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90, 92, 93, 112 Denmark, 209, 351 deportations:

of Crimean Tatars, 535 deaths during and after, 535—36 of "politically unreliable" elements, 469 unauthorized returns after, 533—35 during World War II, 379-82, 419, 444 Depression, Great, 257 detente:

definitions of, 630—31

failure of, 639

grain sales and, 647

Helsinki accords and, 641, 651—53

Sino-Soviet tensions and, 639—40 strategic materials sales under, 647—48 treaties facilitated by, 649—50 Western position on, 631 Deterding, Henri, 228 Dewey, John, 171 dictatorship of the proletariat: Lenin on, 46, 51, 62—63 parliamentarism vs., 62 whole peoples' state vs., 478 Did Ivan Ivanovich Ever Exist? (Khikmet), 579

Dill, John, 328 Dimitrov, Georgy, 418, 458 Dirksen, Herbert von, 323 dissident, 615 dissidents, 628-29 Afghanistan and, 721 under Andropov, 708 as bartering chips, 684 definitions of, 662 as emigr6s, 683—84 divorce, 170, 175, 285-86, 466-67 Djilas, Milovan, 607-8 Dmitrievsky, S., 238, 244, 245-46, 248-

249, 250, 275 Dnepropetrovsk mafia, 658 Dneprostroi project, 225 Dobrynin, Anatoly, 576 "doctors' plot," 502-4, 516-17, 524-25, 527

Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak), 243—44,

579-80, 680 Dolgoruky, Yuri, 10 Doll, The, 40 Dombrovsky, Yuri, 680 Dornberg, John, 605 Dostoevsky, Fedor, 146 Dovzhenko, Aleksandr, 275, 297 Drach, Ivan, 587 Draganov, 331, 332 Dragosh, Nikolai, 586 drama, 490

Dreiser, Theodore, 218 Dremlyuga, Vladimir, 627 druzhiny, 561, 712

DubЈek, Alexander, 623, 624, 625, 627 Dubinin, Nikolai, 484 Dudintsev, Vladimir, 579 Dudko, Dmitry, 663, 668-69, 675 Duma (Russian National Assembly): establishment of, 17 Progressive Bloc in, 21-22, 25 Provisional Committee formed by, 27

Duma (cont.)

Provisional Government created by, 28 representation in, 17 "responsible ministry" plan in, 25—26 Dumas, Alexandre, 680 Duranty, Walter, 256 Durnovo, Petr, 18 Dyadkin, I. G., 242 dynasties, 697—98

Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 37, 54, 66, 67, 77, 95, 139-40, 173, 313 as GPU chairman, 220 special committees led by, 203—4 as VSNKH chairman, 204 Dzyuba, Ivan, 621-22, 663

Eastern Europe, 414, 417, 532-33 Eastman, Max, 161, 258 Eberlein, Hugo, 123 Ebert, Friedrich, 275 Echo, 685

Economicheskaya zhizn, 213 Economic Problems of Socialism in the

USSR (Stalin), 485 economics, 491—92

Economic Transformation of Russia, The

(ТЬёгу), 15, 16 Economist (London), 705 economy, Soviet, see agriculture; Five Year

Plans; industry Eden, Anthony, 307-8, 322, 325-26, 363

Ediny Kust (Klyuchnikov), 145 education:

authorized culture in, 681 experimentation ended in, 263—64 ideology in, 657

levels of knowledge limited in, 218 Makarenko's theory of, 286 military training and, 713—15 1958 reforms in, 557-58 1984 reform law on, 725-26 after October revolution, 61 political, 677

in pre-World War I years, 16 revolutionary reorganization of, 171—72 for ruling class children, 697—98 sex segregation in, 468 Efimovsky, E. A., 144, 147 Efron, Sergei, 314 Egorov, Aleksandr, 324 Egorov, Professor, 503 Egypt, 564-65

