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All she cared about in that moment was Liam. He was all she’d cared about since he’d grabbed that beer from the bar.

They hadn’t stopped with that first drink, either. She’d gotten her shots of tequila, and Liam had been right there next to her, licking the salt and sucking the lime. But neither of them had gotten crazy; they’d paced themselves up to a nice little buzz.

And then somewhere around midnight he’d leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Do you want to get out of here?”

“You know a place we can get a burger? I’m starving.” Dinner had seemed like ages ago and she usually always got the munchies when she drank anyway.

He’d smiled as he grabbed her hand and led her out of the bar. They walked two blocks to a twenty-four-hour diner where they’d both not only gotten a burger and fries, but the best chocolate malt milk shakes she’d ever had in her life. They then sat there for three hours and talked.

When he asked questions that bled too far into the personal side—career, where she was from, why she was in Nashville—she’d just shake her head and he’d move on to something else.

She told him about her French bulldog Luna, named so because of the crescent moon shape on the dog’s chest. The spot was the only white on her otherwise entirely black body. He told her about his love for music. They discussed a whole lot of nothing really…yet, it didn’t feel like nothing.

Which was probably how she’d ended up going back to his house with him. She’d never gone back to some guy’s house that she’d just met. But when three o’clock rolled around—and they were both stone-cold sober—she hadn’t been ready for the night to end.

Hadn’t been ready to say good-bye.

And that was why she was currently pinned up against the wall with his chest—and other glorious body parts—pressing into hers.

“God you smell incredible. What is that?” he asked as he put his hands on either side of her head and leaned in, skimming his nose across her neck as he inhaled.


“Honey?” he asked, pulling back and raising his eyebrows.

“Honey-scented lotion.”

“It’s been driving me crazy all night.” He moved in closer, breathing her in again before he straightened and his eyes met hers. “I’m going to kiss you now. So if you have any problems with that, you should speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The wording of his statement was not lost on her, but she chose to ignore it. Tonight was all about the present. All about being in the moment with this man who clearly desired her. That was what she was choosing to focus on.

So did she have any problems with him kissing her? Why no, no she did not.

She ran her hands up the front of his shirt before she placed her palms flat on his chest. The handle of her clutch was looped around her wrist and it swayed to the side of them.

“No objections.” She shook her head. “I’ve been wondering what you were waiting for.”

He tilted his head to the side and gave her a wicked grin that had her imagining him doing other things with that mouth of his besides kissing.

He leaned in close, his mouth little more than a breath away before he veered off course and brought his lips to her ear. “I was waiting to get you alone, Harper. I knew the second I tasted you I’d want everything and I wouldn’t be able to stop until I got it all.”

Her breath hitched at his words and her hands fisted in the fabric of his shirt, holding him tight.

He grazed her earlobe with his teeth before he trailed kisses down her jaw, his scruff rasping against her skin before he covered her mouth with his. His tongue dipped in past her lips, and the second it touched hers she understood exactly what he’d said.

She wanted everything, too.

His hands were no longer on the wall; one was palming her breast, the other her ass. Considering Harper’s more than ample curves, he was getting two very nice handfuls. And if she had any doubts as to how much he wanted her, they were long gone as he shifted his body and his erection pressed into her thigh.

He pulled his mouth back from hers, breathing hard as he looked at her. “Damn. You taste like honey, too. So much better than I imagined.” He nipped at her bottom lip before he soothed it with a kiss. “Still no objections?”

“I’m objectionless.”

“Thank. God.” And just like that both of his hands were on her ass and he was picking her up in one swift move, her legs wrapping around his waist.

Now Harper wasn’t a tiny thing, not by any means. She was a healthy size ten with D breasts, and shapely hips with a butt to match. So it would be an understatement to say that she was impressed by the fact that he picked her up and carried her through the cabin like she was nothing. She would’ve said so, too, but her mouth was occupied with his tongue again.

She was vaguely aware of the fact that the light from the living room was fading as they moved down the unlit hallway. Her shoulder and back brushed against a half-open door and it gave way, moving back and allowing them entry as he pushed both of their bodies through it. She dropped her hand, letting her clutch fall to the floor where it made an audible thunk on the wood.

A moment later she was flat on her back, Liam firmly wedged between her thighs, her legs locked around his waist, and her ankles cupping his ass. His cock pressed into the apex of her thighs and she couldn’t help but move, rubbing herself against him and making him groan.

He pulled back from her mouth and looked down at her. A minimal amount of light from the living room was making its way into the bedroom, and his face was mostly in shadow, which was a damn shame. His slightly long and gloriously thick brown hair was hanging in his eyes. She reached up—she couldn’t stop herself—and brushed his hair back, running her fingers across his forehead before she traced his hairline.

She could just make out his grin as he reached up and grabbed her hand. He pulled it from his head and brought it to his mouth, pressing his lips to her wrist. He found her other hand on his shoulder and did the same thing, kissing that wrist, too, before he moved both of her hands up and above her head, pinning them to the bed.

“Drop your legs,” he whispered as he moved his hands down the length of her arms.

She obeyed without even thinking, and he grinned again before he buried his face in her neck, opening his mouth wide on her throat. He shifted down her body, his hands now making their way along her sides while his lips moved across to the center of her chest.

“Did you know that your breasts are magnificent?” he asked before he bit the top of her shirt and pulled it down, exposing more of her chest.

She didn’t get a chance to respond before he dipped his tongue between the very top of her cleavage. The only sound she made was a long low moan that filled the room.

Liam’s hands were now under the hem of her shirt, his magic fingers on her bare stomach tracing circles as he moved up. He lifted his mouth from her breasts as he pushed her shirt up and over her head, her still outstretched arms making it all the easier.

He threw it to the side before he looked down at her, and she could just make out his head shaking from side to side. “Well, this just won’t do. I can’t see you.”

He moved, sitting up and shifting to the side. Three clicks echoed in the room before a soft glow filled the space.

“That’s better,” he said as he settled back into his kneeling position between her legs.

He reached up and popped the top button on her jeans before he pulled the zipper down. And then he was shifting off the bed to stand, pulling her boots off and dropping them to the floor with two loud thuds. He grabbed the toes of her socks and they disappeared from her feet with simultaneous tugs. Then he was reaching up again, hooking his fingers in the top of her jeans and dragging them down her hips and legs. She shimmied, helping him in the process, and just like that she was down to her bra and panties.

Now Harper had long, long ago accepted the fact that she would never be a size two nor would the ever-coveted thigh gap be part of her anatomy. And that was perfectly okay with her. It had been a hard-won fight to get comfortable in her own skin.