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Chapter 11

He felt like shit. Not knowing what he could do about it, David settled down at his kitchen counter with a cup of coffee, a bottle of pain reliever, and his tablet and thought about what had transpired over the past forty-eight hours.

Since yesterday morning, he’d called Kate three times and left as many voice mails. He didn’t hear from her. In one of the messages, he damn near begged her to call him back and David never begged, but he was desperate. He should have ended everything cleanly with Chelsea, with everyone, before he took up with Kate, but he didn’t think it mattered that much. He was wrong.

Chelsea met him after the game last night and tried to get him to take her home, but he told her in the clearest way he could that they were finished, that they were not getting married, and that he would never marry her. He’d done everything he was supposed to do, according to Dating 101. He did it calmly, in a public place, and he took all the blame, even though he knew, after her most recent stunt, she was one obsessed bitch. It didn’t matter how he handled it. She freaked and made a scene. It took two security guards ten minutes to get her out of the arena and another fifteen minutes for him to calm down.

Had he really missed all the signals? Had he been that arrogant? Chelsea’s mission was to use her face and body to snag a wealthy husband. And not just any husband, but one who fit her profile. She’d let that piece of information slip, how David was perfect for her and how he was exactly what she always planned for in a husband. Planned for? In her eyes, they were all but married. She never even considered what he wanted. Chelsea sure didn’t fit into his ideal of a perfect mate. No matter what people thought, he wasn’t that shallow. No matter how beautiful a woman was, no matter how good in bed, if their hearts couldn’t find any common ground, there was no chance he’d want to be with her long term.

But that was what David would do—he’d find beautiful girls who’d do anything for him and then he moved on. He never treated women badly; in fact, he was known as charming and considerate. But when he was done, he was done.

No one ever held him accountable for his behavior. He went out with who he wanted and never thought about how it affected any of the women involved. Obviously Chelsea was a special kind of crazy, but he was sure there were other women he’d hurt or offended. Probably a lot of them.

Last night he was so pissed he wanted to hit something. Instead he got drunk. Jay and Cam got him home and poured him into his bed at three in the morning. Sleep was what he needed¸ but what he got were dreams. Erotic, sweaty dreams about Kate. He decided when he woke up he either had to try to see her or forget about her.

Normally, he’d check out all the local scores, but after last night, he didn’t want to read even one account of the game. The media had been all over his lack of production, now they would start slamming him about bad penalties and selfish play. Of course, they were right, as were his teammates and coach. He took them right out of the game the night before with his stupid play. He got called for a ‘delay of game’ and the Pens had capitalized. He couldn’t catch a break. Instead, he went directly to his e-mail and saw the usual crap from the team, but then his eyes fell on something from Annie Hemmings.

The link in the e-mail led him to a site for a local foundation, and when he read the blurb about their upcoming event, he wanted to give Annie the biggest hug ever.

Many of the city’s most prominent will be gathering to raise money for the Children’s Literacy Foundation of Greater Philadelphia. The foundation gets books into the hands of underprivileged children and helps support school library programs. One of the most notable in attendance will be bestselling author Katherine Adams, who has donated a percentage of the royalties from her latest book to the program.

A fancy fundraiser was the last thing David wanted to do with a rare Friday night off, but if it meant he could try to set things right with Kate, he was all for the effort.

He sat as his desk, picked up his cell, and called his agent. The secretary put him right through, which was the advantage to being one of the top clients, and he waited for Alan to pick up.

“Dave, how’s it goin’?”

“Hey, I need you to do something for me.”

“If it’s legal, anything.”

David wondered how he was going to ask for this. Alan would know immediately that something was up. “There’s this organization, locally in Philly, they’re doing good work with literacy in schools.” That was all true, now came the hard part. “They’re having a benefit next week and I’d like to show my support.”

Alan didn’t respond immediately, but when he did, he got to the point. “Why?”

“Why what?” David said.

“Literacy? You always do the kids’ charities, but usually it’s a sports thing.”

“What are you saying? I can’t support something academic?”

“No, you just aren’t known as an academic kind of guy. You ready to let the world see you have a first-class brain?”

David didn’t deliberately come across like a dumb jock in the press, but he didn’t like interviews. If reporters thought all he’d spit at them were clichés, they’d leave him alone.

“I want to go to the benefit.”

His agent groaned. “What’s the charity?”

“Ah… The Children’s Literacy Foundation of Greater Philadelphia,” David read from the screen. “I’ll e-mail you the website.”

“Okay. I’ll check into it and call you back in an hour or so.”

It didn’t take an hour.

“Dave, it’s Alan.” He paused. “I can get you into the cocktail party, but it’s going to cost you.”

David rolled his eyes. “How much?”

“Five grand.”

What?” David dropped the phone. “Are they fucking kidding? For watered down drinks and bad hors d’oeuvres?”

“They do a lot of fundraisers during the year. This one is the real society bash. University people, Main Line Philadelphia, politicians. Definitely not your scene. Very formal.”

“Shit,” he growled.

“Do you still want to go?

David thought about Kate and the way she looked at him with such contempt at the game, of how she pleaded with him to get out of her life when they stood alone in her classroom. After what had happened this past weekend, with the gossip about him and Chelsea, she’d probably tear him to shreds. He should stay away from her. That would definitely be the smart thing to do.

Screw it.

“Yeah, get me a ticket.” So much for being smart. “See if you can get the team’s community relations to put a spin on it and get the foundation a little more publicity, okay?”

Alan laughed. “You should give those society types an eyeful. I’ll make some calls and get back to you later.”

When he hung up, David grinned and then shook his head. This was the most desperate thing he’d ever done. He’d just been hosed for five thousand dollars to go to a cocktail party to impress a woman he had only seen a few times, a woman who was probably so pissed she wouldn’t give him the time of day. But after playing around for all these years, David was pretty sure Kate was the one. He had to make it right with her.

He had to at least try.


“You’re packing?”

It was Tuesday evening, eighteen hours before her flight was scheduled to leave, and Kate had walked out of her bathroom to find her daughter surveying the open suitcase on her bed. Closing a zipper bag full of toiletries, which she placed in a closed compartment of her bag, Kate thought carefully about what she was going to say when the questions started coming. This was going to end badly.

“Yes, I’m a little confused about what to take.” Kate turned her attention to the bathing suits she’d taken from the drawer. “Are you packed, honey? I’m dropping your things at your dad’s after I take you to school tomorrow.”