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Nguyen, Nathalie Huynh Chau South Vietnamese Soldiers Praeger 2016.

Nguyen, Viet Thanh The Sympathizer Atlantic Monthly Press 2015.

Nguyễn Tiến Đích [3rd] Division Memories [Ký Ức Sư Đoàn] People’s Army Publishing House Hanoi 1995.

Nhien, Nguyen Van & Huu, Nguyen Thanh History of Chemical Troops 1958–2008 People’s Army Publishing House Hanoi 2008.

Nichols, John B. & Tillman, Barrett On Yankee Station Bantam 1988 Ninh, Bao The Sorrow of War Vintage 1998.

Nixon, Richard No More Vietnams Arbor House 1985.

Nolan, Keith William Sappers in the Wire: The Life and Death of Firebase Mary Ann Texas A & M 2007.

— The Magnificent Bastards Presidio 2007.

Nolting, Frederick From Trust to Tragedy Praeger 1988.

Oberdorfer, Don Tet!: The Turning Point in the Vietnam War Johns Hopkins 2001.

O’Brien, Michael Conscripts and Regulars: With the Seventh Battalion in Vietnam Allen & Unwin 1995.

O’Brien, Tim The Things They Carried Flamingo 1990.

— If I Die in a Combat Zone Dell 1973.

— Going After Cacciato Delacorte 1978.

Palmer, Bruce The 25-Year War: America’s Military Role in Vietnam Touchstone 1984.

Payne, Kenneth The Psychology of Strategy: Exploring Rationality in the Vietnam War Hurst 2015.

Pham, Dai Gia The Last Prisoners Prototech 2016.

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Pike, Douglas Viet Cong: The Organization and Techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam MIT 1966.

Polmar, Norman & Mersky, Peter The Naval Air War in Vietnam Zebra 1981.

Porter, Gareth & Loory, Stuart Vietnam: The Definitive Documentation of Human Decisions 2 vols Heyden 1979.

Pouget, J. Nous Etions à Dien Bien Phu Presses de la Cité Paris 1965 Publishing House Hanoi 1997 (circulated internally only).

Prados John Vietnam: The History of an Unwinnable War 1945–75 Kansas University Press 2009.

Raskin, Marcus G. & Fall, Bernard B. eds The Vietnam Reader Vintage Books 1967.

Robbins, Christopher The Invisible Air Force: The Story of the CIA’s Secret Airline Macmillan 1979.

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Robinson, Anthony ed. Weapons of the Vietnam War Gallery 1983.

Rocolle, Pierre Pourquoi Dien Bien Phu? Flammarion 1968.

Salisbury, Harrison Behind the Lines: Hanoi Harper & Row 1967.

Samuels, Charlie Machinery and Weapons of the Vietnam War Gareth Steven 2013.

Santoli, Al To Bear Any Burden: The Vietnamese War and its Aftermath Sphere 1986.

Schlesinger, Arthur Journals 1956–2002 Penguin 2007.

— Robert Kennedy and His Times New York 1978.

Scotton, Frank Uphill Battle Texas Tech 2014.

Shapley, Deborah Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara Little, Brown 1993.

Shaw, Geoffrey The Lost Mandate of Heaven Ignatius 2015.

Shawcross, William Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia André Deutsch 1979.

Sheehan, Neil A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam Random House 1988.

Shepherd, Jack & Wren, Christopher eds Quotations from Chairman LBJ Simon & Schuster 1968.

Siemon-Netto, Uwe Duc: A Reporter’s Love for the Wounded People of Vietnam CreateSpace 2013.

Simpson, Howard R. Tiger in the Barbed Wire Kodansha International 1992.

Smith, Ralph Vietnam and the West Ithaca 1971.

— An International History of the Vietnam War Macmillan 1985.

Snepp, Frank Decent Interval Random House 1977.

— Irreparable Harm Random House 1999.

Solis, Gary D. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam: Trial by Fire US Marine Corps 1989.

Sorley, Lewis ed. The Vietnam War: An Assessment by South Vietnam’s Generals Texas Tech 2010.

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Tai, Nguyen Doi Mat Voi CIA [Face to Face with the CIA] Writers’ Association Hanoi 1999.

Tang, Truong Nhu Tang A Vietcong Memoir Vintage 1986.

Taylor, Maxwell Swords and Plowshares Norton 1972.

Terry, Wallace Bloods: Black Veterans of the Vietnam War Presidio 2006.

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Thompson, Robert Defeating Communist Insurgency Chatto & Windus 1966.

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