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Zhvaniia, G. "V. I. Lenin i partiinaia organizatsiia Gruzii v period bor'by za sovetskuiu

vlast'" (V. I. Lenin and the Georgian party organization during the struggle for Soviet power). Zaria vostoka, April 21, 1961. Zinoviev, Aleksandr. Zheltyi dom (Yellow house). Lausanne, 1980.

Zinoviev, Grigorii. N. Lenin. Vladimir IVich UVianov (Lenin: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). Petrograd, 1917.

Zlatopol'skii, Zh. L. Obrazovanie i razvitie SSSR как soiuznogo gosudarstva (The formation

and development of the USSR as a state based on union). Moscow, 1954. Zorin, S. and N. Alekseev. Vremia ne zhdet. Nasha strana nakhoditsia na povorotnom punkte istorii (Time does not wait: Our country stands at a turning point in history). Frankfurt, 1970.

Zoshchenko, Mikhail. Izbrannoe (A selection). Ann Arbor, 1960.


Arkhiv samizdata (Samizdat archive). Belarus' (Belorussia).

Biulleten oppozitsii (Bulletin of the opposition).

Bolshevik (Bolshevik). Theoretical organ of the Central Committee of the Communist party.

Name changed to Kommunist in 1952. Byloe (The past). Communist International. Corriere delta sera.

Ekonomicheskaia gazeta (Economic gazette). Ekonomicheskaia zhizn (Economic life). Est et Ouest.

Ezhenedel'nik VChK (Cheka weekly). Le Figaro. Grani (Facets). L'internationale communiste. International Herald Tribune. Iskusstvo kino (Art of the cinema). Istoricheskie zapiski (Historical notes). Istoricheskii arkhiv (Historical archive). Istorik-marksist (Marxist historian). Izvestiia (News). Japan Times.

Kommunist (Communist). See Bolshevik.

Kommunisticheskii trud (Communist labor).

Kommunist Litvy (Communist of Lithuania).

Kommunist vooruzhennykh sil (Communist of the armed forces).

Komsomolskaia pravda (Komsomol truth).

Kontinent (Continent).

Krasnaia gazeta (Red gazette).

Krasnaia zvezda (Red star).

Krasnyi mech (Red sword). Kiev.

KuTtura i zhizn' (Culture and life).

Legkaia industriia (Light industry).

Leningradskaia pravda (Leningrad truth). Literaturnaia gazeta (Literary gazette). Literaturnoe nasledstvo (Literary heritage). London Evening News. Manchester Guardian. Molodaia gvardiia (Young guard). Le monde. Moskva (Moscow).

Nash sovremennik (Our contemporary).

Nauka i religiia (Science and religion).

Nedelia (The week).


New York Times.

Novaia zhixn (New life).

Novoe vremia (New times).

Novoe russkoe slovo (New Russian word).

Novye knigi (New books).

Novy grad (New town).

Novyi mir (New world).

Novyi zhurnal (New journal). New York.

Oktiabr (October).

Pamiaty (Memory).

Parizhskii vestnik (Paris herald).

Partiinaia zhizn (Party life).

Partiinoe stroitel'stvo (Party building).

Petrogradskaia pravda (Petrograd truth).

Planovoe khoziaistvo (Planned economy).

Pod znamerem marksizma (Under Marxism's banner).

Le point.

Posev (The sowing).

Poslednie novosti (Latest news). Paris.

Pravda (Truth).

Problemy ekonomiki (Problems of economics). Professionalnyi vestnik (Trade union herald). Proletarskaia kuTtura (Proletarian culture). Proletarskaia revoliutsiia (Proletarian revolution). Prometei (Prometheus).

Rabochii i teatr (The worker and the theater). Revoliutsiia i kul'tura (Revolution and culture). Revoliutsiia i voina (Revolution and war). Rulr (The helm). Paris. Russkaia mysl (Russian thought). Severnaia kommuna (Northern commune). Sobranie uzakonenii (Collected statutes). Sotsialisticheskaia zakonnost' (Socialist legality). Sotsialisticheskii vestnik (Socialist herald). Sovetskaia Rossiia (Soviet Russia). Sovetskii patriot (Soviet patriot). Soviet Jewish Affairs.

Soviet News. Soviet Studies. Suchasnist' (Present day). Survey.

Svod zakonov (Register of laws).

Teatr i dramcUurgiia (Theater and playwrighting).


Times. London. Trud (Labor).

Ukrainskii vysnik (Ukrainian herald). U.S. News and World Report.

Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR (News of the USSR Supreme Soviet). Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR (Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Vestnik RSKhD (Bulletin of the Russian Student Christian Movement). Paris and New York. Vestnik truda (Labor herald).

Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal (Military-historical journal).

Voina i revoliutsiia (War and revolution).

Volia Rossii (Russia's will).

Voprosy filosofii (Problems of philosophy).

Voprosy istorii (Problems of history).

Voprosy istorii KPSS (Problems of CPSU history).

Washington Post.

Za industrializatsiiu (For industrialization). Zaria vostoka (Dawn of the East). Zhurnalist (Journalist).