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decomposition of, 28, 46

Russian army (cont.)

in February 1917 demonstrations, 27 First Machine Gun Regiment of, 32 in World War I, 18-20 Russian Association of Proletarian Writers

(RAPP), 199, 296 Russian Communist Party, 112, 153 Russian Fascist Party, 314 Russian Liberation Army (ROA), 431,

434, 435-37 Russian National Committee, 432—33 Russian National Liberation Army

(RONA), 428 Russian Orthodox church, 175—76, 407—

410, 590-91, 673, 674-75 Russian people, 75 birthrate of, 671, 672 in key government posts, 669—70 nationalism among, 667-68, 669 during World War II, 380-81 Russian Physics and Chemistry Society, 139

Russian Republic (RSFSR), 113, 151, 155

Russian Social Democratic Labor party

(RSDLP), 23, 62 Russian Union of All Military Men

(ROVS), 313 Russification, 70, 517-18, 621-22, 667- 668

Ryabushinsky, Pavel, 228 Ryazanov, Professor, 228 Rykov, Aleksei, 43, 46, 129, 191, 206, 223

Ryumin, M. D., 523, 527 Ryutin, Mikhail, 246

Sablin, Yuri, 70 Saburov, Maxim, 552 Sacco, Nicola, 210

Sakharov, Andrei, 591-92, 653-54, 731 convergence concept promoted by, 627— 628

in dissident movement, 662—63, 684— 685

as liberal opposition personified, 616 on Soviet weapons expansion, 642 on totalitarianism, 655 Sakharov, Colonel M., 429 Sakulin, Pavel, 198 SALT I treaty (1973), 636-37 SALT II treaty (1979), 636-37 Saltykov-Schedrin, Mikhail, 167 samizdat, 205, 614, 627, 628

Sapronov, Timofei, 279 satellite states, 456, 457-58 Save the Children League, 173 Savinkov, Boris, 675 Savitsky, Petr, 178 Scali, John, 576

Schacht, Hjalmar, 311, 326, 327 Schiff-45, 355 Schiller, Friedrich, 433 Schnurre, Julius, 333, 366 Schomler, Joseph, 496 Schorner, Ferdinand, 436 Schrodinger, Erwin, 484 Schulenburg, Verner von, 331—37, 363 Schweitzer, Albert, 591 sciences, 265, 290-91, 440 under Khrushchev, 556—57 Lysenkoism in, 482 -84 physics, 485-86 religion and, 673 state subsidies for, 556—57 Western science and, 484-85, 648 Second Congress of Soviets, 44 Second Congress of the RSDLP: Report of the Siberian Delegation, The (Trotsky), 63 second economy, 634—35 Second Shock Army, 386-87, 430 Secretariat, Communist party, 164 Section for the Maintenance of State Security and Public Order in the Capital, 24 Sedov, Lev, 352 Selkhoztekhnika, 550 Selvinsky, Ilya, 218 Semashko, Nikolai, 141 Semenov, Nikolai, 484 Serapion Brothers, 195 Serafimovich, Aleksandr, 487 Seraphim, Metropolitan, 408 Sergeev, Andrei, 94

Sergii, Metropolitan, 175, 176, 408, 409 Sergii Voskresensky, Metropolitan, 409 Serov, Ivan, 342, 524, 544 Setter, David, 690 Sevastopol, 108 Shabad, Theodore, 639 Shaginyan, Marietta, 678-79 Shakhmatov, A. A., 141 Shakhty trial, 208, 211-12, 217, 223, 228

