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“Fine.” Her blue eyes flashed at him while she adjusted her black wrap, which was being whipped around by the cold November wind. “Just keep your distance, okay? Wolves or not, I’d prefer not to get fired on my first day because my four-hundred-year-old babysitter is an overbearing nudge.”

“A nudge?” Shane’s brows flew up. “I don’t believe anyone has ever called me that before.”

“Maybe not to your face.” Maya batted her eyes and smiled sweetly. “Come on.”

Cars and taxis whisked by them, and he watched Maya as she waited for an opening in the busy downtown traffic. Her platinum blond hair whipped around her in the wind along with the ends of her wrap, and in this moment, she reminded him of a wild horse. Being spirited and unpredictable was sexy as hell, and it could also be a dangerous combination.

“You have nothing else to say to me?” he asked quietly from where he stood behind her on the sidewalk. Shane’s hands curled at his sides while he resisted the urge to brush her hair off her shoulders. “No comment about what happened in the dreamscape?”

Maya stilled but didn’t turn around. In a last-ditch effort, Shane reached out to touch her mind with his.

I was there, Maya. It was real.

He waited for what seemed like an eternity for her to respond, and when she finally turned around, the look of sadness on her face made his crusty old heart ache.

“I know you were.” She adjusted her wrap and hugged her arms around herself as though she was bracing against the cold. “I—I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful, Shane. I appreciate what you did for me, but I’m not prepared to deal with anything else right now—other than starting my first day of work.”

Unable to stop himself, Shane pushed a strand of long, blond hair off Maya’s forehead and trailed his finger along the curve of her cheek. She shivered beneath his touch but didn’t resist it. Bathed in the light of the city street lamps, her blue eyes shimmered to the almost lavender color he so adored. Shane ran his thumb over her plump bottom lip and whispered, “You can’t avoid me forever.”

“Sure I can.” Maya stepped back and glanced toward the street. “I’m immortal. I’ve got nothing but time.”

Shane watched Maya give him a sassy smile before she ran across the street to the doors of the club. When she disappeared inside, he touched her mind with his. You and me both, youngling.

Sitting at a small table in the back of the club and pretending to nurse a beer, Shane had a clear view of Maya and the front door. So far, the wolf pack was a no-show, and since it was already midnight, Shane doubted they would be making an appearance tonight. The flickering lights from the stage were about the only source of illumination in the small space. The stage was at the center of the place, surrounded by round tables that all were filled.

Shane could tell by the scents in the room that a few vamps were mixed in with the humans among the customers and the dancers. To his relief, Maya was working behind the bar and not whirling around a stripper pole half-naked. Although the outfit Rat made her wear could hardly be described as clothing. It was more like a couple scraps of red leather held together by laces up the sides, which made it all too clear that Maya wasn’t wearing either a bra or underwear.

The only other item she wore was that emerald and gold necklace. Shane’s brow furrowed, recalling the single image he saw when drank Maya’s blood. He made a mental note to ask her about the old woman later. Perhaps Maya would feel safer if she could remember more about her past.

“Enjoying the view?” Rat asked. Sitting down at Shane’s table, he was clearly annoyed by the sentry’s presence.

“What can I do for you?” Shane asked without taking his eyes off Maya.

“Always a great conversationalist, aren’t you, Quesada?” Rat leaned back in his chair and laughed. “I thought you’d like to know that I just got a phone call from our wolf friends. They’re on their way over.”

“A phone call?” Shane’s brows knit together. “I didn’t realize you were in direct contact with them.”

“Viola gave me her boyfriend’s phone number so I could make sure I had a table ready when they arrived.” Rat’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t make a big thing out of it.”

“Yes, well, since you seem to be their NYC contact, it would be prudent to remind them that they should take time out of their visit to pay their respects to the czars.” Shane removed a business card from his shirt pocket and slid it across the table to Rat, who smirked when he picked it up and inspected it. “They can contact the czars’ secretary, Suzie, and she will arrange it for them.”

“Right.” Rat stuck the card in his jacket pocket. “From what Viola tells me, Horace isn’t much for pomp and circumstance. He’s second in line to the throne, and from what I gather, he leaves that official crap to his older brother. The heir gets all the work and the spare gets to party. You ask me, I’d rather be the spare.”

“Be that as it may,” Shane said evenly, “not paying their respects to the czars would be frowned upon. I can’t imagine King Heinrich would appreciate that. It’s bad enough they didn’t formally announce their visit.”

“I’ll be sure to relay the message.” Rat ran one hand over his bald head. “It’s not like they’re sticking to some formal schedule, man. Apparently they got sidetracked and arrived in the city later than they anticipated. I have a few of the girls setting up a VIP table for them now.”

Shane turned his gaze to Rat’s briefly before glancing at the two women, both human and scantily clad, who were scurrying around and setting up a table for six at the front edge of the stage. They were giggling and whispering to each other while they arranged the chairs. Shane could only assume that one of them was Viola, the woman Rat had mentioned last night, most likely the redhead who kept glancing at the door in clear anticipation.

“Thank you, Rat.” Shane turned his attention back to Maya, who was flirting with two human men seated at the bar and giving her their full attention. “I’ll be sure to let the czars know how forthcoming you’ve continued to be.”

“Well, it’s the least I can do, seeing how Olivia let the hot, little blond come work for me. When word gets out that she’s working here, my profits are gonna shoot through the fuckin’ roof. If I can get her to dance then I’ll make a fortune.”

Shane’s arm shot out like a lightning bolt, and he grabbed Rat by the lapel of his cheap jacket. Pulling the club owner to his feet, Shane leaned across the table and got right in Rat’s face. TJ appeared behind Rat in support of his boss but refrained from making a move when Shane caught the bouncer’s eye and shook his head slowly. TJ may have been a strong vampire, but Shane was older and a sentry for the Presidium. Attacking him would have far-reaching ramifications.

“Relax, TJ,” Shane murmured without breaking eye contact with Rat. “Your boss needs to hear something, and I need to be absolutely certain he hears it. I wouldn’t want there to be any…miscommunication between us.”

“Jeez, Quesada,” Rat said through a nervous laugh. He put his hands up in surrender, but Shane didn’t release him. “What are you so damn touchy about?”

“Maya will not dance here and remove what little clothing she is wearing. She is here to tend bar and pour drinks.” He lowered his voice to a dangerous level and tightened his grip. “And that’s it. Are we clear?”

“Crystal.” Rat laughed nervously and looked around the club.

The customers and the employees, including Maya, were looking on with obvious concern. Shane glanced at her briefly to see an annoyed look on her face. Then, like a warm summer breeze, her voice drifted into his mind. Let him go, Shane. I really hope whatever is going on over there has nothing to do with me. A gentle, comforting sensation of warmth spread through his chest and radiated down his arms and legs when the sweet sound of her voice filled his head.