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¥оисЬёу Joseph, 301-2, 703 Foundation Pit, The (Platonov), 243 France, 96, 122, 209, 215

in nonaggression pact talks, 325, 328— 337

in Russian civil war, 90, 91 Soviet nonaggression pact with, 252 in World War I, 18-19 in World War II, 351-52, 412 Francis, David, 39-40 Franco, Francisco, 311 Frederick II, 298 Frederick Wilhelm I, 298 Freedom of Speech, 584 free enterprises, 320—21 Free Interprofessional Association of

Workers (SMOT), 690 French Communist party, 504 Friche, Vladimir, 265 Friedrichson, 327

Friendship and Border treaty (1939), 341 Frinovsky, Mikhail, 236 From the Dictatorship of the Bureaucracy to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (Ronkin and Khakhaev), 586 Frunze, Mikhail, 103, 112, 190, 270

Gabay, Ilya, 582 Gagarin, Yuri, 557, 574 Galanskov, Yuri, 585, 616 Galich, Aleksandr, 681 Galilei, Galileo, 629 Gamarnik, Yan, 304 Gamsakhurdia, Zviad, 663 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 683 gas pipeline, 701

Gastev, Aleksei, 58, 217 Gelfand, Aleksandr, 322 General Congress of Nationally Minded

Russian Youth, 179 Geneva meeting of 1985, 728 Georgia, 113, 156 Georgian Communists, 152, 153 Georgian Social Democratic party, 75 German Communist Party (KPD), 123, 124, 211, 253, 254-55, 267-68, 310

German League for Human Rights, 273 German Red Cross, 120 Germany, Democratic Republic of (GDR), 134, 424 emigration from, 683 1953 uprising in, 521-22 Soviet missiles in, 718—19 Soviet troops in, 563—64 Germany, Federal Republic of (FRG), 627 1970 Soviet treaty with, 650 in Soviet construction projects, 701 U.S. missiles deployed in, 718 Germany, Imperiaclass="underline"

Bolshevik party and, 33—35 in Brest-Litovsk negotiations, 51—52 Lenin's relations with, 29 in World War I, 28, 82, 89 Germany, Nazi, 236, 252-54 armed forces of, 371—72 in Battle of Moscow, 383—86 in Battle of Stalingrad, 399-402 extermination policies of, 394—95 historiography in, 298 in Kursk offensive, 402—3 in Nazi-Soviet pact, 322-42, 348-50 Night of the Long Knives in, 324—25 Poland invaded by, 339-42, 349, 351 political doctrines of, 396—97 Potsdam conference decisions on, 438— 439

Russian Orthodox church and, 407—10 Soviet citizens deported by, 395 Soviet citizens in collaboration with, 427-38

in Soviet invasion preparations, 360—64 Soviet prisoners of, 389—90, 427—30 Soviet raw materials provided for, 353— 354

Soviet Union invaded by, 370—74 Soviet Union occupied by, 393-99, 412 SS guards in, 661 Stalin's policy toward, 309—10 surrender of, 426—27

in Volga offensive, 390—93 wartime casualties in, 373 Western Europe occupied by, 351, 355-56

Yalta conference decisions on, 423—24 Germany, Weimar Republic, 124—25, 180,

185, 210, 211-12, 252 Gero, Ezno, 540 Gide, Andri, 293 Gierek, Edward, 689 Ginzburg, Aleksandr, 585, 616, 622, 662 Ginzburg, Evgeniya, 589 Gladkov, Fedor, 226, 487 Glavlit, 191-92 Glazkov, Nikolai, 585 Gnedin, Evgeny, 310, 326 Goebbels, Joseph, 225, 266 GOELRO (State Commission for the Electrification of Russia), 222 Goering, Hermann, 326, 327, 332, 393— 394

