Jaden paused and scratched his thumb over his bottom lip. “I know you share a lot of classes with Brody Victor. I’ve already made arrangements with friends to keep an eye on you during those classes to make sure you don’t overstep any boundaries. I feel these new guidelines will help keep you in line. There will be no discussion and no negotiations. This is how it will be. Period. And in case you’re wondering, I’ve had a chat with Ralph. He agrees with my terms. Thinks I’m being more than fair considering your behavior. So do we understand each other?”
I didn’t know what to say. I was completely blindsided. I nodded my understanding more out of shock than actual acceptance.
“Good. I’m glad you are going to be sensible about this.” He grabbed my arm, pulling me behind him to my biology class. Jaden jerked me to a stop next to my seat, and I stumbled into it. He stood next to my table until the first bell rang, and then he left without a word.
Brody leaned over to say something to me. I shook my head, but I didn’t look at him. He pulled back. I could see him watching me out of the corner of my eyes. Taking my notebook out of my bag, I scrawled a note across a page.
Jaden found out about us at the mall. His friends are watching. We can talk on the phone or text later.
When the bell rang after class, I gathered my things. I hadn’t even left the classroom and Jaden was there to walk me to my next class. It continued all day.
During lunch, I sat at Jaden’s table. When I mentioned I wanted to say hi to Jenna and Tim, he stood to go with me. I sat down and told him I’d changed my mind. Brody was sitting with them, and he was who I really wanted to see. But that was impossible with Jaden shadowing me.
I was counting the seconds until independent study so I could talk to Brody. But when I walked into the library, I came face-to-face with one of Jaden’s football buddies. How had I not noticed him before? There was no way I could talk to Brody with Jaden’s lackey watching me. So I sat at a table in the front of the library, instead of where Brody and I always sat. When independent study was over, Jaden was waiting in the hall. He walked me to my locker and then my car. I was never alone the entire day. He’d completely shut me off from my friends and, more importantly, from Brody.
I was backing out of my parking space when my phone chimed, but I didn’t dare look at it. Jaden still watched me. I waited until I was on the main road sitting at a stoplight before I looked at the message.
Brody: Call me.
I dialed his number as soon as I pulled into my driveway. I hadn’t even gotten out of the car when he answered.
“What’s going on?”
I threw my messenger bag over my shoulder and walked into the house. “Someone saw us at the mall yesterday and word got back to Jaden. I can’t believe I was so stupid. He has friends everywhere. I should have known someone would see and tell him.”
“So, what, he’s going to babysit you every day to make sure you don’t talk to anyone?” Brody asked, his voice hard. “Willow, you can’t—”
“I know what you’re going to say and if it was any other person, I would break up with him, but it’s Jaden. He’ll make my life a living hell if I try to leave him. And he’ll do the same to you. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
“And he’s not making your life a living hell now?” Brody challenged. I didn’t answer. He was right. “I need to see you,” he said softly.
I took the stairs two at a time and hurried into my bedroom, clicking the lock closed behind me. “I can’t. He’s coming over for dinner. My mom and stepdad are wrapped around his little finger. They’ll never let me see you.” Blowing out a breath, I threw my stuff on the floor before I fell across my bed.
“Can you get away tonight? After your parents are in bed?”
“You mean sneak out?” I chewed on my bottom lip, running through the scenarios in my head. Once I went to bed, my mother never checked on me and since I had my own bathroom, there was no reason for me to leave my room. But my bedroom was on the second floor. Getting down the stairs and out the door would be a problem. If I ever got caught… “I can do that.”
“Don’t if you’ll get caught. My mom isn’t around, so I’m free to come and go. I don’t want you getting in trouble.”
“No, I’ll be fine. Can you meet me down the road around midnight? They should be in bed by then. Or is that too late?” I ran my hand up and down my thigh, waiting for his answer.
Actually, they’ll both be passed out by then, but that’s beside the point. They won’t know I’ve left the house.
“I need to see you. I don’t care what time. I’ll be there.”
I looked straight ahead through most of dinner. I spoke when spoken to. I smiled when I was supposed to. Answered questions, played the part of adoring girlfriend. All the while, I screamed, railed, and cursed inside. I was trapped, both physically and in my own head. I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to be sitting next to Jaden. I tried not to cringe when he touched me, and I had to force myself not to gag when he kissed me.
I kept looking at the clock. The hands moved so slow it was as if they were moving backward.
“Have somewhere to be?” Jaden asked, looking at me. I looked up at him and noticed he gripped his fork so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.
“No.” I shook my head and forced a smile. “I just have a ton of homework tonight. My history teacher assigned another report. Did yours give the same assignment?” I took a bite of dinner, forcing myself to keep eye contact with him and my expression neutral.
“Yeah, she did. It’s due Friday.”
“Mine too.”
“We should work on it together this week after school. I could pick you up after football practice tomorrow and Thursday. We can go to the library and knock it out.” He smiled like he knew he’d just one-upped me and taken away any chance I’d had at seeing Brody after school the evenings he had football practice.
“Oh, that sounds great, doesn’t it, Willow? You and Jaden haven’t been able to spend a lot of time together since football season started,” my mom said, looking between Jaden and me.
“Yes, that does sound great.” I kept my smile in place and my eyes never left Jaden’s.
Jaden didn’t leave until eight. My nerves were nearly frayed, and I’d chewed my fingernails to the quick.
I put my ear buds in and listened to music to distract myself as I cleaned the kitchen from dinner and bagged up the garbage, picturing Jaden’s face as I stuffed the garbage bag into the dirty garbage can outside.
“I’m done with my chores. I’m going upstairs.”
“Okay,” my mom said.
And then I waited. I heard my mom go to bed at ten-thirty. My stepdad stayed up. Eleven o’clock came and went, and he still hadn’t come upstairs. Eleven-thirty passed, and he still hadn’t gone to bed.
Adrenaline flooded my bloodstream, and my head began to pound. I paced my room, wringing my shaking hands, and trying to think of other ways to get out of the house.
Can I climb down from my window? Can I climb out of the bathroom window and into the tree next to the house? Is it too far to reach? Can I climb down the trellis or is that something that only works in movies?
And then I heard it and my heart started racing. The floorboards creaked outside my bedroom door as he walked by. I wanted to do a happy dance. I would’ve if I weren’t afraid he or my mom would hear. So I forced myself to sit on the edge of my bed and text Brody.
Me: I’ll be a few minutes late.
Brody: I’ll wait.
At midnight, I stuck my head in the hallway and looked toward their bedroom door. The light was off, and it was quiet. I slipped out my door, carefully avoiding the floorboards I knew creaked. I’d learned which were safe about a month after moving into the house. It was a skill that had come in handy more than once.