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Lithuania, 51, 76, 122, 342, 357, 470, 622

alcoholism in, 664

Kalenta funeral demonstrations in, 667 Little Land, The (Brezhnev), 660 Litvinov, Maxim, 119, 309, 310, 323-24,

330, 502 Litvinov, Pavel, 616, 627 Liu Shao-chi, 541—42 Living Church, 138 Lloyd George, David, 91, 96-97, 113,

122, 123 Lloyd's Register, 306 Lockhart, Robert Bruce, 83-84 Lominadze, Besso, 210, 213, 245 Lomonsov, Mikhail, 485 Lopez, see Mercader, Ramon Louis, Victor, 640 Lozovsky, Solomon, 502 Ludwig, Emil, 259, 261, 296 Lukin, historian, 235 Lukin, M. F., 435 Lukyanenko, Lev, 586 lumber production, 319—20 Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 39, 43, 52-53,

191, 193-94, 198, 263 Lutsev, 354 Luxembourg, 351 Luxemburg, Rosa, 123, 133 Lvov, Georgy, 28 Lyapunov, Aleksandr, 141

Lyons, Eugene, 266 Lysenko, Trofim, 290, 482-84 Lysenkoism, 482-84

MacArthur, Douglas, 442 McCarthyism, 504

Machaiski, Jan Waclaw, see Volsky, A.

Machiavelli, Niccolo, 280

machine and tractor stations (MTSs), 240,

545, 546, 549 50 machine industry, 21 Macmillan, Harold, 572 Madonna of the Don, The, 675 Mahogany (Pilnyak), 270 Mai-Maevski, Vladimir, 87 Main Frontier Troops Administration

(GUPV), 362 Main Literature and Art Administration,

see Glavlit Mai sky, Ivan, 363, 500 Maistre, Joseph de, 147 Makarenko, Anton, 286 Makarov, Oleg, 673 Makhno, Nestor, 102, 103, 106-7 Maksimov, Vladimir, 680, 685 Malenkov, Georgy, 376, 474-75, 498- 500, 501, 507 Bohlen on, 637

in first post-Stalin triumvirate, 508, 512-14, 523, 527-28 Maleter, Pal, 540, 543, 544 Malevich, Kazimir, 196 Malinin, Mikhail, 543 Malinovsky, Rodion, 371, 388, 441 Malinovsky, Roman, 23 Malyshkin, Vasily, 432, 433, 434 management systems, 635—36 Mandelstam, Osip, 197, 200, 221, 275 Manevich, Lev, 361 Mann, Heinrich, 258 Manstein, Eric von, 400, 401 manufactured goods, shortages of, 230 Manuilsky, Dmitry, 280-81 Mao Tse-tung, 458, 460, 461, 512, 562, 566-70, 599 on atomic bomb, 568 cultural revolution under, 639 Maramzin, Vladimir, 685 Marchenko, Anatoly, 613 Marchlewski, Julian, 92-93, 95 Marchuk, Georgy, 699 Markizova, Gelya, 282 Markov, Georgy, 678

Marr, Nikolai, 485

marriage, 61, 170, 175, 285, 466-67 Marshall Plan, 457

Marx, Karl, 43, 51, 62, 130, 134, 188,

266, 288, 298 Marxism, 295, 296, 298 Hitler on, 63

Stalin and, 245, 249, 259, 265-66 Western, 289-90 Marxism and Problems of Linguistics

(Stalin), 485 Marxism and the Natural Sciences, 265 Masaryk, Tom&S, 521 Mashkov, Sergei, 586 Masked Ball, The, 55 Matsuoka, Iosuke, 360, 365 Matteotti, Giacomo, 252 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 55, 56, 200, 218,

225, 270, 271, 584 meat production, 548—49 Medunov, S. F., 707 Medvedev, Roy, 685 Medvedev, S., 209, 279 Medvedev, Zhores, 616 Mein Kampf (Hitler), 295, 323 Mekhlis, Lev, 387, 606 Mekhtiev, Boris, 497 Melnik, Andrii, 397 Melnikov, Leonid, 501 Mensheviks, 22, 23, 43, 45, 47, 75, 115, 134, 178, 205, 225, 273, 278 Georgian, 75, 76 1931 trial of, 229 Menshikov, Vladimir, 584 mental hospitals, 589—90 Mercader, Ramon (Lopez), 352 Merekalov, Aleksei, 330 Meretskov, Kirill, 345, 386, 441,444 Merkulov, Vsevolod, 407, 451 Metropol, 680