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 140, 145, 489, 579

Eiduck, Aleksandr, 119 Eikhe, Robert, 531 Einsatzgruppen, 394-95, 408 Einstein, Albert, 273 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 417, 519, 563, 571

Eisenstein, Sergei, 197, 275, 296-97, 364

Ekonomist, 141 electrification, 222 Eliava, Shalva, 326 elites, 696-99 El Salvador, 721 embezzlement laws, 560 emigration policies, 681—85 emig^s, 176—81

changing landmarks trend among, 148—

149, 176, 180, 312 forced repatriation of, 451 during Great Terror, 311—15 Jews as, 682-83 NKVD and, 312-13 after October revolution, 143—45 organizations for, 178—79 periodicals published by, 685 "returners" among, 312, 314 during World War II, 397 Engels, Friedrich, 43, 51, 55, 266 enterprises, free, 320—21 enterprises, state:

director's role in, 259—60 second economy and, 634—35 Enukidze, Abel, 323 Enver Pasha, 152 Epishev, Aleksei, 713 Erlich, Henryk, 486 Ermachenko, Ivan, 397 Esenin, Sergei, 197, 200, 591 Esenin-Volpin, Alexander, 590, 591 Essays on Soviet Economics (Strumilin), 226

Estonia, 76, 122, 342 Eurasian movement, 149, 178-79, 180 Eurocommunism, 46 Evdokimov, Evgeny, 208 Evtushenko, Evgeny, 587, 640 exchange rates, 645 Exodus to the East, 178 Ezhov, Nikolai, 271, 302, 303-4, 306, 307, 308, 310, 315

Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 221

Facets of the Crystal (Dzyuba), 622

Fadeev, Aleksandr, 307, 487, 489, 490

Fainberg, Viktor, 627 families:

collective responsibility for members of, 261

first Soviet codes on, 170, 175 Makarenko on, 286 under 1936 code, 285-86 under 1944 code, 466-67 restoration of, 261 revolutionary morality and, 170—71 famines:

of 1921, 117-22, 136-37 of 1932-33, 238 of 1947-48, 455, 468-69 fascism, 324

Fear (Afinogenov), 225-26

February revolution, 27—28, 43, 55, 65

Fedin, Konstantin, 243, 579

Fedorovites, 237-38

Fedotov, Georgy, 312, 313-14

Fedotova, Evdokiya, 285

Fefer, Isaak, 502

fellow travellers, 194-95, 199

ferrous metallurgy industry, 317—18

Financial Times (London), 690

fine arts, 589

Finland, 71, 76, 84, 90-91, 359 in Soviet-Finnish war, 343—47 First All-Russia Muslim Congress, 73—74 First Circle, The (Solzhenitsyn), 588, 661 First Congress of Soviet Writers, 274—75 Fischer, Louis, 215-16, 244-45 Five Year Plan of 1929, 222-32 "consumer asceticism" in, 230 control figures for, 224—25 foreign assistance in, 231—32, 325 foreign policy during, 251—52 labor shortage in, 226 prison labor in, 230, 231, 264 privileges under, 262—63 Stalin and, 224-25, 239, 260-62 Five Year Plans: antireligion, 265 for chess, 265 Second, 282, 478 Third, 317-18 Fourth, 463, 464 Sixth, 552

Ninth, 641, 644, 646 Flerov, Georgy, 439-40 Florinsky, Michael, 637 Fofanova, Margarita, 37 Fomin, A., 576 food supplies:

1929 rationing of, 226 after October revolution, 59, 60—61 strikes and, 646—47 in World War I, 24 in World War II, 377 Ford, Henry, 214

foreign currencies, trafficking in, 634 foreign investments, 15—16 foreign policy, 209—16 as bi-level, 123-25, 209 guiding precepts for, 213 war scare of 1927 and, 215 see also specific countries For Lasting Peace, for People's Democracy,

504, 631 For Soviet Accounting, 267 For the Right Cause (Grossman), 588 Fortune, 637