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as communal dwellings, 477 Khrushchev era construction programs

for, 559 social status and, 696 during Stalin era, 477-78 Howard, Roy, 281 Hoxha, Enver, 425, 520 Hrushevsky, Mikhail, 71 Human Rights Committee, 628, 662-63

Hungary, 417, 418, 521, 522-23, 567, 703

1956 uprising in, 538—45 hydrogen bomb, 464, 505, 591-92

Icy March, 78-79 ideology, Soviet, 292 birth of, 31

as conditioning technique, 656—57 in culture, 678-79 enforcement of, 655—56 foundations of, 657 infantilization by, 657 literature and, 487-90 patriotism in, 486 as totalitarian, 655 Ignatiev, Semen, 500, 506, 516 Ignatov, Nikolai, 536 inakomyslyashchy, 615 India, 125, 413 indigenization, 299 Industrial party trial, 228-29 industry:

under Andropov, 710 in Baltic states, 470-71 continuous work week in, 224 enterprise management in, 259—60 in first postwar years, 463—64 in Five Year Plan of 1929, 231-32 forced labor in, 320 foreign capital in, 15—16, 700—701 after Japanese victory, 15 Liberman's proposals for, 610—11 military, 646 under NEP, 116 during 1930s, 316-17 NKVD in, 319-20 plan targets in, 465 profit principle in, 167—68 "storming" in, 320-21 technical revolution in, 556—57 Western technical aid for, 213—15 during World War I, 21 during World War II, 376-77 infant mortality, 664—65 inflation, 559-60 Ingush, 533—36

Institute of History, USSR Academy of

Sciences, 490—91 Institute of Red Professors, 265-66, 267 Institute of World Economy, USSR

Academy of Sciences, 491 institutional pluralism, 654—55


in changing landmarks trend, 143—51 counterrevolution charges against, 139— 143

as emigr6s, 143—45

Lenin and, 138—43, 151

in Moscow Committee conference of

1925, 197-99 after October revolution, 55—56 in Provisional Government, 32, 55 technical, 262 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 642

Internal Affairs, Ministry of, 525—26 International Brigades, 311 International Child Relief Association, 120 Internationale, the, 85, 687 International Organization for Aid to

Revolutionaries, 210 International Youth Festival (1957), 584 International Red Aid, 120 International Red Cross, 389-90, 404 In the Land of the NEP and the Cheka

(Cederholm), 134, 220 Ioffe, Abram, 439, 486 Iran, 380, 459, 691 Iraq, 366 iron curtain, 255 Iron Curtain, The, 489 iron production, 15, 225 Islam, 671, 676-77 Israel, 457, 564-65 Istrati, Panait, 258-59 Italian Communists, 252 Italy, 122, 209 Italy, Fascist, 252, 309

in World War II, 352, 403 Ivanov, Vsevolod, 197, 243 Ivanov, Yuri, 670 Ivan Kalita (Ivan I), 10 Ivan IV Vasilievich (Ivan the Terrible),

Tsar of Russia, 10, 290, 295, 659 Ivnev, Rurik, 55

Izvestia, 42, 139, 144, 148-49, 218,

236, 273, 427, 587, 599, 650, 693, 698

Jackson, Henry, 647

Jack Vosmerkin the American (Smirnov),

217 Japan:

atomic bombing of, 441 China at war with, 309 Kurile Islands dispute with, 719

Mongolian border clashes with, 327,

331, 337, 349-50, 360 Russia defeated by, 15 in Russian civil war, 90, 91 Soviet entry into war against, 426,

440-442 Soviet neutrality pact with, 440 Stalin's policy toward, 309, 310 in World War II, 352, 420, 426, 440- 442

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 689 Jerusalimsky, Arkady, 364 Jewish Antifascist Committee, 502 Jews, 68

in civil war, 153 emigration of, 682—84 under Nazi occupation, 394—95, 408 during Nazi-Soviet pact, 364 as scientists, 484 in Ukraine, 501-2 see also anti-Semitism Jews in the USSR, 673 John Paul II, Pope, 676 Johnson, Lyndon В., 629 Jonas, Bishop, 674 Joseph FouchA (Zweig), 302 Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry, 267

