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Loesser went over and patted her shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault. He may have had some sort of glandular imbalance.”

“Glandular imbalance.” She began to laugh. “That’s marvelous. Glandular imbalance.”

“I must say I don’t see anything particularly funny about it.” He turned his back on her and addressed Meecham: “Well, that’s the story. I told Lily about meeting Miss Falconer and Lily immediately drew her own conclusions as women always do, and decided to leave town for a while. Before she left she went to see Virginia Barkeley. You know the result of that.”

Meecham nodded. “Yes.”

“I’m not sure you do,” Mrs. Margolis said.

“There was a brawl, you claimed.”

“That was one result. The other result was that Claude was killed.”


“Meaning I haven’t been taken in by the confession of an unbalanced man with a guilt complex. I know who killed my husband, and George knows it and...”

“Leave me out of this,” Loesser said.

“They had Virginia in jail, right where she belongs. Why didn’t they keep her there?”

“They couldn’t,” Loesser explained with weary patience. “She was held for questioning as long as they could hold her, for forty-eight hours. After that they had to charge her or let her go. Naturally they let her go because Loftus proved that he committed the murder.”

“Proved, George? Proved?” She chewed the word as if it was a stick of sharply flavored gum. “A lot of things can be proved that aren’t true, and a lot of things that are true can’t be proved. I can’t prove that my husband kept a woman called Miss Falconer for years, but I know he did, the same as I know that Loftus was lying. Why did he lie? Because he was insane? Or for money? Or both? You knew him, Mr. Meecham, George told me you knew him. Why did he lie?”

Meecham looked at the bowl of apples on the table. “There’s no evidence that he was paid, or insane or lying.”

“No evidence but common sense. Tell me, Mr. Meecham, weren’t you surprised when Loftus came forward with his story?”

“I wasn’t expecting it,” Meecham said. He remained uncertain of the degree of his surprise, though he remembered the scene vividly, Loftus half-hidden behind the hedge, his hair whitened by the falling snow. “I’ve died a thousand times from fear,” he had said. “A thousand deaths and one would have been enough. A great irony.” The words turned over in Meecham’s mind like stones in a river.

“Someone was expecting it, someone wasn’t surprised,” Mrs. Margolis said. “Why should she be? She paid him for it. She bought that confession the way you go into a butcher shop and buy a pound of baloney. And that’s what she got, baloney! She bought that con—”

“For God’s sake, be quiet, Lily.” Loesser was beginning to sweat. “You don’t realize the seriousness of what you’re...”

“I will not be quiet. I have a right to my opinion.”

“Keep it an opinion, then.”

“Very well. In my opinion, Virginia Barkeley killed my husband in a jealous rage. It’s a common motive, and for a woman like her, I suppose, a strong one. She has an uncontrollable temper, everyone knows that.”

“Allegedly,” Loesser said.

“All right, allegedly!” she shouted. “She was allegedly angry and jealous and she reacted against Claude the way she reacted against me the day I told her about Claude and Miss Falconer. She attacked him as she attacked me. According to my opinion! Damn you, George. Damn you. I won’t keep modifying everything, qualifying everything.”

“You’re on safe ground as long as you’re damning me,” Loesser said. “So go ahead.”

But Mrs. Margolis had turned to Meecham again. There was a glassy glare in her eyes, as if she was burning up with a fever of rage and resentment that had been slowly, for years and years, infecting her system. “She was there in the room, wasn’t she? Do you think she could have slept through a murder? How quiet is a murder? Do you think Claude wouldn’t have fought back if a stranger came at him with a knife?”

“There was no evidence of a struggle,” Meecham said.

“That’s what I’m talking about. There was no evidence of a struggle because there was no struggle. Claude was taken unawares. Not by a stranger like Loftus. By someone he trusted, someone he thought was just fooling with the knife. Claude was a big man. He could have torn Loftus apart. Can you expect me to believe that he just stood there and let himself be killed?”

“The attack was quick,” Meecham said, “and your husband had been drinking quite heavily. So had Virginia. In fact, her blood alcohol concentration was so high it’s doubtful that she had sufficient strength and co-ordination to use the knife.”

Mrs. Margolis swallowed hard, her hand against her throat. “I have no proof, nothing. But I feel in my heart that she killed him. I don’t know how, but she’s responsible.”

“In your opinion,” Loesser said.

“In... in my opinion.” She rubbed the throbbing pulse in her temple.

“You’re tired out, Lily. Why don’t you have a nice hot supper with the children and then go to bed?” He added, to Meecham, “She was up all night on the plane — ran into a storm in the South.”

“I understand.”

“Naturally, she doesn’t see things in their proper perspective. I myself am convinced that Loftus gave a perfectly straightforward account of the affair and then killed himself in remorse. Don’t you think so, Meecham?”

“It seems reasonable,” Meecham said, though he didn’t agree with either Loesser’s oversimplified version or Mrs. Margolis’ personal and over-imaginative one. The truth lay somewhere between the two extremes like an uncharted island between two shores. Meecham hoped that someday it would be found, by star and compass, or by blind luck. “Did you tell the Sheriff about your suspicions, Mrs. Margolis?”

“I intended to. George wouldn’t let me. He said it would cause trouble.”

Loesser flushed. “Confound it, Lily, what I meant was that you’d do yourself and the children a lot more harm than Virginia — more publicity, more scandal. You’ve got to consider not just your own feelings but the children. They’re the real unfortunates in this rotten business.”

“I’ve been a little unfortunate myself,” she said dryly. “So was Claude.”

And a great many others, Meecham added in silence. Little ones and big ones: Gill who might lose his job, Miss Falconer who had lost a lover, and Loftus who had lost everything. The Garinos, Dr. Barkeley, Mrs. Hearst, cold and bitter in her grief, Loftus’ mother buying darkness by the quart, and Virginia herself watching the trains go past.

Then he thought of the snow-lady he’d seen at the entrance gate with the icicle in her heart, and he wondered if Loesser wasn’t right, after all — that the children were the real unfortunates. They would carry their scars longer, and with bewilderment, and in inaccessible places.

Loesser accompanied him to the front door. He seemed more at ease now that the interview was over and all statements had been properly qualified as opinions and allegations. “I hope you haven’t taken Lily too seriously, Meecham.”


“The tragedy’s knocked her off-balance, but she’ll right herself. You know how most women are, their emotions are direct and clear like Scotch. There’s no hangover. In a few months she’ll have forgotten about Virginia and Miss Falconer and all the rest of them.”