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BA = benzyladenine, IBA = indole-3-butyric acid, Kin = kinetin, NAA = α-naphthaleneacetic acid. 

FIGURE 5.5 In vitro multiple shoot production in V. aphylla.

The conversion of root tips into shoots was observed in V. planifolia and V. aphylla when cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA (1.0 mg L−1) and IBA (0.5 mg L−1). These shoots developed into plantlets and were hardened and established in soil. The conversion of root meristem into shoots in in vitro cultures of vanilla was earlier reported (Philip and Nainar, 1988). These meristematic conversions without callus stage are assumed to minimize the chances of induced epige-netic changes. Earlier studies by Sreedhar et al. (2007) indicated no difference in the AFLP-banding patterns of any of the micropropagated samples for a particular primer, suggesting the absence of variation among the micropropagated plants.