Journey Into the Whirlwind (Ginzburg), 589

Judaism Without Embellishment (Kichko), 670

June 22, 1941 (Nekrich), 581

Kadar, Janos, 540, 543, 544 Kaganovich, Lazar, 267, 273, 299, 303,

305, 376, 469, 530 KAL-007 passenger plane incident, 719— 720

Kaledin, Aleksei, 78 Kalenta, Romas, 667 Kalinin, Mikhail, 100, 105, 118, 206, 325

Kalita, Ivan, 10 Kalmyks, 396 Kalnish, Viktor, 586 Kalugin, Captain, 415—16 Kamenev, Lev, 22, 28-30, 37, 39, 45- 46, 65, 97, 119, 125, 128, 160, 163 trial of, 304

in United Opposition, 181, 183-86, 188, 190-91, 205, 207

Kamenev, Sergei S., 84, 87, 96, 103,

109, 113 Kaminsky, Bronislav, 428 Kamkov, Boris, 48, 70 Kampuchea, 717, 719 Kandelaki, David, 311, 326, 327 Kandyba, Ivan, 586 Kanegisser, Leonid, 65 Kania, Stanislaw, 689 Kantemir, Ali-Khan, 392 Kantorovich, Leonid, 611 Kapitonov, Ivan, 527 Kapitsa, Petr, 486, 556 Kaplan, Fanny, 65 Karbyshev, Dmitry, 435, 445 Karelian Autonomous Republic, 344, 346 Karelin, Vladimir, 48, 70 Karelo-Finnish Soviet Republic, 345—46 Karlovy Vary conference (1967), 636 Karmal, Babrak, 693 Karsavina, Tamara, 40 Kataev, Valentin, 579, 681 Katchenko, 496

Katerina Izmailova (Shostakovich), 292

Katyn forest massacre, 403—7

Kavburo, 112

Kayurov, V., 26

Kazakhs, 73, 74

Kazem-Bek, A. L., 179

Kedrov, Mikhail, 531

Kennan, George, 692

Kennedy, John F., 564, 572

in Cuban missile crisis, 575—77 Kennedy, Robert F., 574, 576, 577 Kerblay, Basile, 645

Kerensky, Aleksandr, 26, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 65 after fall of Provisional Government,

44, 45 as war minister, 32 KGB (State Security Committee), 492, 620 under Andropov, 703—4 authorized culture enforced by, 681 dissidents and, 663 establishment of, 524 Russian Orthodox church and, 675 youth groups and, 585 Khachaturian, Aram, 490 Khachaturov, Ту gran, 644 Khakhaev, Sergei, 586 Khalk, 693

Khan Nakhichevansky, 27 Khikmet, Nazym, 579, 589 Khlebnikov, Velemir, 197

Khmelnitsky, Bogdan, 300 Khorezm, People's Republic of, 111 Khozin, Mikhail, 387 khozraschet, 116 Khrennikov, Tikhon, 490 Khrushchev, Nikita, 238

agricultural policies of, 545—52 agrocities proposed by, 474 Beria and, 518, 523 Brezhnev and, 605-7, 609-10 on completion of communism, 712 in Cuban missile crisis, 573—78 egalitarian reforms under, 560 emigration under, 682 fall of, 597-602 on Finland, 346 foreign policy under, 562—65 on German invasion, 375 Hungarian uprising and, 538, 539,

541 42, 544 45 on Korean war, 460—61 legacy of, 600-602 new constitution ordered by, 685—86 on nuclear weapons testing, 591—92 party leadership opposition to, 553—56 Poland rebellion and, 537-38, 539 in Politburo rival groupings, 499, 501 posts held by, 659 prison camps under, 589, 590 repression under, 617—18 Sino-Soviet relations under, 570—71 social control under, 560—61 on Stalin, 301, 303, 307, 308, 502, 530-33

Stalin's death and, 506, 507-8 in struggle for power, 508, 512, 513, 527-29

at Twentieth Party Congress, 529—33 at Twenty-second Party Congress, 597— 598