Metropolitan-Vickers, 231—32 Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 55, 197 Michael, King of Romania, 418 Mickiewicz, Adam, 92 Middle East, 457 Mikhailov, Nikolai, 527 Mikhoels, Solomon, 502 Michnik, Adam, 689 Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw, 415, 416 Mikoyan, Anastas, 135, 184, 203, 376, 530

in Novocherkassk strike, 595 military production:

Western allies' contributions to, 411—12

military production (cont.) during World War I, 21 during World War II, 400, 417 Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC),

40-41, 42 military spending:

as economic drain, 643 in pre-World War II period, 318, 347 in post-World War II period, 464 U.S. spending compared to, 642 military training, 713—16 Miller, Eugen^, 313 Milyukov, Pavel, 178 Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), 707 Mints, Isaac, 491 Mironov, Demyan, 218 Mironov, Filipp, 100-101 Mishin, Victor, 714, 716 missile production, 557 Mlynar, Zdenek, 640-41 Moch, Jules, 504 Moldavia, 343

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 234, 241, 242, 300, 305-6, 310, 323-24, 329, 330, 351, 499 in first post-Stalin triumvirate, 508,

513, 519, 528 as foreign affairs commissar, 330, 331, 332, 333-34, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341-42, 343, 421 during German invasion, 374 in meeting with Hitler, 357—59 in non-aggression pact talks, 329, 330, 331, 332, 335, 336, 338, 341-42, 350

on Poland invasion, 339, 340 monetary reforms, 127, 463, 559—60 Monstrov, К. I., 102

Moral and Class Norms of Bolshevism, The

(Preobrazhensky), 171 morality, 171, 175 Morishima, Michio, 732 Moroz, Valentyn, 622 Morozov, Pavlik, 286 Moskalenko, Kirill, 523 Moscow, Battle of, 383-86 Moscow Olympics (1980), 639 Moscow Soviet, 36 Moscow University, 491-92, 584 Muller, Hermann Joseph, 485 Munich agreement (1938), 328-29 Munzenberg, Willy, 210 Muradeli, Vano, 490 Museum of the Revolution, 280

Muslims, 73-75, 152, 154, 671, 672, 676-77

Mussolini, Benito, 252, 323, 403, 529 Myaskovsky, Nikolai, 490 Myasnikov, Gabriel, 165, 191 My Brother Aleksei s Journey to the Land of

Peasant Utopia (Chayanov), 229 My Testimony (Marchenko), 613 Mzhavanadze, Vasily, 635

Nabokov, Vladimir, 180-81, 314 Nagy, Imre, 522-23, 539, 540, 541-44,

567, 703 Nakanune, 176 Nansen Committee, 120 Napoleon I, 147 Nasreddinova, Zaituna, 635 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 564 national bolshevism, 148, 668 National Committee of the Northern

Caucasus, 392 national income, 699—700 nationalism, 295—96 anti-Semitism and, 670 authorized, 668 nationalist movements, 71—77 in Byelorussia, 72—73 centralization and, 152—53 muslims in, 73—75 of 1960s, 621 in postwar period, 490—91 repression of, 668—69 in Russia, 667—68 in Ukraine, 71-72, 621-22 Nationalists, 21 nationalities:

in Caucasus region, 75 population growth of, 671—72 Russian Empire policies on, 70 during World War II, 379-80 National Labor Alliance of Russian

Solidarists (NTS), 313, 435 national republics:

Great Terror in, 300—301 indigenization of, 299 purges in, 299—300 National Socialists, 232 National Union of Russian Youth, 313 Naujocks, Alfred, 305 navy, 642 —43 nazism, 288

Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact (1939), 322-42 collapse of, 357—60

common border created by, 347—48 historiography of, 348—50 Kandelaki initiative in, 326, 327 military cooperation under, 354—55 Poland invasion and, 339—42, 349 raw materials supplied under, 353—54 Near East, 332, 413 Neizvestny, Ernst, 589 Nekrasov, N., 585 Nekrasov, Viktor, 487 Nekrich, Aleksandr, 581 Nemchinov, Vasily, 611 neo-Slavophilism, 668 Nepmen, 127, 168, 176 Netherlands, 351 Neumann, Heinz, 210, 213, 253 Neurath, Conrad von, 327 Nevsky, Alexander, 296, 297 Nevsky, Vladimir, 36 New Church, 410