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“Our Lady”, Florentine mosaic 78 x 60.5 cm, marble, rhodonite, jasper, moonstone, fluorite, lepidolite, tiger’s eye, agate, chalcedony, carnelian, honey jade.

«Богоматерь» флорентийская мозаика 78 х 60,5 см.:мрамор, родонит, яшма, беломорит, флюорит, лепидолит, тигровый глаз, агат, халцедон, сердолик, нефрит медовый.

“Christ”, Florentine mosaic 78 x 60.5 cm: marble, rhodonite, lepidolite, tiger’s eye, petrified wood, jasper, chalcedony, carnelian, honey jade.

«Спас» флорентийская мозаика 78 х 60,5 см.: мрамор, родонит, лепидолит, тигровый глаз, окаменелое дерево, яшма, халцедон, сердолик, нефрит медовый.

«John the Baptist», Florentine mosaic 77.5 x 60.5 cm, marble, rhodonite, fluorite, astrophyllite, silicium, agate, onyx, petrified wood, chalcedony, carnelian, honey jade.

«Иоанн Предтеча» флорентийская мозаика 77,5 х 60,5 см. мрамор, родонит, флюорит, астрофиллит, кремень, агат, оникс, окаменелое дерево, халцедон, сердолик, нефрит медовый.

Sculptures And Installations/Скульптуры и Инсталляции

Anastasia Charina/Анастасия Чарина

1983 Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Tel. 8-931-314-60-78.

E-maiclass="underline" hemulnastya@gmail.com www.charinaceramics.com.

Instagram www.instagram.com/charina_nastya.

Education: Saint-Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy, Department of Ceramics, 2007.

Manager of various projects. Ceramics teacher.

Member of the St. Petersburg Association of Artists since 2010. Participates in exhibitions since 2001.

Exhibitions of the last 5 years:.

2019. November-December A participant of the exhibition» Is there life after plastic».

Winery, Bis Art Gallery. Moscow.

2019. November-December Exhibitor of the exhibition «To the table.» TsaricinoMuseum.

2019 May-June. Exhibitor of the exhibition of ceramics «Flowers andherbs», Tsaritsino Museum.

2019 May. He is a participant of the exhibition «Design of Emotions» as part of Design Week, in ArtPlay.

2019. Participant of the seasonal exhibition at the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg.

2017–2018. «Ceramics and Glass in the Landscape», in The Lagino Island Park.

2016 MartinsosInternationalBiennale, Marco RothkoCenter, Daugavpils, Latvia.

2016, April-May All-Russian exhibition «Youth of Russia.» Moscow. 2015 Exhibitor of the «Surfaces» exhibition Moscow.

2014 February 5-17 He is a participant in the exhibition «Attempt of landscape.» Participants: Miniakhmetova Nadia, Leukhin Anton, Charina Anastasia 2014.

November 18–23 Curator and participant of the exhibition on the results of the northern flame symposium. Mandrogi 2014. The Center for Books and Graphics Gallery.

Symposiums of the last 5 years.

2019 Aug. A participant in a workshop on wood-burning high roasting in Noborigam. Gavrilov Yam. Yaroslavl region.

2018 Baikal Kerismistika,Lake Baikal, Olkhon.

2016 One of the organizers of the festival «Fire Territory 2016.» Recycling,glass, ceramics, metal. Pskov region August 1-15.

2016 May. A participant in a workshop on wood-burning high roasting in Noborigam. Gavrilov Yam.

2014, July 25-5 August Organizer of the Northern Flame Symposium. Mandrogi 2014» Wood roasts, fiery sculpture.

Works in private collections.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Minsk. Belarusian. Mark RothkoMuseumCenter. Daugavpils.

Baikal Center for Ceramics and Sculpture.

Private collections of Russia, USA, Germany, France and other countries. Anastasia grew up in a creative family and it influenced her worldview. My mother is also aceramist artist, so since childhood Nastya has been immersed in this sphere. Anastasia describes her work this way: «Until now, ceramics is the most understandable material for me. Because with clay you can create any surface, simulate any material. It is plastic and mobile. It is a wonderful tool that would express any ideas and thoughts.

My whole creative path today is an expression of my feelings for nature.

But it is divided into two stages. Until 2016 I created works on the theme of forest, mha, plants, etc..

But after 2016, for family reasons, having lived a year in the industrial city of Cherepovets, I realized that it is impossible not to notice the destructive influence of mankind on the ecology of the earth. The sky is filled with smoke, roadsides and coasts are littered with debris, but states continue to pump oil and cut down forests, oblivious to the fact that nature is suffocating and natural resources are being depleted. Society continues to consume the benefits of civilization without thinking about tons of debris floating in the ocean.

These thoughts led me to new themes in my work. I made a series of works on the topic of smoke, in one of the objects touched on the topic of oil, and my last project is devoted to garbage. And I think that this topic will not let me go for a very long time.»


1983 г Санкт-Петербург, Россия.

Тел. 8-931-314-60-78.

E-mail. hemulnastya@gmail.com Сайт. www.charinaceramics.com.

Инстаграм www.instagram.com/charina_nastya.

Образование: СПбГХПА., кафедра керамики, 2007 г. Организатор и куратор различных проектов.

Преподаватель керамики.

Член Санкт-Петербургского Союза Художников с 2010 г. Участие в выставках с 2001 г.

Выставки последних 5 лет:.

2019 г. Ноябрь-декабрь. Участник выставки «Is there life after plastic?». Винзавод, галерея Бис-арт. Москва.

2019 г. Ноябрь-декабрь. Участник выставки «К столу». Музей Царицино. Москва.

2019 г. Май-июнь. Участник выставки керамики «Цветы и травы», Музей Царицыно. Москва.

2019 г. Май. Участник выставки «Дизайн Эмоций» в рамках Недели Дизайна, в Арт-Плэй. СПб.

2019 г. Апрель. Участник сезонной выставки в Союзе Художников СПб.

2017–2018 г. Июнь. «Керамика и стекло в пейзаже», в Елагиноостровском парке.

2016 г. Международное биеннале имени Мартинсоса, Центр им. Марко Ротко, г. Даугавпилс, Латвия.

2016 г, Апрель-май Всероссийская выставка «Молодость России». Москва.

2015 г – Участник выставки «Поверхности» Москва.

2014 г – 5-17 февраля. Участник выставки «Попытка пейзажа». Участники: Миниахметова Надия, Леухин Антон, Чарина Анастасия 2014 г.