workers' movement in, 688—89 in World War I, 19, 51, 71, 90-91 as Yalta conference issue, 421—23 Polevoi, Boris, 487 Polikarp, Bishop, 409 Polish National Liberation Committee,
415, 416 Polish October, 621 Polish Resistance, 341 Polish-Soviet war of 1920, 92-98 Polish United Workers party (PUWP), 537 Politburo, Communist Party, 113, 143, 166, 169, 190, 223, 278-79 Czechoslovakia invasion and, 624, 625 1922 elections for, 158 Platform of the Forty-Six and, 163-64 re-establishment of, 607 replacement of, 500, 508 rival groupings in 498—501 political prisoners, 220 Political Prisoners in the USSR (Amnesty
International), 663 pollution, environmental, 466 Pomerantsev, Vladimir, 579 Pomoshch, 117 Pompidou, Georges, 629 Ponomarev, Boris, 691—92 poor peasants' committees, 68, 78 Popov, George, 69, 220, 255 Popovsky, Mark, 290 Po prostu, 584 popular militia, 374—75 population:
of Central Asia, 671-72 male/female imbalances in, 171 1918-1922 diminution of, 120 1939 census on, 316 1959 census on, 671-72 1970 census on, 671 in post-World War II period, 462 in pre-World War I years, 16 Stalin era decimation of, 511 poputchiki, 194 Pospelov, Petr, 529, 530 Postyshev, Pavel, 299-300 Potapov, Nikolai, 81 Potsdam conference (1945), 438-41 power, philosophy of, 63 Powers, Francis Gary, 571, 720 power supplies, 556 Prague Manifesto, 433-34 Prague Spring (1967-68), 621-29 Pravda, 28-30, 46, 64-65, 94, 105-6, 116, 119, 123, 125, 131-32, 137,
Pravada (cont.)
142, 145, 149, 150, 162, 166, 169, 175, 176, 182, 183, 193, 205, 209, 217, 221, 223, 229, 232, 236, 239- 240, 262, 266, 273, 279, 280, 281, 284, 285, 290, 292, 293, 295, 296, 304, 305, 337, 339, 352, 367, 437, 490, 519, 580, 582, 587, 611, 612, 615, 625-26, 643-44, 646, 656, 691, 700, 712 Pravo i zhizn, 141
Precocious Autobiography (Evtushenko), 587
Preobrazhensky, Eugeny, 162, 171, 188, 207
Presidium of the Central Committee, 500,
508, 541-42, 533, 554, 600 press, Soviet:
under Glavlit, 191-92 after October revolution, 63 press, Western, 256—57 Prezent, Isaak, 483 prices, 227, 476-77 standardized, 283 uniform state system for, 463 during World War II, 463 Primakov, Vitaly, 251, 304 prisons, prison camps, 306 alcoholism and, 664 categories of prisoners in, 492 under Chernenko, 727 collectivization arrests and, 241 concentration camps, 66, 80, 81, 316, 319
conditions in, 493-94 development of, 264 Kengir uprising and, 519—20 labor in, 230 list of, 493 in 1970s, 665-66 political prisoners in, 589—90 postwar population of, 493—95, 509 rebellions in, 495-97, 519-20, 525 rehabilitation and, 525-26 during Soviet retreat, 393 special regime, 494—95 tsarist vs. Soviet, 219-20 war prisoners in, 492 during World War II, 381-83 private enterprise, 168 private trade, 59—60 Problems of History, 579 Problems of Philosophy, 485
Problems of the Development of the USSR
(Trotsky), 247 prodnalog, 114—15 prodrazverstka, 60, 114 production, workers' control of, 56—57 Profintern, 138
Progress, Peaceful Coexistence, and
Intellectual Freedom (Sakharov), 627 Progressive Bloc, 21-22, 25 Progressives, 21, 22 Prokofiev, Mikhail, 715 Prokofiev, Sergei, 490 proletarian internationalism, 698-99 Proletarian Music, 267 Proletarskaya revolyutsia, 266, 267, 268 Proletkult, 192-93
Provisional Government, 28, 30, 31—32, 33-34, 35-36, 38, 77, 89 collapse of, 39—43 Constituent Assembly and, 47 Krasnov's defense of, 44—45 nationalities policies of, 70-71, 72, 74-75
