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Vladimir Vladimirov/Владимир Владимиров

Art photographer Vladimir Vladimirov.

He uses the classic photography technique: film, hand printing and Hasselblad 6x6 cm camera.

His personal exhibitions were arranged in Russia, France, Spain, Luxembourg and etc.

The Laureate of the Great Modern Artists competition (France).

His works are displayed in galleries and collections in Russia and abroad.

Vladimirov approaches each picture in a creative manner and starts preparation long before the Hasselblad shutter fires. During his multiple creative trips, he chooses the best places and scenes for shooting. Afterwards he takes into consideration the season, the weather and the time of the day suitable for taking the picture. Then he moves to the chosen place. Sometimes, if the weather is not good for shooting, he has to wait for several days, or even leave without removing the cover from his camera. Thus, for making a photograph of Matterhorn, a famous peak, against the request of a Swiss company, he came to its foot in Zermatt several times to catch the perfect pink light before sunrise. In addition, he had to climb from the station to the observatory on foot to take a photo of the mountain from the highest point. It is clear why the Swiss company chose this photographer from Russia for taking the picture of the famous peak. According to many professional photographers from Paris, his picture of Notre Dame Cathedral is the best!

At his exhibition in Paris, his French colleagues acknowledged: we made thousands of pictures of this cathedral but this photo leaves them all behind!

The 6x6 centimeters negative produced by the best camera in the world is 180 megapixels on the digital camera standards. Yet Vladimir never uses digital equipment. The mystery of the film, which allows the photographer to see the result only after development, and the possibility to make only 12 frames, forces the artist to be extremely demanding. Thus, each click on the shutter becomes both the act and the result of the creative activity.

This is the reason why professional photographers and art lovers appreciate his works so high and why serious artists change their paintings for his photographs and make their paintings on their basis.

Я увлёкся фотографией с ранней юности фотоаппарат «Смена», яркие краски подмосковного лета и волшебный процесс печати фотографии, когда под красным светом фотофонаря на листе проявлялось черно-белое изображение. Оно, конечно, сильно отличалось от оригинала, но удивительным образом воспроизводило его энергетику. Во все свои многочисленные путешествия я брал фотоаппарат и прогулка по городам и весям превращалась в праздник. Поиск сюжетов и ракурсов для съемки позволяет гораздо глубже видеть и понимать мир. А фотопленка сохранить его энергетику. Именно фотопленка. Я это явственно почувствовал, когда перешёл на цифровой аппарат. Я фотографировал на лучший на то время аппарат, но почему-то постепенно стал терять интерес к творчеству. Рассматривая свои очень качественные и четкие фотографии, я оставался совершенно равнодушным. Ну да, красиво, я был там… и все! Никакого волшебства!

И оказалось, что это заметили и мои друзья они тоже, хотя и деликатно, стали намекать, что раньше я снимал лучше. И я вернулся к пленке. Но, чтобы сделать шаг вперёд, перешёл на средний формат. И я понял, в чем одна из причин когда у вас возможность сделать всего 12 кадров, и результат появится только после проявки пленки, у вас нет права на небрежность и ошибку. Выбор сюжета, времени съемки, ком-позиции занимает очень много времени и это время и есть волшебное время творчества!


The sun on the right.

The joy of a sunny day /Радость солнечного дня

Noon. /Желтое и голубое

The Moveable Feast/ Водопад

The Lighthouse /Маяк

The play is over /Спектакль окончен

The Fractals /Фракталы

Embroidery And Author’S Doll/Вышивка и авторская кукла

«Multi-Color Embroidery by Russian Masters» /«Многоцветная вышивка в исполнении русских мастериц»

My name is Svetlana Dianova, and I present my author's project La Vie est Belle, or "Life is Beautiful!", which unites talented masters from different parts of Russia and beyond, who create handmade multi-color artworks inspired by paintings of famous classical artists.

The idea of our project is to create a gallery of embroidered artworks that touch on some deep strings of the soul, evoke pleasant emotions and convey joy and beauty.

La Vie est Belle project has three main goals:.

Spiritual – to bring joy and beauty to the world.

Social – to give an opportunity to ordinary talented women to show their creativity to the world and help them realize themselves.

Educational – to raise the art of embroidery to a new level.

Each embroidered artwork is unique! It takes a painstaking work of the designer to create the perfect pattern for embroidery, and then loads of skill, patience, attentiveness and months or even years of persistent work of the embroidery master to recreate in stitches as accurately as possible the image originally painted by the artist. And do it with great love, putting into this recreated picture the best and the brightest part of your soul.

After all, similar to the art of painting, value of embroidery is determined by the skill, technique, and the ability revive the painting.

Looking at our embroidered artworks, one realizes that embroidery can be an art. And this is the art of embroidery, which, it would seem, goes back to distant times and traditions, but at the same time it is a revived and reborn art! This art is modern, because only in our time it became possible to create such multi-color embroidered artworks that completely repeat the original paintings, when special computer programs came to the rescue, allowing to create complex and very realistic patterns for embroidery. Respectively, embroidery masters with golden hands can create beautiful artworks from these patterns, investing their time, their love, their soul and inspiration. And when you stand in front of such an embroidered artwork, you realize that this picture is alive! It is warm, it lets you in, it fascinates with its softness and lively warmth. Isn't it a miracle to create something unusual, beautiful, and inspiring with your own hands using embroidery? Something we can leave behind. Because things that have cost dearly or took a lot of time to create are important to each person.