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“And I you. Do you know that? Anything. In sickness and in health,” she said quietly prodding for him to open up to her. She didn’t understand why he wouldn’t tell her about his disease or that Katherine was the one he was apparently supposed to marry at one point. But for some reason, he wouldn’t open up about those two things. Jude felt like she knew him—knew everything that was important—and she would marry him based on that, despite his secrets.

His eyes began searching hers as if she was onto something. “Yes, in sickness and in health,” he repeated then turned away, taking her hand and starting for home.

“I’M WARNING YOU, as your husband, beautiful. I’m going to want all of you. I want all your secrets and your soul.”

She squirmed beneath him, forgiving him of his own sin of denying her his secrets, as he lowered himself. “Don’t you know, Hazel? You’ve had all of me all along.”

He kissed her just above where she really wanted him. Teasing her. “You’re getting demanding.” Kiss. “Is this how marriage is going to be?”

“I can’t help it. You created a monster.”

“You’re lucky I find you so delectable.”

She knew exactly how fortunate she was. “I am. I’m the luckiest girl in the—” She gasped when he kissed her exactly where she had wanted. “Oh God, Hazel. I’m so lucky.” The tips of her fingers dragged slowly up her body as she murmured, “Lucky. Lucky. Luck! E.”

Shortly after, the starburst whitened the insides of her lids, and she returned the favor. He was left helplessly at her mercy until his body was teetering on the edge of ecstasy and what felt like death. Jude got up and kissed his chest. “I want you, babe, inside me.”

He sat up. “You want me? You get me on my terms. On your hands and knees.”

Her body clenched in anticipation. Even though they have had passionate sex, even some rough, play that was fun, he had never made demands of her. But she liked it. She liked feeling wanted sexually. Positioning herself, she felt his warm palms glide over her back and bottom before she felt a gentle pressure. Her breath was pushed out as he pushed in, holding her steady by the hips.

“God, Jude. You feel…” His words trailed off as he picked up his pace.

It didn’t take long before he slowed down, out of breath, and reached around her leg. Touching her between the legs, she needed him to move. “Please, Hazel. Faster. Harder. Move. Please.”

He stilled completely and chuckled. “I thought you said you never want it quick?”

“That was before you started torturing me with pleasure like this. God, please. I’m so close.” She squeezed, tempting him into action.

“You are very bad, Jude. So bad, but feel so good.” He grabbed her shoulders, and said, “Hold on.”

Minutes of beautiful torture were shared until they collapsed together onto the mattress. He moved to her side and kissed her cheek, tasting her sweat. “It’s almost tomorrow.”

She turned to look at the clock. “It is.” She smiled. “Are we going first thing?”

“We are.”

“Then what?”

“Then we tell your family and get your stuff.”

Rolling onto her back, she moved against his arm with her arm resting over him. “Can I go back to school?”

Watching her face as she kept her eyes lowered from his, he asked, “You want to finish your degree?”

“I have two years, but I missed too many days to get credit for the other courses.”

“Yes, I think you should finish school. I think you should do everything you haven’t gotten to do.”

The silence engulfed her gulp and she kept her tears at bay. They were happy tears but she didn’t want to cry again, not right now. “I don’t spend much.”

Kissing her cheek again, he leaned back on the pillow and stretched his arm behind his head. “I can afford it if you do.”

“I don’t know anything about your financials.”

“If my financials concern you, we should talk about them.”

Tilting her head down, she said, “I can’t contribute. I’ve never had a job and I don’t have my degree yet.”

His fingers went to her chin and he lifted her up. “I have a solid job and a large stake in my family’s company. We don’t have to worry about money, Jude. You don’t have to worry. You can leave your family behind, everything, and we can replace it all. You’re twenty-two. I had friends who didn’t graduate until they were twenty-six because they partied so hard in college. You can start this summer or fall and finish up. Then you can do what you want.”

She smiled at the thought. “I used to want to be in publishing. I wanted to be an editor. But I might want to be a librarian now. I like the calm environment.” His body tensed under her hand. “Oh my God, are you hard?”

“The librarian fantasy is a very real thing.”

She burst out laughing. “Good to know. Maybe you can check out my books.”

He rolled on top of her. Pushing her hair back from her face so he could look at her, really look at her. “I’d rather place my books in your slot.”

Grinning bigger than the sun, she lifted up, and kissed him. “You are a dirty, dirty boy.” They rolled over and made love again.

Taylor woke up to sunshine staring in from the outside and Jude ironing inside. He rubbed his eyes, and with a groggy voice he asked, “What are you doing?”

She spread the skirt of the chartreuse dress out on the board the best she could and replied, “I want to look pretty.”

“You’re always pretty.”

“I want to look extra pretty.” She ran the iron over the dress a few more times. “I’m going to the store in a few minutes. I want to buy some makeup.”

“I don’t want you to wear makeup. You don’t need it.”

Her eyes met his sleepy ones. “I have dark circles.”

“So do I.”

“My lashes are lighter.”

He shook his head. “I have no idea about my lashes.”

“I have a pimple. I don’t want a pimple in our wedding photo.”

“Where? Where is this so-called pimple because I’m pretty sure I covered your entire body with my mouth at some point or another and didn’t see one… or lick one.”


He laughed and rolled onto his back, then yawned, closing his eyes and going back to sleep. When he woke up, he smelled food. Muffins to be precise. Lazily, he flipped the covers off and walked into the other room with a smile on his face. “Good morning.”

Jude turned around and presented a platter of muffins. “Good morning.”

“What kind of muffins did you bake?” he asked taking one, then taking a bite without waiting for a response.

“Blueberry. You had them in the fridge.”

“It’s really good. Thank you for making these.”

“My pleasure, soon-to-be-husband.” Her voice had an excited lilt to it, which made him smile again despite his mouth full of food. “The courthouse opens soon. I’m going to shower if you’re so inclined to join me.” She swaggered past him, naked, and so very tempting.

He shoved the rest of the muffin in his mouth and followed her.

An hour and a half later they stood in line with the number fifty-five in their hand. Jude was nervous and starting to take her anxiety out on Hazel. “You’re not allowed to take showers with me anymore.”

Teasing her, he tapped her nose. “Was I a water hog or a Jude hog?”

“Both. We lost an hour to your antics.”

“You didn’t mind those antics when we were in there.” His sexy arrogance was showing.

“That’s my point, Hazel. It’s like I have no self-control around you. Forget about saying no. I have no desire to turn you down, like ever. I could lose myself to you if I’m not careful.” She stated this as if it were of real concern.