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He turned to her as they sat down. “You don’t believe that garbage he was spewing, do you? Please tell me you don’t believe it.”

The crack in his voice moved her more than she’d expected. “Of course not. He’s angry and just wanted to hurt you. How did he even find you?”

He shook his head, staring at the table. “Bridget must have told him I come here. When I spotted him, I lost it.” He looked at her, his brows pulled together, his mouth tight. “I lost it, Kate. They’ve made it clear I’m not part of the family. Michelle’s not mine, but it’s so hard to see her saddled with that asshole. What do I do?”

She placed her hand on his leg. She longed to stroke his thigh, but she kept her hand still. What would Liam want with a nutty protester who’d been trying to shut him down a week ago? They were just nursing old wounds and trying to find a little bit of support in each other.

“You let them go, Liam. Just like I had to let my father go. Right here. Right now. For three years, you did right by that little girl, but for your own peace of mind, you need to say ‘goodbye.’ Call off your lawyer.”

“She won’t remember me.”

“But you’ll remember, and you’ll know you always acted in her best interests.”

“It doesn’t feel that way. I feel like I need to protect her from him. Do more for her.”

“A wise man once told me I needed to take care of myself, too.” She squeezed his leg, unable to resist the pull any longer. He covered her hand with his. “Take care of yourself. Give yourself what you need now.”

Liam gazed at her, his eyes bright. His expression, full of surprise and sudden heat, made her squirm in her seat. He leaned in and his masculine scent flooded her nostrils. He smelled so good, looked so good, and she wanted him more than she wanted anything else.

When he spoke, his voice low and his mouth near her ear, he shattered what was left of her resistance. “I need you, Kate. Fuck, I need you right now.”


She barely got the exclamation out before he pulled her to him. God help her, she let herself be wrapped up in his arms and indulged in a moment she knew would inspire future, copious bouts of self-pleasure.

He pulled her against his wall of a chest, and she let out a squeak. His lips smashed against hers and she struggled to catch her breath under his unexpected but welcomed invasion. Their lips parted and his tongue slipped between hers, soft and strong all in one tasty package. She opened to him, panting, wanting more, wanting his touch all over her body.

She wanted him to kiss and lick and tease her. She craved the feel of his silky tongue on her neck, on her breasts and sliding between her swollen pussy lips. She wanted Liam Doyle to swallow her whole, ride her on a wave of orgasmic delight, and then do it all over again.

Cradling her head, he took her mouth in an even more demanding fashion. Minutes passed. She assumed it was minutes, but it might have been hours. When he finally released her, his pupils were large black circles rimmed in blue heat. He stroked her bottom lip with his thumb, no doubt appraising his handiwork. Her lips felt twice their size from his fervent caresses, and never better. She’d gladly endure puffy, bruised lips to feel those kisses again.

He looked deeply into her eyes, as if trying to glean whether she would accept more from him. “Kate,” he whispered. “I’m going to take you home now and I’m going to fuck you. Do you have a problem with that?”

Her eyelids fluttering, Kate shook her head.

“Say the words so it’s clear.”

She had words? She couldn’t seem to remember any right now.

Okay, Kate. Get it together. A very hot man just told you he wanted to do very naughty things to you. You need this.

“I don’t have a problem with that.”

He didn’t smile but his face seemed to relax. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the booth. “That’s my girl.”

My girl? Kate barely registered anything as Liam waved goodbye to Franky and his biker pals. She just kept focused on the bar door, the portal that would lead her to a night of untold pleasure. Following him like a hungry puppy, she didn’t say a word as he bundled her into the Ford and drove away.

Only a week ago she’d been protesting Liam’s casino hotel, and now she was about to sleep with the man. Certainly he was just doing this to get out his frustration, to work off his testosterone after confronting Andy. If he’d been out with any other woman, the outcome would be the same. Surely she was going along with it because she had her own demons to dispel. And, although her exploits were hardly legendary, she knew enough to know that nothing vanquished demons like a night of rollicking sin.

She didn’t bloody well care. It wasn’t as if he’d asked to marry her. Like he’d said, they needed to take care of themselves right now, and she couldn’t think of a better way than where this night was headed.

After the way he’d kissed her, like a man tasting water after a walk in the desert, she was pretty sure he would assume control tonight. Not that she had a problem with that.

Yes, she would let Liam Doyle dominate the hell out of her. She just knew she’d wear a huge smile for hours after that.

She could hate herself for it in the morning.

Chapter Six

Liam drove to her apartment rather than his condo or Vice. Despite the hungry pumping of his heart, going to Kate’s place would give her an out in case they came to their senses.

He didn’t want to come to his senses.

Driven by a primal need to orchestrate what happened next, he fought the urge to grab her and throw her on the nearest surface. Not easy to do, considering he’d wanted to fuck Kate until she screamed his name. He needed to lose himself in her and forget the ghosts in his life, the ones that haunted him in spite of his successes.

As he tore up the freeway, he recognized what was really behind his needs. Andy had said Liam was pissed at losing Michelle, his possession. As much as he railed at the idea, he wondered now if there might be a kernel of truth in the statement.

He’d never been a gracious loser. When you’ve lost so much, it was hard to smile as life sodomized you again and again.

Part of the reason he had trouble letting go of Michelle was because others had let go of him without a thought for his feelings. Without one word of comfort.

Now he wanted to seek a different kind of comfort with Kate. What was so wrong about that? They both needed the release. They’d both planned on turning a page tonight. She’d already begun to dominate his every thought. Now he’d have a chance to dominate her for a while.

They arrived at her building and parked in back. Kate frowned at her purse, searching for her keys.

“Hey.” Liam ran a hand up her arm hoping to calm her as much as himself. “You can always say no.”

“I don’t want to say no,” she answered in a hushed voice, and handed him the keys.

He didn’t say another word as they got out of the car. They walked hand in hand as he led her up the staircase. He opened the door and locked it again behind them once they were inside.

He hadn’t taken note of her décor before. Her walls were coral, bright and cheerful. The focal point of the living room was an overstuffed chintz couch with big flowers. Bookshelves were crammed with books and decorative picture frames which housed photos of an older woman with auburn hair. Kate’s mom? He could ask later. He liked the atmosphere she’d created in these humble quarters. The place seemed warm and homey, much like her.

He looked towards Kate. Her ponytail rested on her shoulder and she played with the end. She was nervous. The knowledge excited him as much as it disappointed him. She seemed to look around everywhere but at him.

“Um, would you like a drink? Coffee? Or I think I have some iced tea in the fridge.” She shifted her weight from foot to foot, like a gazelle getting ready to bolt.

He approached her, feeling as ravenous as a tiger, and allowed himself to linger on the cleavage that had intrigued him for days. “No drinks.”