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No, please take me home, Maya whimpered through trembling lips. Her hands found their way to his face, fingers rasping over his beard stubble. She attempted to keep his cruel mouth from hers, but he evaded her easily.

I bought you dinner and fed you drinks all fucking night. We both know where that leads. He spun her around and tried to kiss her again, but Maya continued to refuse.

No, she whimpered. I want to go home.

I don’t think so. On a growl of anger, Franklin started dragging her into the alley next to the club. I own your ass. Linking his arm around her waist, he laughed cruelly and pulled her into the dank, smelly corridor.

A wretched feeling of helplessness filled Maya. Her shoes were knocked off in the struggle, and the bottoms of her bare feet scraped over the rough pavement. She fought harder, because maybe, just maybe, this time would be different, but deep down Maya knew there was no escape.

A few seconds more and the worst of it would begin.

Franklin threw her against the stone wall of the building, knocking the wind out of her and making her see stars. He pressed her there, the bumpy surface biting painfully into her bare shoulders, while he fumbled and reached beneath the skirt of her strapless dress.

One hand curled around her neck, pressing the gold chain of her necklace into her skin, and Maya squeezed her eyes shut. She screamed and braced herself for the invasive, brutal onslaught she was about to experience. What usually came next didn’t happen. There was no teeth-clattering blow to the head or humiliating invasion. Instead, a low guttural growl filled the night, and at the same instant, the weight of Franklin’s unwelcome body was lifted from hers on a cool breeze.

Time stopped.

Eyes still closed, her body shivering uncontrollably, Maya listened to the exquisite silence. Franklin was gone…but she wasn’t alone.

Maya? The deep, familiar baritone rumbled around her gently. Are you alright?

Shane? His name escaped her lips on a shaky whisper edged with disbelief and confusion. Uncertain what was happening, and still afraid that Franklin might come back and continue what he’d started, she kept her eyes screwed shut. Her hands curled into fists at her sides, and she pressed herself against the wall, hoping and wishing she could simply disappear or wake up. What’s happening?

I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner, but you’ll have to forgive an old vampire for being a bit rusty in the dreamscape. Maya flinched as Shane’s large hand cradled her face with surprising tenderness. Her fingers trembled and she placed her hand over his, assuring herself that he was really there and she wasn’t imagining this entire experience. Sighing with relief, Maya curled her hand over his and pressed it further against her tearstained cheek. You are safe, youngling.

Finding her courage, Maya opened her eyes and found herself staring into the dark, intense gaze of Shane Quesada. Her brows knit with confusion because those were definitely the same eyes that had glared at her from the shadows the last time she relived this nightmare.

The line between his brows deepened and the sharp angles of his handsome, masculine face seemed even harsher than they did in the mortal plane. In spite of her situation, she wasn’t afraid of him. Even though he was a formidable warrior, the man had gentleness within him that she’d never seen until now.

His wavy, chestnut hair curled temptingly over the collar of the long, leather coat, and his square jaw was covered by that ever-present five-o’clock shadow. Those intense eyes stood out above all else, dark pools of brown, peering at her from beneath thick, furrowed brows. Maya shivered. It was like he saw past all of her mistakes, her bad choices, and her bullshit to the vulnerable part of herself that she never wanted anyone to see again. Her gut instinct was to run but she was too tired. Exhausted from fighting and running…just…tired.

Thank you, Maya whispered. Tears spilled down her cheeks, and a sob wracked her body. Shane gathered her into his arms and cradled her against the broad expanse of his chest. Weeping, Maya’s fingers curled around the lapels of his coat. Thank you for making it stop.

One strong arm linked around her waist, while his other hand cradled the back of her head, holding her while she cried. Shane said nothing, which was exactly what Maya needed. She didn’t need someone to tell her it was okay or that the pain would fade over time or some other load of crap. All she wanted was to be comforted, held, and cherished, to be allowed to weep and let it all out. He rocked her slowly in the shadow of the buildings, and Maya cried until she had nothing left.

Limp and exhausted, she sagged against Shane’s much larger form. When her sniffles subsided, she could swear the sound of the ocean was swirling around them. Calm and soothing, the gentle, lapping sound of waves washed over her. Swiping at her sore eyes, she lifted her head to look at Shane and was immediately distracted by their new surroundings.

They were no longer in the dark, dirty alley but standing on a white, sandy beach beneath a cloudless azure sky. Maya let out a sound of wonder, and her hand flew to her mouth in awe. They were in a stunningly exotic location, and the best part was the warmth of the bright yellow sun that blazed over them with balmy warmth. It didn’t burn. Letting out a laugh, she tilted her face to the beautiful tropical sky. Maya hadn’t thought she missed the sun—until now.

You did this? Maya looked around in awe. You made this place?

Yes, but my only regret was not being there sooner, Shane murmured, taking her hand in his and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Maya’s stomach fluttered when his lips brushed over her flesh with the gentlest of strokes, and he held her protectively in the shelter of his body. I can assure you that won’t happen again.

Wh-which part? Maya asked quietly. The nightmare…or you watching what happened?

Neither. Shane’s voice dropped to low, dangerous tones and his grip on her tightened. A look similar to shame washed over his face. You will never go through that again. It has been centuries since I walked in the dreamscape, and until last night, I never thought I would again. I didn’t even realize what was happening at first, and by the time I did…you were gone.

So you weren’t there the night it actually happened? You don’t think I deserved it? Maya asked in a barely audible voice. She closed her eyes, terrified at what the answer might be. That I asked for it?

What? Shane’s body tensed against hers. One strong finger brushed along the line of her jaw and settled under her chin. Maya, look at me. Maya bit her lip and steeled herself before opening her eyes and forcing herself to look at him. She was prepared to see anger, pity, disgust…but not kindness.

What that animal did to you was indefensible. I would never stand by and watch a woman victimized like that, human or vampire, and if I had been there that night—a growl rumbled in his chest—I would have eviscerated that piece of shit until there was nothing left but a dry husk.