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Tom chuckled internally at the man’s eager response, almost expecting him to salute. “Try not to look too obvious, but see the pregnant lady in the blue dress behind me sitting at a table?”

Dennis looked past Tom’s shoulder and gawked at Maria, fooling no one who might be watching. “The one at ten o’clock?”

Tom took Dennis by the elbow and gently turned him around so he was no longer staring at Maria. “Yes, at ten o’clock.”

Dennis answered in a soldier’s cadence. “Ten four. I have her in sight.”

Boy, this fella’s into this. “She’s started contractions and I want to sneak her off to a hospital without alarming the press. Do you think you can help?”

“Yes, sir!” Dennis whispered, “So I don’t look conspicuous, I won’t point, but behind you where the restrooms are, is a Cast Members entrance door.”

Tom casually looked behind and noticed a restroom sign. Underneath was a wall that blocked the restroom entrances. “I see where you’re talking about.”

“If the two of you pretend you’re going to the restroom, when you’re behind the wall, you will be able to slip through the cast member entrance unseen.”

Tom turned back to the young man. “I like that idea.”

Dennis straightened his collar. “Thank you. We’ll take her to the Regional Medical Center that’s a few miles away. Be at the door in five minutes. Knock twice and I’ll be the one opening it.”

“Is that the back way out of here?”

“No, sir.” Dennis pointed to the gondola lift carrying colorful buckets filled with people that rose overhead for a journey across the park. “We’ll have to ride the Skyway. There’s access to the back lot at the drop-off point. I’ll have a car waiting.”

Tom looked up. He was concerned about the openness of the ride and Maria being seen. “Is there a more private way out of here? We’ll be recognized up there.”

“Hmmm, good point.” Dennis scratched his head through his greasy hair. His eyes boldly widened. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry, Commander, I’ve got you covered.” He looked down at his watch. “We should synchronize our watches.”

Struggling to contain himself, Tom kept a serious face as he played along with the sudden pseudo secret agent. Tom synchronized his watch with the man’s.

Dennis’s voice stayed intense. “Okay, I’ll be at the door in five minutes.”

Nodding, Tom answered with the same enthusiasm as his accomplice. “Roger that.”

Raising a hand, Dennis started counting down with his fingers, which Tom thought was hilarious. At the last finger Dennis whispered, “Commence operation, now.” Then he backed up slyly into the attraction, turned around, and pulled out his two-way radio as he walked away giving out orders.

Tom finally let out a suppressed laugh as he hustled back to the ladies. Viktor was at the table and noticed Tom approaching. The cosmonaut gave his wife a kiss before standing. He gave Tom a nod as he left. Dmitri sat over by Peter.

When Tom reached the table, it was clear Maria wasn’t doing well. Tom sat next to Anne. Speaking quietly so only she could hear, he explained the plan. Anne wisely pointed out it would look suspicious if he took Maria. They agreed Anne should escort her, meeting Tom at the restrooms. He reached for Maria’s hand, giving it a gentle pat. They stared momentarily into each other’s eyes. He sensed the worried woman was giving him her full trust. He wasn’t going to let her down.

Tom took a quick look at his watch. He murmured to Anne that it was time and took off.

Entering the blocked-off area to the restrooms, Tom saw the door Dennis spoke of, right next to the ladies’ entrance. To avoid the people coming and going, Tom stood over by the employee entrance, trying to give the impression he was waiting for someone. Within a couple of minutes, Anne and Maria entered the area. Tom quickly reached for the pregnant mother’s hand and said to his wife, “Thanks. I have it from here. I’ll see you at the hospital.”

Before going into the ladies’ room, Anne gave her husband a quick kiss and wished him luck.

Tom knocked hard twice on the Cast Members door. Dennis opened it instantly and signaled impatiently for them to hurry in.

Nudging Maria lightly, Tom helped the expectant mother enter. They followed closely behind Dennis as he guided them through a small maze of hallways, ending up in a room where a couple of cast members were taking off costumes. Dennis turned with a grin. “These costumes are going to be your ticket out of here.”

Tom couldn’t believe he was actually going to be a Disney character. Dennis handed Tom a Goofy costume while Maria got a Pluto one. Maria turned, questioning what she should do. Tom gestured they needed to put on the suits in order to get out of the park. Eventually, she seemed to grasp the idea, allowing the workers to dress her. Before they placed the Pluto costume’s big head over hers, she gave Tom a curious look. He just smiled and nodded, hoping to put the mother at ease. Once they were both dressed and ready to go, Tom couldn’t help being silly. He tried to imitate Goofy’s twang. “Gawrsh, Pluto, you look pregnant.”

Tom felt a hard tug on his arm. Since the costume head blocked all his peripheral vision, he found he had to turn around in order to see who wanted him. Dennis was vigorously shaking his head, a finger pressed against his lips. “Shhh, Goofy and Pluto do not talk—park rules.”

Tom flashed a thumbs up sign, showing that he understood.

Soon the two were escorted out the exit door, shuffled over to the boarding area of the Skyway ride. Screaming kids were trying to get Goofy’s and Pluto’s attention. Tom and Maria were pushed quickly through the crowd and onto a moving Skyway bucket. Tom was sorry he wasn’t able to acknowledge Goofy’s young fans. Dennis hopped in right behind them, just before the small door closed.

Once the bucket left the station, Tom gave a deep sigh that reverberated within his hollowed mask. It was now only a matter of time before Maria would be safely in the hospital. Unable to read her face and get a sign if she was okay, Tom patted her costume-covered hand consolingly. The big Pluto head didn’t budge. Because of the death grip she had on a handhold with her other hand, Tom wasn’t sure if she was experiencing another contraction or was simply made nervous by the swaying of the bucket. Regardless, he felt for the woman and gave her hand another reassuring pat.

Tom looked out toward the Flight to the Moon ride as they rose. The Soviet delegation appeared to be in disarray as Russian agents frantically searched around, probably looking for Maria. Tom caught Yakov, who seemed, oddly, to be staring in his direction. Tom was convinced the man had no idea he was the one in the Goofy outfit, so he waved at the commander. Yakov tilted his head slightly for a second before turning away.

Tom sat back, laughing.



A Soviet agent stood at rigid attention outside the hospital delivery room. Tom and Anne approached cautiously with Peter in tow. The family had been patiently waiting to see Maria and her newborn baby, even passing the time by having an early dinner in the cafeteria. Due to complications during delivery, Maria had to give birth by cesarean section.

Tom looked the agent in the eye. “We were told Maria can be seen now.”

The agent put his hand up for the family to halt. He stuck his head in the door. After a few moments of Russian voices coming out of the room, the agent swung the door open, motioning for the three to enter. Before Tom could lead his family in, Yakov came barging out, not saying a word. Tom felt obliged to recognize the commander and said hello. Without looking back as he walked away, Yakov raised his hand in acknowledgement and said under his breath, “Korolev live, I first on moon.”