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I dropped my head on the granite countertop. “Ugh, he’s changing. Distraction. I need one. Now.”

“What?” Brody’s head peeked over the balcony.

“Nothing,” I said a little too fast and loud.

“I thought I heard you say something.”

“Nope.” I smiled, praying he couldn’t see the flaming blush I could feel crawling across my face. I smacked the bag of peas to the side of my face and cringed.

His head disappeared, and I let out the breath I was holding. I dropped the melting bag of peas on the counter and wandered around the family room. My arms were held ramrod straight as I clapped my hands against the sides of my thighs, a nervous habit I’d had since I was a little girl. It made me look like a chicken trying to take flight. That thought threatened to make me giggle so I forced my arms to go limp, putting one hand over my mouth to hold in any laughter that might try to escape.

I came to a collection of eclectic framed photos on a table in the family room. I stood looking at them, picking them up one at a time so I could examine the faces smiling back at me. I smiled when I came to one of a baby smiling at the camera while it ate an ice cream cone. Vanilla ice cream dripped from its chin and onto its bare belly. One chubby hand held the ice cream and the other twirled its dark hair between its fingers, filling it with ice cream.

“It’s you?” I asked when he walked up behind me. He hadn’t said anything, but I knew he was there. My body was becoming more and more in tune with his presence. I could feel his warmth radiating from him, smell his scent, and feel the slightest shift in the air as he moved.

“Yeah. How’d you know I was here?” he asked. I looked over my shoulder and saw his amused grin—one of my favorites out of his many smiles.

I looked back at the photograph and shrugged a shoulder. “Why? Were you trying to sneak up on me, Ace?”

“No, not really.”

“Not really?” I asked, putting the frame back in place on the table.

I felt his hands settle gently on my hips and froze. He hesitated for a few beats. Whether he was giving me a chance to move or was deciding his next move, I didn’t know, but the next thing I felt was his warm breath moving over the back of my neck, then his lips skimming over my skin. Sucking in a breath, I gripped the edge of the table. I felt him smile against my skin just before his fingers dug into my hips. He pulled me closer and placed an open-mouthed kiss on my neck, touching my skin for the briefest moment with his tongue.

“Brody,” I whispered.

He wrapped one arm around my waist, hooking his finger through the belt loop on my jeans. I reached over my head and ran my fingers through his hair, holding his head to me, letting my head fall forward. Brody cursed and pulled me harder against him. He kissed from the back of my neck toward my shoulder. His free hand moved slowly up my arm to the collar of my shirt. When he started moving my collar out of the way, it was as if someone threw a glass of ice water in my face.

“No!” I reached up and brushed his hand away. His grip on me loosened briefly, and I slipped by him. “We… we can’t,” I said, my breath coming in small pants.

He turned and looked at me. First confusion marred his face, and then understanding. “Move your shirt.”


“You heard me, Willow. Move your damn shirt.” He took two strides toward me. I backed away from him, bumping into the wall behind me. He stood in front of me, his hands planted on the wall on each side of me, caging me in. “Do it.”

I looked up at the ceiling and bit my lip, trying to decide if there was any way I could distract him from wanting to look under my shirt. Problem was, the only way I could think of was by taking my shirt off—which was exactly what I was trying to avoid. Totally messed up.

I watched him as I reached up and pulled my shirt collar away from my neck far enough that he could see what he already knew was there. He didn’t say anything, but his look turned hard. He reached up and placed his hand over the bruises, moving it around until he found how it fit the pattern. “The other side too?”

I nodded but stayed silent.

“It’s fresh. When? Friday… when you were hit in the eye?” I looked at him, not answering. His fist hit the wall next to my head. I flinched and squeezed my eyes closed. “Damn it, you don’t get to just not answer.”

“I said I wouldn’t lie to you. If I answer, I’ll have to lie.” My voice was strained from the lump in my throat, and I was trying—unsuccessfully—to keep my tears from falling.

Brody let out a loud sound of frustration, almost a growl, and ran his hand up the back of his head, resting his hand on top, his other hand low on his hip. “You are so frustrating.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll just go.” I’d just opened the door to leave when I heard him move behind me. His hand slapped against the wood, pushing the door closed. I stiffened.

“I don’t want you to go,” he murmured close to my ear, kissing the hollow behind it. “I promised you a visit to the mall.” I felt his lips curve into a smile against my skin.

“Yes, you did.”

“Let’s go then. All of a sudden, I have a craving for a blue raspberry slushie.” I looked over my shoulder and gave him a shaky smile. “Okay?” Nodding, I followed him to his Jeep.

When we got to the mall, we met Jenna and Tim in the food court. Jenna looked back and forth between us with a raised eyebrow. “Meet each other in the parking lot?” she asked.

“Sure did,” Brody answered.

“Uh-huh.” Jenna looked at Brody, who was doing a much better job of keeping a straight face than I was.

“The ease with which you’re able to lie is scary, Ace,” I whispered to Brody as we walked from the table to get our slushies.

“What? I wasn’t lying. We did meet in the parking lot. You got out of my Jeep and I met you at the door in the parking lot.”

I laughed. “Okay. Whatever you say.” He reached down and took my hand, folding it in his. I looked down at our intertwined hands.

“Sorry.” He started to let go and I squeezed his hand, holding it in place. We stood in line holding hands and not really caring who might see. When it came time for us to order, Brody ordered two blue raspberry slushies.

When he tried to let go of my hand, I tightened my grip on his. He bent down to my ear and whispered, “I love holding your hand. I really do. You have no idea how much. But I need my hand back so I can pay.”

I shook my head, and he chuckled. “I thought of that already.” I fished in my back pocket, pulled out a twenty, and handed it to the clerk. “See, no reason for you to let go.” I smiled and bumped my hip into him.

“I love how your mind works.” He kissed my temple, and I shivered. “That shiver had nothing to do with your slushie.” Brody smirked.

“Pretty sure of your skills aren’t you, Ace?”

“When your body does that, yeah, I am.”

If he only knew that little shiver isn’t even half of what my body is doing right now.

The four of us sat at a table in the middle of the food court, eating soft pretzels and drinking slushies. We joked and laughed for nearly two hours. I was amazed at how easily Brody fit in with Tim and Jenna, in a way Jaden never had. In fact, Jaden had never tried to fit in with my friends. It was expected that I make the effort to fit in with his friends. They were the only people that mattered in Jaden’s world—other than himself, of course.

We finally left the food court. Brody and Tim got sidetracked by a music store and Jenna by a makeup counter. While they were preoccupied, I made my way to the T-shirt Factory.

It was a small store filled with racks of T-shirts. Some already had sayings and jokes printed on them, and some were left blank for the customer to design. A person could get something as simple as a saying on the shirt, to something as complex as a drawing or logo. If you could think it up, Mr. Rafferty could get it on a shirt. The walls were covered in samples of T-shirts that he’d made. One of my designs was even hanging up.

Mr. Rafferty smiled when he saw me. “Back for another one, huh Willow? I swear you keep me in business.” He chuckled.