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Zhurnal Moskovskoi Patriarkhii (Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate). Znamia (Banner).

Znamia truda (Banner of labor). The Left SR newspaper.


Abakumov, Victor, 503, 523, 527 ABCs of Communism (Bukharin and

Preobrazhensky), 171 abortion, 285-86, 466-67 Adenauer, Konrad, 526 Adler, Victor, 162

Adventures of a Monkey (Zoshchenko), 488 Adzhubei, Aleksei, 599 Afghan Communist party, 692 Afghanistan, 251-52, 290, 649, 677 refugees from 720—21 Soviet invasion of, 692—95 Afinogenov, Aleksandr, 225—26, 264 Agabekov, G. S., 211, 223-24 Agafangel of Yaroslavl, Metropolitan,

137-38 agitprop, 487 agriculture, 468—75

under Brezhnev, 609, 610, 632 Bukharin's program for, 202 chemicalization program in, 552 under Chernenko, 726—27 during first postwar years, 471—75 under Khrushchev, 545—52 Khudenko's program for, 633—34 land area devoted to, 167 livestock production in, 472—73 mechanization of, 632—33 in pre-World War I years, 16 Stalin's impact on, 514

taxes on, 515—16

U.S. agriculture compared to, 632-33,

634, 647 virgin lands opened to, 545-47 during World War II, 377-78, 471 see also collective farms; collectivization; state farms agrobiology, 482-83 airplane production, 377 Akhmadulina, Bella, 585 Akhmatova, Anna, 197, 488, 614 Akimov, Nikolai, 589 Alash-Orda, 73-74 Albania, 425, 520 Albert Kahn and Company, 231 alcoholism, 168, 664 alcohol production, 168-70, 664 Aldanov, Mark, 34-35, 145 Alekseev, Mikhail, 27, 78, 85 Alekseev, N., 608 Aleksei, Prince, son of Peter I, 298 Alexander Nevsky (Eisenstein), 296-98, 364

Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 280

Alexander III, Tsar of Russia, 70

Algeria, 401

Aliev, Geidar, 704, 709

Alimov, G., 429

Allard, Helmut, 629, 650

Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 448

All-Russia Central Executive Committee, 171

All-Russia Conference of Factory

Delegates, 58 All-Russia Congress of Peasant Deputies, 44

All-Russia Congress of Soviets, 37, 57 All-Russia Constituent Assembly, 75 All-Russia Executive Committee of the Railroad Workers' Union (VIKZHEL), 45 All-Russia Famine Relief Committee, 117,

118, 121, 139 All-Russia Social Christian Union for the Liberation of the People (VSKhSON), 619-20

All-Russian Union of Engineers, 55 All-Russia Union of Schoolteachers, 61 All-Union Central Council of Trade

Unions, 57, 223, 284 Ail-Union Communist Party, see

Communist Party of the Soviet Union All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites, 285

Alter, Victor, 486

Amalrik, Andrei, 616-17, 654, 662, 663 Amanullah, King, 251, 252 American Communist party, 214 American Consolidated Company, 214—15 American Friends Service Committee, 120 American Relief Administration (ARA),

119-20, 121, 122, 135 Amin, Hafisulla, 693 Amnesty International, 663 Amundsen, Roald, 219 anarchists, 54 Anders, Wladyslaw, 403—4 Andersen, Hans Christian, 680 Andreev, Andrei, 499 Andreeva, Maria, 138 Andropov, Yuri, 10, 539, 542, 543, 695 Afghanistan and, 720 background of, 702—3 corruption fought by, 706—8 death of, 724 discipline under, 708—9 on dissidents, 662 economic policies of, 706 education reforms under, 715 as KGB head, 703-4 labor law passed under, 709—10 political prisoners under, 711 posts held by, 705—6 Soviet spies dispatched by, 722

Western views of, 704—5 Angola, 691

Anne, Empress of Russia, 10 Anokhin, Petr, 484 anthem, Soviet, 85, 687 anticommunism, 459, 504 anti-Semitism, 364, 486-87, 491, 561 dissidents and, 683 "doctors plot" and, 502—4 nationalism and, 670 in Ukraine, 501-2 Zionism and, 670—71 anti-Zionism, 670—71 Antonescou, Ton, 418 Antonov, Aleksandr, 102, 103-4, 105 Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir, 41, 43,

