Garrett looked up into the compartment of her Blazer. She’d never seen it from this angle, the passenger’s side. "How’d you get the…"
Danni smiled graciously. "The Medics dropped me off when you were having your X-rays done. I figured that it was better then taking the bus."
The nurse’s eyes were hopeful. "Now let’s get you home."
The surgeon nodded her head. "Thanks. Guess you’re driving, huh?"
"I’d say so, at least for the next few days." Danni smiled. "I’ve got the written orders to prove that, too!" She held out the yellow discharge slip from the E.R. "All signed and sealed by Dr. Kreger and Dr. Porter. Besides, when I talked to Dr. McMurray about your injur…" she stopped short seeing the intense eyes of the surgeon, "ah…incapacity for the next several days, he suggested that I take some time off, too. You know, to relax a little. Now, get in before I have to have John help you in."
"I’m going...I’m going!" Garrett picked up her crutches and maneuvered her body into the seat of the Blazer. Once settled in she turned toward the driver’s seat waiting for Danni to climb in. "Home, James." The surgeon giggled. "You know, I always wanted to say that."
The petite nurse rolled her eyes and shook her head, then cautiously pulled out into traffic.
Danni was trying her best to be a good nurse to the injured surgeon. She had brought her breakfast in bed and helped her assemble her clothing for the day, even drawing her bath and having everything ready for it, all within Garrett’s reach. She’d even made the corner of the couch into a comfort zone for the beleaguered woman with the edition of extra pillows for her to rest and elevate her foot on, while the close proximity of several surgical journals that had just arrived in the mail completed the zone. She would check in on Garrett from time to time, asking if she needed anything or wanted something to eat or drink. By the end of the supper, the nurse could sense that the injured woman was in need of some space of her own. The pleasant smiles had, over the course of the day, dwindled to forced smiles and annoyed mumbling after she left the room. The surgeon had taken care of herself for so long that it felt too confining having someone look after her almost every need. Danni had to agree coddling was not the surgeon’s style.
It was with Garrett’s best interest at heart that she decided to let the surgeon have some time to herself. After all, they were together as the Flight Team day and night; she didn’t have to be with her in their down time too. Perhaps some time away from each other would let the surgeon feel more in control. Besides, this was the perfect time that Danni had been looking for to go talk to David face to face. And with that idea in mind, the petite woman would set her plan into action the next morning.
Danni rose early, getting herself ready for the day ahead. All night long she thought about what she would say to David. It was still on her mind as she began to make breakfast, a rather large one that would last the surgeon all day if necessary. She knew the eating habits of her friend if she was not around to reminder her to eat. Garrett would go without food before she’d think to make some.
The petite woman’s thoughts drifted to her tall friend. ‘What if Garrett doesn’t accept me in a more involved relationship? Could I live with that?’ The nurse flipped over the pancakes and sighed. ‘Danni…you know that you could live with anything as long as she stays in your life.’ She turned from the stove and was startled by the long lean figure that was staring at her. "Gar, I…I didn’t hear you come down the stairs."
"I’m getting better on these crutches than I’d like." The dark-haired woman motioned with her head toward the stove. "What are you making? It sure smells good." Her eyes were eager, like that of a child.
"Pancakes and sausage. I thought that I’d make you a good breakfast since I’m not going to be home for the rest of the day." She hesitated to see her friend’s reaction.
Garrett looked at her for a moment then let her eyes move downward to the floor. ‘I can’t blame her, I wouldn’t want to be around me either, especially now.’ The surgeon played with the handles of her crutches trying to console herself. "Going anywhere special?"
It was now or never, Danni knew what she had to do. "Yeah," she nodded, "I’m going to drop in on David, we’ve been playing phone tag just a little too much lately."
"Oh…." Garrett felt as if someone had just punched her in the stomach. ‘She’s got a life of her own, Gar. She’s a big girl and can do what she wants without you in tow.’ It was David again and for the life of her, the surgeon couldn’t fathom why she felt the way she did.
"You…you didn’t want to do anything special today, did you?" Danni had picked up on the shift in moods. "I just thought that you might like to have some time to yourself, maybe get some reading done."
"Yeah, I guess just because I’m the one that’s hurt, you should take advantage of the down time." Garrett nodded as she moved toward the seat at the kitchen table now. "You should go and have a good time. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine." ‘What am I saying?’ She sat down and thought about it. ‘Why am I giving her my blessing to be with David when the mere thought of them being close to each other sends a chill down my spine?’ Garrett stared at her plate as Danni placed the food on it.
"I don’t know how long I’ll be down there." The petite woman fixed her own plate and then sat down. "Will you be alright here alone?"
"What am I going to do but read and keep my leg elevated? You go ahead, I’ll be alright." Feeling the need to say something, the surgeon mumbled out her words. "Maybe I’ll give some time to planning a few activities for the Lone Survivor’s Group." Garrett started to cut her food into small bites. "When were you thinking of leaving?"
"I thought that I’d throw a few clothes into a bag and leave after I clean up the breakfast dishes." Danni took the food on her fork and chewed it until she swallowed it. "Hey, Gar! You told me before that you liked figuring out puzzles. Why don’t I give you my journal to read? Maybe you can make out what all those pieces of dreams are about."
The surgeon thought for a moment, she did make that offer several months ago. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It will keep my mind occupied for a while."
"Good, I’ll bring it down for you before I leave." The petite woman dug into her piled-high plate of food, now relieved that Garrett would have something to keep her busy while she went down to see David. ‘David, now that is still the question here. I wonder how he’s going to take it when I tell him that I have no feelings for him other than as a friend.’
The rest of their breakfast was spent in silence, each with their own agenda on their minds. Their eyes each taking turns to steal glances from one to the other. Once finished with the meal, the women set about their courses, each with thoughts and plans for the day to come. Danni pushed herself to finish the dishes, knowing that her resolve was quickly fading to leave the side of the surgeon. With great haste, she assembled her bag and came down the stairs to the living room. "Gar, I’m leaving now. Don’t expect me home ‘til late, or more likely tomorrow." The nurse knew that if she spent one more minute in the house that she would never leave it…leave her friend.