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в) Венгры. Вторжения в Западную Европу
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[1071 Duft (Johannes), Die Ungarn in Sankt-Gallen, Zurich, 1957.
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г) Венгры. Консолидация
Brackmann (Albert), Zur Entstehung des ungarischen Staates, Sitzungsber. der Berlin Akad. der Wiss, Phil.- Hist. Kl, 1940, № 8.
Gabriel (Astrik L.), The conversion of Hungary to Christianity, New York, 1962.
Л. Мюссе «Варварские нашествия на Западную Европу»
Moravcsik (Gyula), Byzantine Christianity and the Magyars in the period of their migrations, American Slavic and East European Review, J V, 1946, p. 29–45.I
Toth (W.), The Christianization of the Magyars, Church His- $ tory, XI, 1942, p. 33–55.
д) Хазары, печенеги, куманы
Artamonov (M. I.), Khazar-festningen Sarkel, Viking (Oslo), XIX, 1955, p. 99–120.
Dunlop (D. M.), The History of the Jewish Khazars, Princeton, 1954.
Macartney (C. A.), The Petchenegs, The Slavonic Review, VIII, 1929, стр. 342–355. j
Moravcsik (Gyula), Byzantinoturcica, 2-е изд, Budapest, 1958.
Auty (Robert), Community and divergence in the History of 1 the Slavonic Languages, The Slavonic and East European Review, XLII, 1963, p. 257–273.
[1221 Dvornik (Francis), The Slavs. Their early History and Civili-,| zation, Boston, 1956.
Dvornik (Francis), Les Slaves, Byzance et Rome au IXe siecle, Paris, 1926.'
Hensel (Witold), Methodes et perspectives de recherches sur les centers ruraux et urbains chez les Slaves (VIIe-XHIe s.), Varsovie, 1962.
Kostrzewski (JoseO, Les origines de la civilization polonaise. Prenistoire et protohistoire, Paris, 1949.
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Paris, 1948, p. 387–445.
б) Славяне — основатели государств. Общий обзор
Dvornik (Francis), The Making of Central and Eastern Europe, London, 1949. a Указаны только работы на западных языках.
Gieysztor (Alexander), La strutturazione culturale dei paesi slavi nell' alto medio evo, Settimane, XI, 1963, p. 371–392.
Graus (Frantisek), Deutsche und slawische Verfassungsgeschichte, HZ, CXCVII, 1963, p. 265–317.
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Lowmianski (Henryk), La genese des Etats slaves et ses bases sociales et economiques, La Pologne au Xe Congres int. des sciences historiques, Varsovie, 1955, p. 29–53.
Lowmianski (H.), Critique de la theorie de 1'origine normande des Etats slaves, в кн.: Studi in onore di A. Sapori, Milan, т. I, 1957, p. 147–172.
Ludat (Herbert), Fruhformen des Stadtewesens in Osteuropa, Vortrage und Forschungen… Th. Mayer, IV, 1958, p. 527–553.
в) Региональные аспекты
СЛАВЯНЕ НА БАЛКАНАХBon (Antoine), Le Peloponnese byzantin jusqu'en 1204, Paris, 1951.
t!38] Charanis (Peter), The Slavic element in Byzantine Asia Minor e XIHth century, Byzantion, XVIII, 1946–1948, p. 69–83.
[1391 Charanis (P.), The Chronicle of Monembasia and the question of tne Slavic settlements in Greece, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, V, 1950, p. 139–166.
Charanis (P.), On the Slavic settlement in the Peloponnesus, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, XLVI, 1953, p. 91103.
Charanis (P.), The significance of coins as evidence for the history of Athens and Corinth in the Vllth and VHIth centuries, Historia, IV, 1955, стр. 163–172.
Dujcev (I.), Les Slaves et Byzance, Etudes historiques a 1'occasion du Xle Congres int. des sciences historiques, Sofia, 1960, p. 31–78.
Gregoire (Henri), L'origine et le nom des Creates et des Serbes, Byzantion, XVII, 1944–1945, p. 88–118.
Haumant (Emile), tin probleme ethnographique: la slavisation de la Dalmatie, RH, CXXIV, 1917, p. 287–304.
Laurent (Vitalien), Le theme byzantin de Serbie au Xle siecle, Revue des Etudes Byzantines, XV, 1957, p. 185–195.
Lemerle (Paul), La composition et la chronologie des Miracula s. Demetrii, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, XLVI, 1953, p. 349–361.
[1471 Lemerle (Paul), Invasions et migrations dans les Balkans depuis la fin de 1'epoque romaine jusqu'au VHIe siecle, RH, CCXI, 1954, p. 265–308.
Л. Мюссе "Варварские нашествия на Западную Европу"'
[147 bis] Lemerle (Paul), La chronique improprement dit de Monem-vasie, le contexte historique et legendaire, Rev. des Etudes Byzantines, XXI, 1963, p. 5–49.
Metcalf (D. M), The Slavonic threat to Greece ca. 580: some evidence from Athens, Hesperia, XXXI, 1962, p. 134157.
Ostrogorsky (George), Byzafttium and the South Slaves, The Slavonic and East European Review, XLII, 1963, p. 114.
[150] Radojcie (G. S.), La date de la conversion des Serbes, Byzantion, XXI, 1952, p. 253–256.
Tafrali (O.), Thessalonique, des origins an XlVe siecle, Paris, 1919.
Vasmer (Max), Die Slaven in Griechenland, Abhandl. Der Preuss. Akademie der Wiss, Phil.-Hist. Kl, 1941, № 12.
СМ. ТАКЖЕ ВЫШЕ, № [88]-[97]
в) Славяне в Придунайской Европе
Chaloupecky (V.), Considerations sur Samon, le premier roi des Slaves, Byzantnoslavica, XI, 1950, p. 223–239.
Dittrich (Z. R.), The Beginning of Christianisation in Great Moravia, The Slavonic and East European Review, XXXIX, 1960, p. 164–173.
Dittrich (Z. R.), Christianity in Great Moravia, Groningue, 1962.
Dvornik (Francis), Les legendes de Constantin et de Methode vues de Byzance, Prague, 1933.
Graus (Frantisek), Origines de 1'Etat et de la noblesse en Moravie et en Boheme, Revue des Etudes Slaves, XXXIX, 1961, p. 43–58.
Poulik (J.), Die neueste Entdeckungen aus Hauptburgen des Grossmahrischen Reiches, Jahrbucher fur frankische Landesforschung, XIX, 1959, p. 85–102.
Schwartz (Ernst), Das germanische Kontinuitatsproblem in Niederosterreich, Festschrift Th. Mayer, Lindau, 1954, p. 37 и ел.
Verlinden (Charles), Le Franc Samo, RBPH, XII, 1933, p. 1090–1095.
Vernadsky (George), The Beginning of the Czech State, Byzantion, XVII, 1944–1945, p. 315–328.
г) Славяне между Эльбой и Днепром.
Bardach (Juliusz), L'Etat polonais du haut Moyen Age, Acta Poloniae Historica, V, 1962, p. 7–47.