Provisional Polish Revolutionary Committee (Poirevkom), 95 Pskovsky party, 673 public opinion, Western, 255-58 publishing houses, 140-41 Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 275 Pugachev, Emelyan, 98, 103 purges:
under Brezhnev, 658, 660 in Eastern Europe, 532—33 of 1929, 223, 510 in Ukraine, 605—6 Pushkin, Aleksandr, 173, 711 Putna, Vitovt, 304-5 Puzitsky, S. V., 313 Pyatakov, Yuri, 72, 77, 160, 161, 181, 289
Queen Margot (Dumas), 680
Rabochaya gazeta, 42 Rabochaya revolyutsiya, 57 racial tensions, 536
Radek, Karl, 94, 124, 125, 127-28, 131,
232-33, 254, 263, 310, 325, 328 Radio Free Kabul, 721 Rado, Alexander, 361 Raeder, Admiral Erich, 354, 355 railroads, 15
Rajk, Laszlo, 538
Rakosi, Maty as, 124, 210, 522-23, 538 Rakovsky, Cristian, 119, 157, 215 Ramzin, Leonid, 228 Rapallo treaty of 1922, 124, 209, 211, 252
Rapoport, Joseph, 484 Rasputin, Grigory, 18, 20-21, 28, 483 Ratushinskaya, Irina, 708 Razin, Stepan, 98 Reagan, Ronald, 695, 727 Rebet, Lev, 456 Rebirth, The (Brezhnev), 660 Recollections of Lenin (Zetkin), 170-71 Red Army, 66, 68, 79, 81-82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 91, 108 in Battle of Stalingrad, 399-402 in Bukhara, 111-12 in Caucasus, 112—13 in China, 251 in collectivization, 236—37 Europe occupied by, 416—19 foreign armaments for, 215 funds raised for, 378-79 in German invasion, 372 German military training for, 211 during Great Terror, 304-5, 311 Jews in, 486-87 in Kursk offensive, 402-3 in Leningrad blockade breakthrough
attempts, 386, 414-15 in Manchuria, 441-42 military titles in, 284 under Nazi-Soviet pact, 323 party members in, 478, 480-81 peasant rebellions and, 102, 103 in Poland, 92-96
Poland invaded by, 340, 341, 342, 351 post-World War II demobilization of, 464
pre-World War II preparedness of, 346—
347, 350-51, 367-69 rebellion in, 101 security agencies and, 480-81 on Southwestern Front, 388, 414-15 in Soviet-Finnish war, 344-47 in Vistula-Oder operation, 426-27 in Volga offensive, 390-93 World War II casualties in, 373, 388- 389
Red Book of the Cheka, 68, 80 Red Cavalry (Babel), 263 Red Guards, 79
in October revolution, 41, 42, 43, 44- 45, 46
Petrograd demonstration fired on by, 48-49 Red Star, 246
Red Trade Union International, see
Profintern Red Virgin Soil, 199 Reed, John, 40, 162 rehabilitation commissions, 526 Reikhman, Leonid, 407 Reiss, Ignace, 314 Reissner, Larissa, 55 Remmele, 253 Rendel, Leonid, 584 Renenkampf, General, 79 reparations, war, 424 Republican-Democratic Alliance, 178 research institutes, 225 Respublika, 108 Retour de VURSS (Gide), 293 Revolutionary Military Council, 86 Rhee, Syngman, 460 Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 333, 335—36, 337, 338, 339, 341, 357-58, 363- 364
Riga peace treaty, 97 right deviations, 222-23 rites and holidays, 677 Rodionov, Nikolai, 499 Rodzaevsky, Konstantin, 314-15 Rodzyanko, Mikhail, 25-26 Roehm, Ernst, 278-79 Rokossovsky, Konstanin, 537, 538 Rokotov, 560
Romania, 329, 330-31, 342-43, 357, 358, 359, 363, 417, 418, 520-21 Romanov, Grand Duke Mikhail, 165 Romsha, Bishop, 455 Ronkin, Valery, 586 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 309, 413, 414, 416-17, 419, 438 at Yalta conference, 419—26 Rosenberg, Alfred, 394 Rosengolts, Arkady, 308 Rozanov, Vasily, 255 Rozanova, Maria, 685 Rude pravo, 719 Rudenko, Roman, 530 Rudzutak, Ian, 531 Rusk, Dean, 458 Russian army: