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22. Martin, H., XV, 53.

23. Voltaire, Works, XVI, 20.

24. Martin, H., XV, 54.

25. Michelet, J., Histoire de France, V, 268.

26. Saint-Simon, II, 232.

27. Ibid., III, 239.

28. Martin, H., XV, 62.

29. Saint-Simon, III, 243.

30. In Lacroix, Paul, Eighteenth Century in France, 201.

31. Wormeley, 31.

32. Guizot, V, 42.

33. Duclos, Secret Memoirs, 70.

34. Martin, H., XV., 107.

35. Saint-Simon, III, 338.

36. Michelet, V, 133.

37. Ibid 135.

38. Saint-Simon, III, 69.

39. Voltaire, Works, XVIa, 155.

40. Saint-Simon, III, 418.

41. Cambridge Modern History, II, 133.

42. Michelet, V, 197; Martin, H., XV, 1m.

43. Duclos, Secret Memoirs, 8.

44. Ercole, L., Gay Court Life in France in the 18th Century, 18–20.

45. Saint-Simon, III, 69.

46. Ercole, 27.

47. Ibid., 10.

48. Ducros, French Society, 56.

49. Ercole, 44.

50. Camb. Mod. History, VI, 132.

51. Duclos, Secret Memoirs, 131.

52. Ercole, 44.

53. Martin, H., XIV, 552n., and Michelet, V, 160, credit the charge of incest.

54. Martin, XV, 12.

55. Dupuy, Dialogues sur les plaisirs, 14, in Crocker, L. G., Age of Crisis, 117.

56. Brunetière, F., Manual of the History of French Literature, 282.

57. Wormeley, 30.

58. Lacroix, 83.

59. Michelet, V, 251.

60. Martin, H., XV, 339.

61. Batiffol, L., The Great Literary Salons, 103.

62. Toth, K., Woman and Rococo in France, 107.

63. Ibid.

64. Lacroix, 417.

65. Ercole, 56.

66. Louvre.

67. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

68. Louvre.

69. Metropolitan Mus. of Art.

70. Wallace Collection, London.

71. Dresden, Gemäldegalerie.

72. Wallace Collection.

73. There are outstanding collections of Watteau’s drawings in the Louvre and in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.

74. Goncourt, E. and J. de, French 18th-century Painters, 1.

75. Aldington, R., French Comedies of the 18th Century, 103.

76. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, I, 81.

77. Ibid., 82.

78. Lesage, Adventures of Gil Bias, prefatory memoir.

79. Aldington, 131.

80. Lesage, Gil Bias, Book VIII, Ch. x.

81. Gil Bias, last line.

82. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits, I, 104.

83. Saint-Simon, III, 42; cf. 91–94.

84. Créqui, Marquise de, Souvenirs, 44.

85. Michelet, V, 126.

86. Faguet, Emile, Literary History of France, 474.

87. Saint-Simon, III, 376.

88. Duclos, Secret Memoirs, 326.

89. Michelet, V, 155; Martin, H., XV, 80.

90. Ibid., 115.

91. Saint-Simon, III, 373.

92. Ibid., 376.

93. 77.

94. In Torrey, N., The Spirit of Voltaire, 21.

95. Parton, I, 99.

96. Desnoiresterres, I, 217.

97. Parton, I, 98.

98. Brandes, I, 97.

99. Ibid., 98.

100. 99.

101. Parton, I, 115.

102. Like Desnoiresterres, I, 159, and Brandes, I, 100.

103. Créqui, 149.

104. Desnoiresterres, I, 157.

105. Beard, Miriam, History of the Business Man, 463; Brandes, I, 306.

106. Desnoiresterres, I, 190.

107. Parton, I, 154.

108. Desnoiresterres, I, 242; Faguet, Literary History, 469, gives a different version: «Gare que cet écrit in extremis n’aille pas à son addresse.»

109. Parton, I, 165.

110. Voltaire, Works, XXIa, 221.

111. Frederick the Great, Mémoires, I, 59.

112. Desnoiresterres, I, 345.

113. Brandes, I, 152.

114. Ibid.; Parton, I, 185.

115. Parton, I, 190.


1. Shakespeare, Richard II, II, i.

2. Defoe, Tour through England and Wales, I, 1 and passim.

3. Voltaire, Lettres philosophiques, No. 9; Ashton, T., Economic History of England: The 18th Century, 36.

4. Quennell, M. and C, History of Everyday Things in England, 21; Mantoux, P., Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century, 165.

5. Quennell, Everyday Things, 12.

6. Trevelyan, G. M., English Social History, 379.

7. Besant, Sir Walter, London in the 18th Century, 386.

8. Lipson, E., Growth of English Society, 212.

9. Nussbaum, Economic Institutions of Modern Europe, 252.

10. Jaurès, Histoire socialiste de la Révolution française, I, 67.

11. Usher, A., History of Mechanical Inventions, 280.

12. Lipson, 196.

13. Ashton, Economic History, 220.

14. Encyclopaedia Britannica, VI, 544a.

15. Mantoux, 73.

16. Ashton, 201–4.

17. In Tawney, R. H., Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, 190.

18. Ashton, 212; Mantoux, 72.

19. Ashton, 203.

20. Webb, S. and B., History of Trade Unionism, 31–50.

21. Mantoux, 119.

22. Chesterfield, Earl of, Letters to His Son, letter of Sept. 22, 1749.

23. Mantoux, 102; Taine, H., Ancient Regime, 33.

24. Beard, M., Business Man, 430.

25. Voltaire, Lettres sur les Anglais, No. 10, in Mantoux, 138.

26. Hume, David, Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, 248.

27. In Beard, M., 435.

28. Lecky, W. E., History of England, I, 323.

29. Mackay, C, Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 50.

30. Ibid., 55.

31. Quennell, P., Caroline of England, 71.

32. Camb. Mod. History, VI, 181.