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“Yeah.” Olivia made a face. “Don’t ask me why or how, but I ate the whole thing. The worst part is that I freaking loved it—or the baby did. Anyway,” she said on a sigh, “I’m sorry if I’ve been tough on everyone, but you know how important it is that we leave the customers alone. It’s in the best interest of the coven. My weirdo pregnancy is drawing enough attention from the supernaturals.” She rolled her eyes and let out a short laugh. “This is the pregnancy heard round the world, and apparently it’s high on the list of things to discuss at this year’s summit in Geneva.”

“Why do they even have that stupid meeting every year?” Trixie snorted. “Were, Amoveo, and vamp stuffed shirts all in one place? Sounds like a fuckin’ bore.”

“And the Fae, the Brotherhood, and the Witches,” Olivia added. “Don’t forget them.”

“They gather to share information and keep the lines of communication open.” Shane’s voice cut through the room. “It started centuries ago. The first summit was the catalyst for the truce between our race and the werewolves.”

“Truce or no truce, I still don’t trust the wolves.” Olivia’s tone grew serious. “I think it’s ridiculous that a pregnant vampire warrants attention from the world’s supernatural leaders.” She shrugged. “Whatever.”

“Why are they even going to discuss it?” Maya’s brows knit together with concern. Olivia may be bossy and a killjoy, but she was also Maya’s maker and her friend. No matter what rules she made Maya follow, she’d love Olivia like a mother for her entire existence. “What are they worried about?”

“Human politicians aren’t the only ones who waste time and money.” Olivia’s words were laced with exasperation. “The other supernaturals probably want reassurance from the Emperor that he’s not plotting some kind of master vampire race or something.”

“Will they all be in attendance?” Shane asked casually. Maya noticed the way his body seemed tightly wound and ready for action at all times. “I assume the Emperor has a sentry attending with him?”

“Yes and yes. King Heinrich of the wolves, Prince Richard Muldavi of the Amoveo, Zemi the Fae queen, and Willow from the Witches’ Council. I heard the Brotherhood is being represented by Asmodeus. Anyway, thanks again, Maya, for sending that guy on his way. I like to avoid trouble with humans on a regular day—and especially during the stupid summit week.”

“Actually, I didn’t send him away.” Maya tossed the rag into the sink without taking her eyes off Shane. She jutted her chin toward him and leaned back against the register. “He did.”

“Really?” Olivia’s red brows flew up and she looked from Shane to Maya. Running one hand over her rounded belly, she said, “Then I should be thanking Shane while I remind you of the rules.”

“Maybe I’m sick of the rules,” Maya snapped, frustration crawling up her back. Olivia said nothing but arched one eyebrow in response. “Maybe I’m tired of living and working under a damn microscope all the time with every vampire in Manhattan trying to control me and tell me what to do.”

“No one is trying to control you, Maya.” Olivia’s tone softened and she looked at Maya with something akin to pity, which only made it worse. Nobody else knew the extent of the attack Maya suffered like Olivia did, and whenever she gave Maya that look, it made her feel pathetic.

“This is not just about you, Maya, and you know it. Everyone has had to adjust to the new rules, and really, it’s only one new rule. No feeding on customers in the club. We live in a big city with millions of able-bodied people. Why are you fighting me on this?”

“I’m tired of everyone butting into my life. Maybe I just want to be able to go to work without feeling like my every move is being watched.”

“What are you saying?” Olivia asked with genuine curiosity. “I thought you liked working at The Coven.”

“I do—I mean, I did—but it’s just too much, Olivia.” Maya kept her attention on Olivia but could feel the weight of everyone else’s stares. Even Damien had come in from his position bouncing at the door and now stood by Shane. “All of us working together all night and living right next door in the apartments downstairs. Besides, with everything going on, I thought you’d be happy to be rid of me for a while.”

“You’re one to complain,” Trixie interjected. “If I have to listen to one more Celine Dion song, I might scream. That shit seeps through the apartment walls and makes me crazy, but you don’t hear me complaining.”

“Trixie.” Olivia held up one hand but kept her concerned expression on Maya. “Let her finish.”

Maya straightened her back, finally voicing the frustration she’d been feeling over the past few months.

“I mean it’s different for you and Doug, Olivia. You guys are mates and have your own place at the Presidium’s offices, but…I don’t know…living and working together…it’s too much. I feel like I’m suffocating and the walls are closing in on me.”

Before Maya could respond, an unfamiliar voice boomed through the club.

“This isn’t the only joint in town, kid.”

Irritation flickered over Shane’s face at the sound of Rat’s voice slithering into the club. Maya didn’t have to look at Olivia to know how displeased she was by the vampire’s arrival.

“Hello, Rat,” Olivia said wearily.

“Dude, your timing sucks,” Trixie said, laughing.

“To what do we owe the pleasure?” Shane murmured, turning slightly to his left and peering down at their unwelcome visitor.

Rat was short and bald with a wiry build, and while he was stronger than any human, he was no match for Shane. The guy owned a strip club in the city that catered to both humans and vampires, but everyone knew it was a cover for a prostitution ring. Maya gave Rat a quick smile and fiddled with the emerald in her necklace. She didn’t miss the look of disapproval from Shane, but of course, that only encouraged her. Maya knew Rat found her attractive, and even though she wasn’t interested, if flirting with him would annoy Shane, then she was all for it.

“Don’t you have your own club to tend to?” Shane said tightly.

“Nice to see you too, Quesada.” Rat sat on a bar stool to Shane’s left and winked at Maya. When he grinned, his two gold front teeth glinted at her. His bald head gleamed like a lightbulb, and the tattoo of a viper slithered out from beneath his collar, around his neck, and up the back of his skull. “You’re a barrel of laughs, Quesada. I’m starvin’. You got anything back there for your nonhuman clientele, blondie?”

“Her name is Maya,” Shane interjected before Maya could respond, while sending a glance toward her. “You would do well to address her like you would a lady.”

A lady? Yeah, right. Maya almost scoffed out loud. She nestled the necklace in her cleavage before plastering on a big smile.

“Don’t you pay any attention to him, Rat. You can call me whatever you like. Shane may be the sentry of the city, but he’s not my maker, my daddy, or my husband.” Maya smiled broadly at Rat, reached beneath the bar, and pulled out a bottle of blood. It was common practice for all vampire establishments to keep blood on hand, just in case. Leaning both elbows on the bar, she wiggled the bottle at Rat, and if she didn’t know better, she’d swear she heard a growl coming from Shane. “Shall I heat it up for you?”

“No, that’s okay, Maya,” Rat said dramatically as he took the bottle from her. “Room temp is just fine.”

Shane watched Rat remove the cap and drink the blood greedily while keeping his beady eyes on Maya or, more specifically, her cleavage. Shane pulled out a stool and sat between Rat and Olivia and directly in front of Maya.