better: how about if I get my own place?”

“No!” Ryan snapped, “We can sleep in separate beds, but I don’t fully believe Micah isn’t keeping tabs on you. As soon as I’m out of the picture, he’ll be back and then what the hell are you going to tell him?”

“He annulled the marriage, Ryan. I-I don’t think-I don’t think he wants me ba-” I bolted for the bathroom. It hurt so bad to say it out loud, but I was pretty certain ever since David delivered the papers, Micah had completely let go. The hard cold reality was it was over between us emotionally. I knew I couldn’t go back to him, but it hurt worse to know he probably didn’t love me anymore anyway. Damn, D’Angelo-I hated that man.

Candace joined me in the bathroom and tried to comfort me. She told me I didn’t need to move out. Ryan was right about that. “I guess this proves you can’t believe everything you read,” she said as she rubbed my back. “I had this impression you were just some selfish, spoiled brat, but I don’t think I could have done what you did. This hit man of yours must really be something if you’re willing to go through all of this for him.”

I dried my tears and tried a smile, “He was the most perfect thing in my life, even if he didn’t believe it himself.”

“It’s kind of funny, but I look at Ryan the same way-he’s so perfect and I’m such a nothing in comparison.”

“Don’t go selling yourself short, I think he’s had a crush on you since middle school. Just do me a favor and take it slow with him. I know this whole business of watching over me has rattled his brains. If he acts a little confused between the two of us, just give him a chance.”

She hugged me really hard, “Leese, I hate to say this when you’re so sad, but damn I’m happy.”

I squeezed her back, “Let’s go tell the guys we want to go out for breakfast.”

It turned out to be a great day in Colorado Springs.

Chapter Fifteen

“So what car did you order?” Ryan asked again, for the hundredth time as we sat at a sidewalk table at the bistro. This had become our favorite place to hang out. Besides having good food, the atmosphere was carefree and fun.

“I’m not telling, you’ll just have to wait and see. But I promise you this, I’ll kick your ass in anything you want to match against it,” I laughed. I knew he hated the idea of a girl whipping him in a race, but his pride was just going to have to take a beating when my new car arrived.

“Yeah, I hear you,” he said, sounding doubtful that I was telling the truth, “I’m having my Trans-Am shipped out here you know, so you might be in trouble.”

“Do you see me shaking? You better bring a soft pillow.”

“For what?”

“Because I’m gonna bruise that male ego of yours.”

He pushed my head as if he were going to knock me off my chair. It had only been three days since I ordered my car and it was being rolled off the showroom today and getting ready to take a cross-country ride in a semi-truck and be sitting at our door by Friday afternoon. I couldn’t wait to see Ryan’s face, or Andy and Ty’s for that matter. But the car wasn’t my only secret.

I didn’t tell him, but I was looking for another house. I knew how he felt about me moving, and his reasons why it wasn’t a good idea, but I was starting to feel like an intruder when he spent time with Candace. Since she knew the whole story between us, she had become more aggressive in staking her claim to him. She hugged him now when she greeted him, leaving her arm around his waist and staring into his eyes when they talked. And then last night, just before she left to go home, I watched her place a brief kiss on his lips. I was jealous and I couldn’t help it. He was the perfect catch and I had thrown him back.

I had brought my laptop and was just signing off on an assignment as we finished the last of our lunch. Ryan thought about going back to high school with Candace, but he finally opted to complete the few credits he needed online, which was what I was doing as well. I was just a little further ahead than he was because I started my classes’ right after I got out of the hospital back in March and then stopped when Micah came back into my life. I was only weeks away from my diploma and finally anxious to close that chapter of my life. I snapped the lid shut and asked him if he was ready.

We were just about to get up and leave when a gentleman approached our table and stated my name as if he knew me. I had no clue who he was. He was about my height, slender built and in his mid to late thirties with graying hair and a salt and pepper close trimmed beard and was wearing a pair of small, expensive sunglasses.

“What did you do to your hair? Annalisa, that will never do,” he continued. “We’re going to have to get some hair extensions and dye it back to brown.” He stated as if I should know what he was talking about.

“Excuse me, but I don’t know you.” I was getting a strong suspicion he would end up being a reporter.

Ryan stood preparing to get this guy away from me.

“No, but I do know you,” he said extending his hand.

I refrained and he withdrew as Ryan moved toward him.

“My name is Don Bollson, I’m working for a production company in L.A. and we’ve been trying to find you.”

“For what?”

“We’re putting together a new show for ABC and you’re on our hit list, girlfriend. Do you mind if I sit? We’ve got a lot to discuss.”

“A television show?” Ryan questioned.

“Yes, it’s called Remake. We debut this November and it will be prime time.”

“I’m not going on a television show. I’ve got enough problems with the press.”

“Well, just answer me one question because you might not even fit our needs anyway,” he stated and then leaned toward me from across the table and asked quietly, “Can you sing?”

“Like an angel,” Ryan replied, before allowing me to speak.