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“He told Olivia everything?” Maya asked with dread.

“Yup. Your man spilled the beans to Olivia, and then she sent us out to look for you.” Trixie rolled her eyes when she saw the annoyed expression on Maya’s face. “Oh, don’t start, okay? The guy obviously loves you.”

“I thought he did,” Maya whispered.

“Well, he does. He’s flying up here like a bat out of hell, but don’t be surprised if he bites your damn head off once he gets here. When Olivia was on the phone with him, I could hear him flipping out from all the way across the room. The boy is pissed.”

“This isn’t his problem. He was supposed to get me out of town until the situation with the wolves was smoothed over and train me to fight. He did both, so his job is done.”

“You’re not going to meet Horace and his cronies all by yourself, so just forget it.” Trixie shook her head adamantly. “I don’t care how badass you think you are now.”

“You don’t understand,” Maya said, stepping closer to her sisters. Her hand drifted to the necklace hidden beneath her sentry uniform. “If I don’t give him this necklace, then they’ll never stop. The wolves won’t stop until they get it. This whole stupid mess started because of me, and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.” Her voice quivered, but she bit back the tears. “They killed my parents when they were trying to get this damned thing, and I won’t let them hurt anyone else that I love. Contrary to what everyone thinks of me, I’m not a selfish, stupid little girl. I don’t need babysitters or bodyguards. I can take care of myself.”

“We know that, Maya,” Sadie said in her signature calm, soothing tone. “You can do all of those things, and if you absolutely had to, you could take care of yourself. That’s not why we’re here.”

“I don’t understand,” Maya said quietly.

“The point is that you don’t have to do this by yourself. We’re your family, Maya, and we love you, no matter what…and it’s okay.” She and Trixie exchanged a knowing look. “We heard about what happened in New Orleans—what you did to that werewolf, or what your necklace did.”

“That’s pretty freakin’ cool.” Trixie jutted her chin at Maya and gave her a look of approval. “I never heard of a gypsy-vampire before, but for some reason, I’m not surprised that it’s you.”

“Why?” Maya asked hesitantly.

“Why? Because you’re special, Maya. You always were. From the minute Olivia brought you into the coven, it was obvious that you weren’t like the rest of us, y’know? I mean your turn did take five freakin’ days.” Trixie punched her playfully on the shoulder. “I guess we can’t call you Baby Vamp anymore.”

“Baby! Oh my gosh,” Maya exclaimed. “How’s Olivia doing—and the baby?”

“Great,” Sadie said with a smile. “Xavier has appointed himself temporary nanny during the meeting. Emily is beautiful, Maya. Wait until you see her. She’s got Doug’s eyes, Olivia’s red hair. She’s a beauty. You should have seen Doug waiting out in the hallway during the birth. The dude freaked the fuck out.”

“Really?” Maya asked, sadness tugging at her. “I guess I missed a lot while I was away.”

“Nah,” Trixie said, waving it off. “You have plenty of time to catch up. One thing’s for sure, though, Olivia and Doug have no shortage of babysitters. We’ve all been fightin’ over Emily since she was born.” Trixie saw Maya’s expression and quickly changed the subject. “Come on. Everyone’s waiting for us back at the Presidium, even the freaking werewolf king and his son. It’s like a really awkward class reunion or something.”

“Horace?” Maya balked and stopped dead in her tracks.

“No, dopey.” Trixie rolled her eyes. “His oldest kid, Prince Killian. By the way, I’m not into werewolves, but holy crap is he a hottie. Totally gorgeous and built like a tank. I bet he’s got one down to his—”

“Oh please.” Sadie rolled her eyes and cut off Trixie’s rant. “He’s an arrogant, gruff caveman who probably chases his tail whenever there’s a full moon.”

“See?” Trixie winked. “Even Sadie likes him.”

In spite of the situation that loomed in front of them, Maya couldn’t stop the chuckle that bubbled up. Shaking with laughter, she gathered her sisters in another warm, lingering hug before they shot into the sky and headed to the Presidium. With her sisters by her side, Maya knew she could handle anything…even letting Shane go.

The three women landed silently in the gardens of The Cloisters and were immediately greeted by the club’s bouncer, Damien. Dressed all in black, he emerged from the shadows behind an archway of stone. He flashed Maya a fang-filled smile before slinging his rifle over his shoulder and sweeping her up in one of his signature bear hugs.

“Hey, little sister.” His deep baritone rumbled around her like a comforting blanket as he placed her back on her feet. “Good to have you home.”

“Thanks, Damien.” Maya smiled and squeezed his hand. “It’s good to be back, but if you’re here, then who’s bouncing at the club?”

“Olivia closed the place for a few days. She figured that it would be best to keep all of us focused on the current situation with the wolves.”

“Right.” Maya nodded her understanding, though she couldn’t help feeling guilty. Olivia hated closing the club. Yet another item Maya could add to the list of things that were her fault.

“Everyone is waiting for you down in Olivia’s office, and the museum’s human guard is in a glamour sleep, so you don’t have to worry about dodging him tonight.”

“Everyone?” Maya asked hopefully. She wanted to see Shane. In spite of how angry she was, Maya loved him desperately. “Is Shane here yet?”

“He got here a few minutes ago.” Damien glanced briefly at Trixie and Sadie. “He grunted something that resembled a hello and went right downstairs. He’s pissed.”

“Yeah?” Maya’s jaw set determinedly. “Well, he can join the club.”

Without waiting for a response, Maya walked past Damien and pushed open the heavy, wooden door. The heels of her boots echoed through the halls of the cavernous museum and seemed even louder when she walked into the Tapestry Room. Willing her nerves to settle and with Sadie and Trixie right behind her, Maya stepped up to the massive fireplace. Standing in front of the six-foot opening, she pulled the thick iron spoke and the back wall of the hearth swung open.

The three women strode swiftly through the maze of secret corridors until they finally came to the newly renovated Presidium offices that were occupied by the czars. When Maya and her sisters reached the enormous stainless-steel doors of the office entrances, Sadie pushed past Maya and pressed her thumb to the black panel. Moments later, the lush offices of the Presidium were revealed.

The circular space was carpeted in warm tones of beige and burgundy, and the walls were lined with beautiful pieces of artwork Olivia had acquired over the years. To the left was Suzie’s reception desk, and to the right were comfortable couches and coffee tables with ceramic lamps that gave off soft, welcoming lighting. It looked like the lobby of any successful corporate office in Manhattan, and Maya couldn’t help but smile.

Olivia and Doug had brought the Presidium into the twenty-first century.

Suzie was dressed in a simple gray suit with her pale blond hair tied back in a tight bun. She shrieked with delight when she saw Maya and flew out from behind her desk. Before Maya could utter a sound, Suzie had wrapped her up in a hug that vaguely resembled a choke hold.

“Wow,” Maya said quietly as Suzie reluctantly released her. “I guess you missed me, huh?”

“Of course I did.” Suzie sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’m just so glad that you’re okay. Olivia told us about what happened and I kind of saw some of this coming, but I didn’t want to say anything because I can’t always decipher the visions. Sometimes it’s just a bunch of upside-down nonsense.”