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Stone wheel, 2009; 80Х80 cm; canvas, oil /Каменное колесо. 2009 г.

80Х80 см., х. м

Metamorphoses, 2013; 80–80 cm; canvas, oil /Метаморфозы, 2013 г.,8080 см…,х-м

Arc, 2009; 120Х120 cm; canvas, oil /Арка. 2009 г. 120Х120 см., х. м

Long shadow from tobacco pipe, 2012; 55х60 cm; canvas, oil /Длинная тень от трубки.55х60 см., х.м.,2012 г

Cyprus, 2006, 95Х80 cm; canvas, oil /Кипр. 95Х80 см., х.м.2006 г

Still life with bottles, 2012, 60–80 cm; canvas, oil /Натюрморт с бутылками, 60–80 см., х-м., 2012 г

Still life with two tobacco pipes, 2008; 45–70 cm; canvas, oil /Натюрморт с бутылками, 60–80 см., х-м., 2012 г

Still life with two tobacco pipes, 2008; 45–70 cm; canvas, oil /Натюрморт с двуми трубками.45–70 см.2008 г

Rock and tree, 137Х110 cm; canvas, oil /Скала и дерево.137Х110 см.,х. м

Rock, 2007, 135–120 cm; canvas, oil /Скала.135–120 см.,х.м.,2007 г

Шалва Бедоев

Contacts: https://www.facebook.com/shalva.bedoev.

E-maiclass="underline" sh.bedoev@yandex.ru.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/U3B3BhWlUDs

Bedoev Shalva Evgenievich Painter.

Born 10/15/1940 in the village. Monaster of the South Ossetian Aut. Regions of the Gr.SSR.

Lives and works in Moscow and Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (Southern Regional Branch, (2007), People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (1984) and People's Artist of South Ossetia (2000), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1988), was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II Degree (2006) g.), Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Russia (1971).

He graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin (1969), easel painting, teachers: E.E. Moiseenko, P.T. Fomin, P.L. Belousov. Main works: “Grape Harvesting” (1972), “Youth” (1976), “Horsemen of the Revolution” (1985), “Ossetian Tale” (1989), “Amazon” (1989), “Ascent” (1996), “Holy George ”(1998),“ Trinity ”(2004),“ Ancient Motive ”(2006),“ George the Victorious ”(2009),“ Self-portrait ”(2011),“ The Tree of Life ”(2013). Professor (1993).

Head of the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, North Ossetian State University. K.L. Khetagurova. Member of the Award Commission of North Ossetia-Alania. Deputy Chairman of the Southern branch of the Russian Academy of Arts (2009). Member of the exhibition of the South of the Union of Artists of Russia. He was repeatedly elected a member of the board of the Union of Artists of the USSR and the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, secretary of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. He was elected chairman of the North Ossetian branch of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation (2000–2005).

Awards: Medal for the “Decent” PAX (2001), Gold Medal of the RAX (2009), Gold Medal of the Creative CX of Russia (2006), Gold Medal of the VTOO Union of Artists of Russia (2016), Diploma and Gold Medal of the European Chamber of Commerce (2016), Republican Komsomol Prize in field of literature and art. M.Kamberdieva (1976), National Award in the field of fiction, art and science “The Golden Apple” (2009), Participant in exhibitions (since 1971) of All-Union, All-Russian, regional, and academic. group, personal and internationaclass="underline" Paris 1977, 1999, 2013, Belgrade (1982), Bulgaria (1984), USA (1994), Argentina (1997), Hungary (1998), Switzerland (1998), Barcelona (1998), Nice (1998), USA (2006), Budapest (2012), Holland (2013), Belgium (2013), Italy (2014), France (2014). Personal exhibitions: Paris (1999), Moscow (2001, 2003, 2006, 2007), Stavropol (2006), Tskhinval (2010).

His works are in the State Russian Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Russia, the Russian Academy of Arts, the Nepl Arts Center, USA, museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.

One of the first Shalva Bedoev formed in his statements the concept of national in modern Ossetian art. In his opinion, the national character of art is determined not only by the image of the characteristic national life, colors and forms of the surrounding nature, the gifts of the land on which the people live, their stories, but also by the reflection of national ideals and poetics of the world that have been forming over the centuries.

He introduces objects of Ossetian everyday life and the fruits of Ossetian land into his paintings, finds an adequate coloristic structure of his canvases, consonant with the colors of Ossetian nature and ancient architecture, as well as expressing traits of a national character with its external restraint and huge internal emotional energy.

Shalva Bedoev is a master of a large thematic picture. His work plays an important role in shaping the contemporary art of Ossetia and Russia.

He works in various genres, including – portrait, still life and landscape. But one of the most important places in the area of his thematic interests is the mythological genre, which he sees in the lyrical and poetic aspect and reveals with the help of interpreted compositional techniques of symbolism and unique color. This allows his mythological images to awaken in the viewer a rich range of subtlest elusive feelings and associations that cannot be verbally expressed.

The softly shining spots on Bedoev’s canvases, born of observing the play of transparent reflexes and color shadows on a sunny day, seem to emit light and give these images a wonderful mesmerizing vision that is born in front of the viewer.

Painting for him is a luminiferous stream of color, and the frame of the picture is an illusion of a trap for the uniqueness of an instant, allowing the viewer to feel ownership of the mystery of the image.

Бедоев Шалва Евгеньевич Живописец.

Родился 15.10.1940 г. в с. Монастер Юго-Осетинской авт. Области Гр. ССР.

Живёт и работает в г. Москва и Владикавказе РСО-Алания.

Академик Российской академии художеств (Южное региональное отделение, (2007), Народный художник РСО-Алании (1984) и Народный художник Южной Осетии (2000), Заслуженный художник РФ (1988) награждён медалью ордена «За заслуги перед отечеством II степени» (2006) г.), Член Союза художников СССР, России (1971).

Окончил институт живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры им. И. Е. Репина (1969), станковая живопись, педагоги: Е.Е. Моисеенко, П.Т. Фомин, П.Л. Белоусов. Основные работы: «Сбор винограда» (1972), «Юность» (1976), «Всадники революции» (1985), «Осетинская сказка» (1989), «Амазонка» (1989), «Восхождение» (1996), «Святой Георгий» (1998), «Триединство» (2004), «Древний мотив» (2006), «Георгий Победоносец» (2009), «Автопортрет» (2011), «Древо жизни» (2013). Профессор (1993 г.).