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of bribe takers, 708 of dissidents, 663 of Fedorovites, 237-38 of Jewish hijackers, 682 of Mensheviks, 273—74 of 1966-1967 protesters, 615-16 of post-Stalin era, 614 "second economy" revealed in, 634—35 of wreckers, 228-30, 231-32 Tripartite Pact (1940), 352, 356, 357,

358, 359 Trofimov, Victor, 584 Trotsky, Leon, 17, 35, 51, 65, 194, 225, 264, 267, 271 in Bolshevik party leadership, 36, 37 in Brest-Litovsk negotiations, 51, 52 on bureaucratic caste, 607 on Changing Landmarks, 149 on China policy, 212 coalition government rejected by, 45, 46

on Communist party, 129, 130 concentration camp proposal by, 66 as foreign affairs commissar, 43 on history revisions, 292—93 Kronstadt rebellion and, 108, 109, 110 labor armies advocated by, 116

Lenin and, 160-62, 163

murder of, 352

nazism and, 253, 254

in October revolution, 38, 39, 40, 42

on permanent revolution, 185—86

as Petrograd Soviet president, 36

Platform of the Forty-Six and, 163-64

tax in kind suggested by, 115

in United Opposition, 181, 183, 184,

185, 188, 190, 204-5, 207, 216 as war commissar, 80-82, 83, 84, 87,

89, 94, 95-96, 117-18, 129 on World War I, 51, 52 see also specific works Trotskyists, 185-86, 246-47, 279 Trudovik party, 26 Trukhin, Fedor, 432 Truman, Harry S., 309, 459, 462

at Potsdam conference, 438, 439, 440— 441

Truman Doctrine, 457

Tsereteli, Trakly, 32

Tsvetaeva, marina, 180, 197, 314

Tsvigun, Semen, 707

Tucker, Robert C., 245, 266-67

Tukhachevsky, Mikhail, 94, 95-96, 103,

105, 109, 304, 305, 323 Turaev, Boris, 141 Turkestan, 70, 74 Turkestan-Siberia Railway, 230 Turkey, 76, 112, 125, 152, 358-59, 360,

410, 459 Tvardovsky, Aleksandr, 587 Tverdokhlebov, Andrei, 628, 662, 663

Uborevich, Jeromin, 304 Uchraspred, 164 Uglanov, Nikolai, 223, 246 Ukraine, 52, 71, 86, 101, 518 anti-Semitism in, 501—2 Central Rada of, 71-72 collectivization in, 234 cultural treasures destroyed in, 586—87 famine of 1947 in, 468-69 indigenization in, 299—300 1938 purge in, 605-6 1965 arrests in, 621-22 in Polish-Soviet war, 92, 93, 94, 98 Prague Spring and, 624—25 RSFSR treaty with, 151 Russification in, 667 wartime insurrectional movements in, 453-55 Ukrainian church, 408

Ukrainian Communists, 94, 152, 153 Ukrainian Council of People's Commissars, 119

Ukrainian Herald, 622

Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), 453—55

Ukrainian nationalists, 397

Ukrainian Workers' and Peasants' Union,

585-86 Ulam, Adam, 563, 573 Ulbricht, Walter, 522 Ulyanova, Maria, 39 Unamuno, Miguel de, 50 unemployment, 168, 202 Uniate church, 453, 455 Unified National party, 667 unified political days, 677 Unified State Political Administration

(OGPU), 140 Union for Repatriation, 314 Union for the Salvation of the Homeland

and the Revolution, 45 Union of Activists in the Arts, 191 Union of October 17, see Octobrists Union of Patriots of Russia, 584 Union of Polish Patriots, 404 Union of the Russian People, 24 Union of Towns, 22 Union of Zemstvos, 22 United Nations, 420-21, 440-41, 461- 462

Afghanistan invasion and, 695 Hungarian revolution and, 542, 543— S44


Khrushchev at, 572 Zionism resolution passed by, 671 United Opposition, 181-82, 188, 190-

191, 204-7 United Revolutionary Organizations (ORI),

573, 574 United States:

Afghanistan invasion and, 692—95 anticommunism in, 459 bank credits for USSR from, 648-49 in Cuban missile crisis, 573—78 exports to USSR from, 637 in Geneva meeting of 1985, 728 grain sales to USSR by, 646—47 Marshall Plan and, 457 military spending in, 642 1953 USSR proposal to, 519 prison population of, 666 public opinion on USSR in, 637 in Russian civil war, 89—90, 91 in SALT treaties, 636—37

Sino-Soviet relations and, 640—41 as Soviet ally, 411

Soviet famine relief from, 118, 119-20 Soviet wartime relations with, 353,

411-12, 413 technical agreements with firms in, 212 in Vietnam war, 694 in World War II, 401 Urals Regional Government, 83 Urartu, 10, 300 uravnilovka, 227 Uritsky, Mikhail, 65 Urlanis, Boris, 120, 242 USSR Academy of Sciences, 265, 291,

484-85, 558 Ustinov, Dmitry, 713, 714 Ustryalov, Nikolai, 147, 150, 189, 205 U-2 spy plane incident, 571, 577, 720

Valentinov, N. (Volsky), 202, 204

Vannikov, Boris, 318

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 210

Vardin, Ilya, 199

Varga, Evgeny, 491-92

Vassilevsky, Aleksandr, 388, 441, 442, ллл

w r W

Vatsetis, Joachim, 69, 86, 87, 88

Vatutin, Nikola, 391

Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 482

Vavilov, Sergei, 484

Veche, 667, 669

Veniamin, Metropolitan, 137

Ventsel, Konstantin, 171

Veresaev, Vikenty, 196

Versailles treaty, 322

Vertov, Dziga, 197

Vesely, Artem, 203

Vestnik truda, 57

Victory (Chakovsky), 652-53

Vietnam war, 630, 648

Viktorin, Bishop, 674


Virgin Lands, The (Brezhnev), 660

Vinhranovsky, Mikola, 587

Vins, Petr, 622

Virun, Stepan, 586

Vishnevsky, Vsevolod, 489

Vissarionovich, Joseph, see Stalin, Joseph

Vladimirovich, Kirill, 177

Vladimov, Georgy, 680

Vlasov, Andrei, 427, 430-38

Vlasovites, 382, 432-38

Voikov, Petr, 215

Voinovich, Vladimir, 680

Volga Flows to the Caspian, The (Pilnyak), 271

Volga Germans, 379, 381-82

Volga Tatars, 73

Volsky, A. (Jan Machaiski), 57

Volunteer Army, 78-79, 82-83, 85, 86

Voronin (Voronov?), leader of labour camp

uprising, 497 Voronov, Nikolai, 446 Voronsky, Aleksandr, 199, 270 Voroshilov, Kliment, 190, 304, 323, 324,

337, 346, 376, 530 Voroshilov amnesty (1953), 517 Voskresensky, Sergei, 409, 513 Voss, August, 713 voting rights, 287 Vovsy, Miron, 503

Voznesensky, Nikolai, 376, 498, 499 Vprok (Platonov), 243

VSNKH (Supreme Economic Council), 204 Vvedensky, Aleksandr, 137, 138 Vyshegradsky, 228 Vyshinsky, Andrei, 425 Vysotsky, Vladimir, 681

wages, 168, 202, 283-84, 475-76, 478,

645-46 Wagner, Richard, 364 Walesa, Lech, 688 Wallace, Henry, 382-83 war communism, 59—60, 126 war scare of 1927, 215-16 Ward Number Seven (Tarsis), 587 Warsaw Pact, 563, 717-19