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I can’t see through the shadowy darkness of his hood, but I can feel him sucking the blood off my finger. Sucking so hard I can feel the pull all the way down to my abdomen and beyond. He slides my finger out of his mouth and kisses the tip before he turns around and leads me to the bedroom.


Once we’re in the bedroom standing next to my bed, he reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out a piece of cloth, possibly a scarf.

“Turn around.”

I turn my back to him and he ties the silky scarf around my head so it covers my eyes. Right away, he grasps the bottom of my tank top and pulls it over my head.

I dressed appropriately today. Normally, I roam the interior of my modest home in my standard outfit, minus the hoodie. Tonight, I’m wearing just the usual tank top and panties. No hoodie, no jeans, and no bra.

He lays his hand on my abdomen and pulls me backward until my body is pressed against his. “The anticipation is half the fun. Wouldn’t you agree, Alex?”


His hand slides down the front of my panties and cups my mound. My eyes roll back in my head as I hold my breath.

“The moment when you know something is about to happen,” he whispers in my ear, “but you don’t know when.”

I swallow hard as I say a silent prayer that he will put me out of my misery soon.

He slides his hand out of my panties and slowly pushes them down until they fall around my ankles. I step out of them and he grabs my shoulders to turn me around.

“This is not going to happen.”

“What?” I reply, unable to hide my desperation.

“It’s not going to happen the way you imagined it.”

Oh, God.

His hand lands on the back of my neck, then his lips brush against my jaw. “Most women want to be courted,” he murmurs, his lips trailing down the curve of my neck. “You don’t even care if I kiss your lips. Why is that?”

“Because I don’t know you.”

“And you don’t care to know me?”


His hand falls to my waist and I shiver as he drags his fingertips over my hip. “Then we agree on the most important rule of engagement.”

“Is this a war?”

“Everything is war. Especially love.”

Love. It’s a strange word to describe this “engagement,” but I’d rather not question it.

“Are there any other rules?”

“Yes.” He plants a soft kiss on the corner of my lips and I shudder with anticipation. “I must be allowed to kiss this mouth.”

He presses his lips to mine and my muscles relax. He wraps his arm around my waist and pushes his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like a pear and I try to suck the taste off his tongue, but he pulls his head back and laughs.

“Have you never been kissed, Alex?”

My stomach roils with shame as I shake my head.

“It’s okay,” he assures me, brushing the hair away from my face. “It’s okay, ma chérie.” He kisses my forehead then nods toward the bed. “Lie down.”

I lie back slowly as images of the sex videos I found on the internet flash in my mind. “What are you going to do to me?”

He chuckles again. “I’m going to fuck you, Alex.” I can’t see him, but I can hear a soft rustling that makes me think he may have just removed his hoodie. “When I leave here, you won’t be a virgin. You’ll no longer be Alex. And you’ll want nothing to do with your former self.”

Fuck me?

I press my thighs together, trying to quiet the pulsing ache between my legs. But it’s relentless. And the way he speaks to me, his promises, only make it worse.

I want to push up my blindfold to see him, but that’s against the rules. Instead, I wait patiently, listening to the soft sounds of him undressing. Hoping I’ll get to at least feel his body.

The mattress tilts as he gets on the bed. I can feel the warmth radiating from his skin as he lies next to me and lays his hand on my belly. His breath is hot in my ear as his fingers crawl down my abdomen. I lift my hips a little, anticipating his touch, and he stops just above my hard nub.

“Have you thought of me while touching yourself?”


He slides his finger between my swollen flesh and quickly finds my clit. “Is this where you touch yourself?”

“Yes,” I breathe.

He moves his finger back and forth and I grip the comforter to try to stifle the trembling in my limbs.

“Do you imagine my mouth on you?” I nod and he pulls his hand away. “Answer the question, Alex.”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Do you want me to lick you?”


“Where do you want me to lick you?”

I hesitate, then I whisper, “There. Down there.”

“You’re a big girl, Alex. You can say the word. Do you want me to lick your pussy?”

Hearing the word spoken aloud, from that mouth. Spoken in that voice. I can hardly breathe.


“Say it.”

“I … I want you … to lick my pussy.”

“Good because I want to lick your pussy. I want to lick you until your pussy is so wet, I can drink from you.”

Oh, my God.

The bed rocks as he moves down, positioning himself between my legs. He plants a long trail of hot, wet kisses down my belly. My body convulses the instant his tongue touches my clit. An involuntary squeak issues from deep in my throat as I try not to scream. Then he pulls his head away and I freeze.

“Do you want to know what you taste like?”

“Excuse me?”

Suddenly, he slides two fingers inside me while he massages my clit with the soft pad of his thumb.

“Oh, God,” I cry, unable to hold it in any longer.

He curls his fingers inside me as if he’s beckoning my pussy to come to him. Submit to him. Then he pulls his fingers out of me and his chest slides over mine until his weight is on top of me.

“Open your mouth.” I open my mouth and he slides his thumb inside. “How does that taste?”

I close my lips around his thumb and slowly circle my tongue around it. He slides his thumb out of my mouth and I swallow hard.

“Sort of musky and … a little sweet?”

“You’re very clean.” He slides the other two fingers into my mouth; the ones that were curled inside me just a moment ago. “Suck.”

I suck on his fingers and he gently guides them farther in, until he almost reaches my throat, then he pulls them back. He drives his fingers slowly in and out of my mouth and I feel myself becoming painfully engorged with my need for him. I need him to finish me.

I push his hand away as tears stream down my temples, then I slide my hands down his back and grab his buttocks. “Now, please.”

His erection presses against my opening and he can feel that this is not going to be easy.

“This is going to hurt your tight little pussy. Are you afraid?”


His hand slides under the small of my back and he lifts me gently, slowly sliding in just a bit farther.


“That’s it, ma chérie,” he murmurs as I tilt my hips upward to beckon him farther inside. “Take it like a woman.”

I let out a soft shriek as he pierces me deeper with each stroke. He slips his finger between the wet folds of my pussy and caresses my clit. The walls of my vagina tighten around the tip of his cock and we both moan in unison. I grip the bedcovers as he fondles me, using my wetness to grant his way farther inside me.

“Daimon.” I speak his name softly and he leans forward to answer me with a kiss.

His mouth covers mine, swallowing my cries as my legs quake with ecstasy.

He pulls his mouth away. “That’s it. Come for me.”

His finger moves in soft circles over my clit as his cock slides in just a bit more.

“Ow. It hurts.”

“Yes. And it also feels good, no?”
