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Andrews, William The Village War University of Missouri Press 1973.

Appy, Christian G. Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides Viking 2003.

Arbatov, Georgi The System: An Insider’s Life in Soviet Politics Times Books 1992.

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Asselin, Pierre Hanoi’s Road to the Vietnam War 1954–1965 University of California Press 2013.

Atkinson, Rick The Long Gray Line Houghton Mifflin 1989.

Autry, Jerry Gun-Totin’ Chaplain Airborne Press 2006.

Baskir, Lawrence M. & Strauss, William A. Chance and Circumstance: The Draft, the War and the Vietnam Generation Knopf 1978.

Beckwith, Charlie & Knox, Donald Delta Force Harcourt Brace 1983.

Beech, Keyes Not Without the Americans Doubleday 1971.

Berman, Larry Planning a Tragedy: The Americanization of the War in Vietnam Norton 1982.

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Biggs, David Quagmire: Nation-Building and Nature in the Mekong Delta University of Washington Press 2010.

Bilton, Michael & Sim, Kevin Four Hours in My Lai Viking 1992.

Bonds, Ray ed. The Vietnam War: The Illustrated History Salamander 1979.

Bong-Wright, Jackie Autumn Cloud: From Vietnamese War Widow to American Activist Capital Books 2001.

Bonville, George You Ain’t Nothing But a Swamp Rat Professional Press 2016.

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Borch, Frederic Judge Advocates in Vietnam: Army Lawyers in Southeast Asia 1959–75 US Army Command and General Staff College Press 2003.

Botkin, Richard Ride the Thunder WND Books 2009.

Bowden, Mark Hue 1968 Grove Atlantic 2017.

Bradley, Mark Philip Vietnam at War Oxford University Press 2009.

Braestrup, Peter Big Story: How the American Press and Television Reported and Interpreted the Crisis of Tet 1968 Anchor 1978.

Brigham, Robert K. ARVN: Life and Death in the South Vietnamese Army Kansas University Press 2006.

Brodie, Bernard War and Politics Macmillan 1973.

Broughton, Jack Thud Ridge Lippincott 1969.

Brown, Archie The Rise and Fall of Communism Bodley Head 2009.

Browne, Malcolm The New Face of War Bobbs-Merrill 1965.

Bunting, Josiah The Lionheads Braziller 1972.

Burkett, B. G. & Whitley, Glenna Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation was Robbed of its Heroes and its History Verity Press 1998.

Burleigh, Michael Small Wars, Faraway Places Macmillan 2013.

Burr, William & Kimball, Jeffrey P. Nixon’s Nuclear Specter: The Secret Alert of 1969, Madman Diplomacy and the Vietnam War Kansas 2015.

Busch, Peter All the Way With JFK?: Britain, the U. S. and the Vietnam War Oxford University Press 2003.

Buttinger, Joseph Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled Pall Mall Press 1967.

Caputo, Philip A Rumor of War Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1977.

Charlton, Michael & Moncrieff, Anthony eds Many Reasons Why: The American Involvement in Vietnam Scolar 1978.

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Chivers, C. J. The Gun Simon & Schuster 2010.

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Cloake, John Templer: Tiger of Malaya Harrap 1985.

Clodfelter, Mark The Limits of Air Power Free Press 1989.

— Beneficial Bombing University of Nebraska Press 2010.

Colby, William Lost Victory McGraw-Hill 1989.

Conboy, Kenneth & Andrade, Dale Spies and Commandos: How America Lost the Secret War in North Vietnam Kansas University Press 2000.

Cooper, Chester The Lost Crusade Dodd Mead 1970.

Corn, David Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA’s Crusades Simon & Schuster 1994.

Daddis, Greg No Sure Victory Oxford University Press 2011.

— Westmoreland’s War: Reassessing American Strategy in Vietnam Oxford University Press 2014.

— Withdrawal Oxford University Press 2017.

Dan, Nguyen Huy Toan & Pham Quang Dinh The 304th Division People’s Army Publishing House Hanoi 1990.

Dang, Tran Bach Life and Memories Tre Publishing House Ho Chi Minh City 2006.

Davidson, Philip B. Vietnam at War 1946–1975 Sidgwick & Jackson 1988.

Del Vecchio, John M. The 13th Valley Sphere 1983.

Dietrich, Erik Jurgen-Karl The Kraut privately printed 2015.

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Dobrynin, Anatoly In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to America’s Six Cold War Presidents Times Books 1995.

Don, Tran Van Our Endless War Presidio 1978.

Doyle, Michael W. Ways of War and Peace Norton 1997.

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Edwards, Peter Australia and the Vietnam War NewSouth 2014.

Elliott, David W. P. The Vietnamese War: Revolution and Social Change in the Mekong Delta 1930–1975 2 vols M. E. Sharpe 2003.

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Elliott, Duong Van Mai The Sacred Willow: Four Generations in the Life of a Vietnamese Family Oxford University Press 1999.

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Finlayson, Andrew Killer Kane McFarland North Carolina 2013.

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Fitzgerald, Frances Fire in the Lake Vintage 1972.

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Gaiduk, Ilya V. The Soviet Union and the Vietnam War Ivan R. Dee 1996.