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Any book worth the pages (or screen) it's printed on cannot have become so without the help of a superb graphic designer, formatter and editor. Thanks to Jane Dixon-Smith for her excellent artwork, Lucinda Campbell for formatting the ebook version and to Julie Lewthwaite for her eagle eyed editing! Any mistakes that have wormed their way into this book are mine (due to my constant tweaking) and not hers.

And for all things flight related… Colin Graham, congratulations on earning your fixed wing pilots license, bro-ham!

In addition, to my family (Cristina, Hannah, Kinley, Dennis, Karla and Brittany) for their support and encouragement and for putting up with what started as a nagging idea and became a complete obession. You'll be happy to know that I only have about 8 — 10 more books planned.

Lastly, to the people who lived through and continue to live with The Troubles, the first and second Chechen Wars, the Beslan school crisis, September the 11th, July the 7th and the other acts of terror referenced in this book; God be with you, you are the real heroes.