Gogol, Nikolai, 159-60

Golikov, Filipp, 362, 391

Golos minuvshego, 141

Golovchenko, V., 713

Gomulka, Wladislaw, 527, 537-38, 539,

623-24, 683 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 723, 724, 728 Gorbanevskaya, Natalia, 627 Gorbatov, Boris, 489 Gorky, Maxim, 10, 32, 35, 39, 47, 48- 49, 53-54, 55, 117, 118, 146, 193, 194, 267, 286 in charge of culture, 274—76 on dekulakization, 236 on Lenin, 132

on Menshevik trials, 273—74 in Moscow, 272—73 on peasantry, 121 on SR trial, 140 Stalin and, 272, 274-75, 282 Gorky Institute of Literature, 580 Gorshkov, Sergei, 642 Gottwald, Clement, 521 government employees, 260 GPU (State Political Administration), 173 Cheka compared to, 220 emigration and, 149, 179 extraordinary commissions under, 203— 204

NKVD as replacement for, 280 SR trials organized by, 140 grain:

exports of, 24, 238

under first five year plan, 240, 241—42 in first postwar years, 472 imports of, 551, 646—47 monopoly on, 60, 61 1926 crisis in, 205, 206-7 procurement crises in, 201 requisitioning of, 99, 100—101, 114—

116, 117-18, 468 virgin lands for production of, 546—47 Great Britain, see Britain Great Life, A, 489 Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 120, 707 Great Terror, 279, 301-15, 355 under Beria, 319 concentration camps during, 319 emig^s during, 311—15 industrialization during, 316—18 new constitution and, 287 number of arrests in, 306 Great Terror, The (Conquest), 306 Grechko, Andrei A., 446, 642 Gredeskul, Nikolai, 144, 147 Greece, 209 Grenada, 721-22 Grigorenko, Petr, 437, 583, 590 Gromada, 73 Gromyko, Andrei:

in Cuban missile crisis, 575—76 on Czechoslovakia invasion, 629 family dynasty of, 698 Grossman, Vasily, 487, 588 Grotewohl, Otto, 448 Guchkov, Aleksandr, 25 Guderian, Heinz Wilhelm, 385 Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn),

276, 436, 654, 675 Gumilev, Nikolai, 139, 195 Gusev, Sergei, 182

Halifax, Lord, 333

Hamid, Abdul, 152

Hammarskjold, Dag, 572

Hammer, Armand, 214-15, 649, 728

Hammer, Julius, 214

Hanetsky, Yakov, 34

Hankey, Maurice, 97

Harriman, Averell, 630, 638

health care, 465, 665

Heydrich, Rein hart, 305

Helsinki accords (1975), 641, 651-53

Helsinki Watch Group, 663, 666

Henderson, Arthur, 332

Hencke, A., 327

Hess, Rudolf, 366 Hilger, Gustav, 310 Himmler, Heinrich, 285, 394, 433 historiography, Soviet:

ideological campaigns in, 490—91 of nationalities, 298—300 of Nazi-Soviet pact, 348-50 of October revolution, 38 of Petrograd demonstration, 32—33 Pokrovsky school of, 293, 295, 298 in school teachings, 172 in service to the state, 9—11 Stalin and, 266-67, 268-69, 292-300 Western historians and, 10 History of Soviet Foreign Policy, A, 577 History of the CPSU, Short Course (Stalin),

33, 37, 315 History of the Great Patriotic War Against Hitlerite Germany, 1941—45, The, 555

History of the Latvian SSR, 470 History of the Russian Revolution (Trotsky),

33-34, 41 History of the Ukraine (Hrushevsky), 71 History of the USSR, The, 15-16, 235 History of the USSR: The Epoch of

Socialism, 469-70 Hitler, Adolf, 232, 250, 253, 254, 275, 288, 298, 306-7 German generals' plot against, 419 KPD and, 267-68 on Marxism, 63

in Nazi-Soviet pact, 322-40, 348-50 religion under, 408, 409 Roehm murdered by, 278—79 in Soviet occupation, 394, 395, 397 Hoelz, Max, 210 Hohenlohe, Prince Ernst von, 51 Holy Synod of 1917, 136 homeland laws, 260—61 Hoover, Herbert, 119 Hope Against Hope (Mandelstam), 200 Hopkins, Harry, 637 Hough, Jerry, 705 housing, 226, 284, 477