Дворец в усадьбе гр. Ф.А. Толстого (позднее гр. А.А. Закревского) Ивановское Подольского уезда. Современное фото
(Статьи у автора нет)
Восточные ворота усадьбы Дубровицы у реки Десны. (Не сохранились). Фото конца XIX в.
Дворец гр. А.М. Дмитриева-Мамонова в усадьбе Дубровицы Подольского уезда. Фото конца XIX века
Гербовый зал дворца в Дубровицах. Фото начала ХХ в.
"Красная гостиная" во дворце усадьбы Дубровицы. Фото 1920-х гг.
Знаменская церковь (1690—1704) в усадьбе кн. Б.А. Голицына (позднее гр. Дмитриевых-Мамоновых) Дубровицы. Современное фото
"A.N. Crech. A Wreath for Country Estates. Solovetsky Islands, 1932".
These are the words inscribed on the first page of the manuscript which is hereby brought to the attention of our readers. The unusual title is matched by the mysterious history of this manuscript book (no one knows how it found its way into the Moscow History Museum) and by the tragic life story of its author. Like so many members of the Russian intelligentsia, he had to serve a term in a labour camp in the north of Russia, on Solovetsky Islands; was arrested a second time and ended his days in another labour camp, near Tula in Central Russia.
In point of fact, the few scattered biographical references, which do not give the date of Alexei Grech's death, fail to present even a general picture of his life. Even his family name has not been reliably ascertained. The pen name “Grech” is traceable to Nikolai Grech (1787—1867), a well-known literary figure and publisher of the journals “Syn Otechestva” (Son of the Fatherland) and "Severnaya Pchela” (The Northern Bee), whose efforts the manuscript's author held in the highest esteem. Some light on this matter is shed by the following inscription on Alexei Grech's letter to Vasily Arsenyev, probably made by the addressee:“From the historian Alexei Nikolayevich Grech (chairman of the Society for the Study of Russian Country Estates; previous names: Zaleman and Stepanov). May 1928.”