163, 184, 530 Apollo spaceship, 651 April Theses, 29-30 Arbeiterfront, 310 Arciszewski, Tomasz, 416 Arens, Colonel, 405 Aristotle, 608 Armenia, 75, 76, 667, 668 Sovietization of, 112—13 Turkish genocide against, 236 Armenian Communists, 112 Armenian Federation, 75 arms industry, 318—19 arms race:

first postwar stage of, 464 origins of, 459 art, 55-56, 284 Aseev, Nikolai, 158

Association of Russian Proletarian Writers

(RAPP), 269, 270, 271, 272 Associatipn of Soviet Jurists, 683 Astakhov, Georgy, 330, 331—32, 333,

334-35, 348 Ataturk, Kemal, 152 atomic bomb, 439-40, 464, 485-86,

568, 569 Attlee, Clement, 438 Aurora, 42—43 Austria, 209, 328, 562 Austrian Communist party, 355 Austro-Marxists, 253—54 Averbakh, Leopold, 272 Avtorkhanov, Abdurakhman, 618 Azef, Evno, 22 Azerbaijan, 73, 112, 151 Azerbaijan Communist party, 112 Azerbaijani Muslim Democratic party (Mussavat), 75, 76

Babaevsky, Semen, 488 Babakhan, Zia, 676 Babarin, 333

Babel, Isaac, 197, 200, 263, 272, 273,

304, 670 Bacho Sakao, 251-52 Baden, Max von, 51 Baeva, Tatyana, 627 Bagdassaryan, Zaven, 668 Bahr, Egon, 650 Bakaev, Ivan, 182 Bakshtein, Ilya, 585

Baku Congress of Peoples of the East, 125

Baku Worker, 209

Bakunin, Mikhail, 242

Balkans, 359-60, 412, 416-17

Baltic Federation, 586

Baltic states, 52, 90-91, 300, 331, 335,

337-38, 342, 470-71 Bandera, Stepan, 397, 456 bank credits, 648-49 Baptists, 492, 495, 590 Baral, 613

Barbarossa, Plan, 356, 359, 361

Barbusse, Henri, 250—51

Barmin, Aleksandr, 224, 252

Bashkirs, 73—74

Basmachi movement, 152

Basov, Aleksandr, 595

Bathhouse, The (Mayakovsky), 271

Batista у Zaldivar, Ruben Fulchensio, 573

Battle of Kursk, 402-3

Battle of Moscow, 383 -86

Battle of Stalingrad, 399-402

Bay of Pigs invasion, 573

Bazhanov, Boris, 223-24

Bazilli, Nikolai, 283

Bedny, Demyan, 203, 271, 293

Begdassaryan, Zaven, 668

Beilis, Mendel, 17-18

Belgium, 351

Belinkov, Arkady, 292, 681, 716 Belinsky, Vissarion, 196 Belmo (Osadchy), 622 Bely, Andrei, 70, 146, 194, 197 Belyaev, Lieutenant-General, 497 Benckendorff, Alexander, 9, 10, 196 BeneS, Edward, 521 Bennigsen, Alexandre, 676 Berdyaev, Nikolai, 50, 146, 618 Berg, Aksel, 615

Beria, Laurenty, 304, 308, 315, 376, 407, 440, 464, 507 arrest and trial of, 516, 523, 525, 527

in first post-Stalin triumvirate, 508,

513, 518-19 in non-Russian republics, 517—18 in Politburo rival groupings, 498—500, 506-7 Beritashvili, Ivan, 484 Berlin blockade, 459-60 Berlin crisis (1961), 564, 572 Bernstein, Eduard, 712 Beryozka stores, 645 Benin, Yan, 210, 278-79 Besamjon, Alain, 650 besprizorniki, 173 Bessarabia, 331, 342-43 Bessedovsky, Georgy, 224 Bessonov, Sergei, 327 Bettelheim, Bruno, 661 Bevin, Ernest, 438 Bezbozhnik и stanka, 175 Bezbozhnik, 175 Bicherakhov, Lazar, 392 Biography of J. V. Stalin, 511 biological weapons, 648 Biryukov, Dmitry, 484 Bishop, Maurice, 721, 722 Bismarck, Otto von, 364 Bitsenko, Anastasia, 51 Black Book of Censorship in the PPR, 679 black market, 377, 378, 379 Blagoveshchensky, Ivan, 432 blockade, Allied, 122, 213 Blok, Alexander, 45, 55, 56, 193-94, 196