Shakhurin, Aleksei, 500 Shalamov, Varlam, 589 Shaposhnikov, Boris, 349

Shapovalov, Mikhail, 428

sharashka, 264

Shatskin, Lazar, 245

Shaumyan, Stepan, 87

Shavyrin, Boris, 318-19

Shaw, Bernard, 257, 282

Shcerbina, Vladimir, 489

Shcerbitsky, Vladimir, 621

Shcheptitsky, Metropolitan, 455

Shcherbakov, Aleksandr, 275

Shchors, Nikolai, 307

Shelepin, Aleksandr, 524, 585, 604-5

Shelest, Petr, 669

Shepilov, Dmitri, 564

Shestakov, Aleksandr, 300

Shevarnadze, Edward, 644

Shevchenko, Taras, 587

Shevtsov, Sergei, 670

Shipler, David, 697

Shklovsky, Viktor, 194, 274, 290

Shlyapnikov, Aleksandr, 25, 26, 27, 31 —

32, 35, 43, 134, 209 Shmalgauzen, Ivan, 484 shock brigades, 505—6 shockworkers, 225, 227, 285 Sholokhov, Mikhail, 218, 618 Short Course in the History of the USSR, A

(Shestakov), 300 Short Course on the History of the Soviet

Communist Party, 511 Short Political Dictionary, 630—31 Shostakovich, Dmitry, 488 Shtern, Grigory, 344, 346-47 Shtern, Lina, 484

Shuisky, Vasily, Tsar of Russia, 659 Shukhevich, Roman, 453 Shulgin, Vasily, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26-27, 147

Shulgin, V., 172 Shults, Fedor, 582 Shultz, George, 728 Shvernik, Nikolai, 612 Siberia, 102, 103 Siberian Government, 83-84 Sikorski, Vladislav, 404 Silence (Bondarev), 587 Simonov, Konstantin, 487, 503, 579 Sino-Soviet split, 565—70 Sinyavsky, Andrei, 612-16, 618-19, 680 Sivers, Rudolf, 78, 79 Six Day War (1967), 670 Sketches of the Russian Turmoil (Denikin), 84

Skirdo, M., 643

Sklyansky, Efraim, 104

Skrypnik, Nikolai, 150-54, 299-300

Skuratov, Malyuta, 10

Skutarevsky(Leonov), 286

Slashchov, Yakov, 87

Slavyanskaya zarya, 144

Slipoy, Metropolitan, 455

Slonimski, Antoni, 307

Slovakia, 329, 359, 418

Slovaks, 79

Slutsky, A., 266

Small Soviet Encyclopedia, 52, 120, 172, 296, 300

Small Soviet Political Dictionary, 662, 691

Smena vekh, 143

SMERSH, 391, 481

Smirnov, Lev, 675, 683

Smirnov, Nikolai, 217

Smirnov, Sergei S., 579, 580

Smirnov, Sergei V., 675

Smolensk GPU, 135-36

Smolny Institute, 41

Smrkovsky, Joseph, 624

smychka, 135, 167

Snegov, Aleksei, 581

social Christians, 619

social classes:

food rations based on, 64—65 under NEP, 127 school teachings on, 172 Social Democrats, 22, 31, 178, 252-53, 254

social estates, 64, 68 socialist realism, 274 Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), 22, 47, 48, 52, 58, 68-69, 74, 75, 80, 140, 178, 509 social memory, 9, 10, 172-73, 292 social sciences, 485 Society of Former Hard Labor Convicts, 280

Society of Old Bolsheviks, 280 Sofronov, Anatoly, 490 Sokolnikov, Grigory, 162 Solidarity, 688-89 Sologub, Nikolai, 94 Solts, Aron, 132, 169-70 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 11, 287, 306, 307, 319, 511, 588, 591, 595, 604- 605, 613, 661 on censorship, 620 as Christian ideology symbol, 616 democratic system criticized by, 684 deportation of, 683

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (cont.) on detente, 651—52 in dissident movement, 662, 663 on ideology, 655, 656, 657 on Sakharov phenomenon, 628 see also specific works Sorge, Richard, 361 Sosnovsky, Lev, 194, 217 Sotsialistichesky vestnik, 178, 278 Souvarine, Boris, 161, 162-63, 164, 191, 248, 263, 272, 302, 304 on origins of Soviet state, 661 on Stalin-Hitler pact, 309-10 Soviet Communism: A New Civilization?