33. Mackay, 73.
34. Ibid., 78.
35. Voltaire, Works, XIIIa, 23.
36. Ranke, L., History of the Reformation in Germany, 468.
37. Rogers, J. E. T., Economic Interpretation of History, 157; Ashton, 2; Ogg, David, Europe in the 17th Century, 2.
38. Defoe, Tour, I, 337.
39. Besant, London in the 18th Century, 352.
40. Trevelyan, English Social History, 142.
41. Lecky, History of England, I, 482–84.
42. Ibid.
43. Letter of Mar. 23, 1752.
44. Besant, 380–81.
45. W. R. Brock in New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 266.
46. Besant, 238.
47. Lecky, II, 543–45.
48. James, B. B., Women of England, 335.
49. Besant, 138.
50. Markun, L., Mrs. Grundy, 183.
51. Faÿ, B., La Franc-Maçonnerie et la révolution intellectuelle du xviiie siècle, 78–79.
52. Besant, 384.
53. Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 15 m.
54. Congreve, Wm., Way of the World, III, iii, in Hampden, J., Eighteenth-Century Plays.
55. Gay, John, Beggar’s Opera, I, v, in Hampden.
56. Halsband, R., Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 14.
57. Langdon-Davies, J., Short History of Women, 305.
58. Besant, 459; Lecky, I, 522; Quennell, P., Caroline of England, 29.
59. George, M. Dorothy, London in the 18th Century, 29.
60. Lecky, I, 477.
61. Ibid., 479; Besant, 297 f.
62. Berkeley, George, Siris, in Jefferson, D. W., Eighteenth-Century Prose, 122.
63. Besant, 301–2.
64. Turberville, Johnson’s England, I, 48.
65. Boswell, Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, 84 (Aug. 31, 1773).
66. Enc. Brit., XX, 779d.
67. Camb. Mod. History, VI, 187.
68. Ashton, 62–63.
69. Hobhouse, L. T., Morals in Evolution, 313.
70. Besant, 342.
71. Lecky, I, 183.
72. Ibid., 367; Barnes, H. E., Economic History of the Western World, 256.
73. Westermarck, E. A., Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, II, 558.
74. Turberville, I, 72.
75. Some instances in Thackeray, The Four Georges, 42–43.
76. Turberville, I, 312.
77. Fielding, H., Amelia, Book I, Ch. ii.
78. Turberville, I, 310.
79. Quennell, M. and C., Everyday Things, 9.
80. Lecky, I, 507.
81. Turberville, I, 322.
82. Ibid., 319; Lecky, I, 501–2.
83. Smith, Preserved, History of Modern Culture, II, 586.
84. Johnson, S., The Rambler, 183.
85. Pope, A., Imitations of Horace, Epistle II.
86. James, B. B., Women of England, 318.
87. Turberville, I, 341.
88. Thackeray, Four Georges, 41.
89. Allen, B. S., Tides in English Taste, I, 249.
90. Lecky, I, 552.
91. Ibid., 553–54.
92. Walpole, H., Letters, I, 309 (June 29, 1744).
93. Weinstock, H., Handel, 228.
94. Allen, B. S., Tides, I, 94; Chesterfield, Letters, Oct. 19, 1748.
95. Clergue, H., The Salon, 4.
96. Chesterfield, Letters, June 11, 1750.
97. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 25.
98. Wharton, G. and P., Wits and Beaux of Society, I, 349.
99. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 29.
100. Chesterfield, letter of July 8, 1739.
101. Letter of June, 1752, in Letters to His Son, II, 96.
102. Letter of Apr. 19, 1749.
103. Apr. 13, 1752.
104. Nov. 6, 1747.
105. May 16, 1751.
106. May 23, 1751.
107. Sept. 5, 1748.
108. Apr. 15, 1751.
109. In Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 41.
110. Dec. 25, 1753.
111. May 17, 1748.
112. Nov. 11, 1752.
113. Oct. 9, 1747.
114. Feb. 22, 1748.
115. Oct. 19, 1748.
116. Jan. 8, 1750.
117. Apr. 13, 1752.
118. Dec. 25, 1753.
119. Stephen, Leslie, English Literature and Society in the 18th Century, 150.
120. Krutch, J. W., Samuel Johnson, 354.
121. Chesterfield, July 25, 1741.
122. Feb. 24, 1747.
123. Krutch, 354.
124. Parton, II, 551.
125. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 43.
126. Nicolson, H., Age of Reason, 201.
127. In Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 34.
128. Dec. 2, 1746.
129. Oct. 17, 1768.
130. Letters, II, 334.
131. Oct. 11, 1769.
132. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 44.
133. lbid., 45.
1. Acton, Lord, Lectures on Modern History, 166.
2. Quennell, P., Caroline, 22.
3. Halsband, Lady Mary, 45.
4. Voltaire, Works, XXIb, 70–72; cf. Laski, H., Political Thought in England, Locke to Bentham, 16.
5. Hauser, Social History of Art, II, 261.
6. New Cambridge Modern History, VII, 261.
7. Voltaire, XIXb, 29.
8. Chidsey, D. B., Marlborough, 291.
9. Rowse, A. L., The Early Churchills, 131.
10. Martin, H., XV, 76.
11. Lang, A., History of Scotland, IV, 226–27.
12. Collins, J. C., Bolingbroke, and Voltaire in England, 117.
13. Churchill, W. S., History of the English-Speaking Peoples, III, 91.
14. Schoenfeld, H., Women of the Teutonic Nations, 275.
15. Quennell, Caroline, 93; Martin, H., XV, 343.
16. Traill, H. D., Social England, V, 139.
17. Walpole, H., Reminiscences, in Letters, introd., cxxx.
18. Walpole, H., Memoires of… the Reign of George II, I, 63.
19. Thackeray, Four Georges, 33.
20. Wharton, G. and P., Wits and Beaux of Society, I, 276.