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She could hear Captain Lattimer talking with St. Simon next door, in the captain's day cabin in the stern of the ship. Lattimer had given up his sleeping quarters to the women and had slung two hammocks in his day cabin that he now shared with the colonel. Gabriel had placidly slung his own hammock in the gun room and spent much of his time in the company of the master gunner and Samuel, with whom he'd developed an easy rapport.

The smell of breakfast took Tamsyn into the cabin. It was filled with early sunshine coming from the sweep of handsomely mounted inward-sloping windows in the stern. Cushioned lockers stretched beneath them to provide seating, and the panelled bulwarks were lined with bookshelves. The captain and his passenger were seated at a laden table in the middle of the room. If it weren't for the two guns mounted at either end of the stern windows, it could have been a pleasant breakfast parlor in a country house.

“Good morning, Miss Tamsyn.” Captain Lattimer greeted her arrival with a wave to a chair. He had a tankard of grog in his hand and was addressing a mutton chop and fried eggs.

The colonel looked up from his own breakfast and accorded her a brief nod-a curt acknowledgment suitable for a slight and not very well-liked acquaintance. He pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. “I'll take a turn around the deck. If you'll excuse me.”

Tamsyn frowned. He always found something else to do the moment she appeared. Except at dinner, when they both dined with the captain… and then he barely addressed two words to her. She sat down at the table, and Samuel put a boiled egg in front of her.

“I'll take a tray into your woman now, miss, if'n she's ready.”

“Yes, thank you, Samuel.” Tamsyn gave him a quick smile. Josefa insisted on taking her meals apart in their sleeping quarters. Gabriel took his in the gun room with the warrant officers.

“How soon before we cross the Bay of Biscay, Capitan? She sliced the top off her egg and to his amusement dipped a slice of toast into the yolk.

“This evening, with any luck. How are you in a rough sea, lass?”

“Lord, I don't know,” Tamsyn said, dipping another slice of toast into her egg. “I've never sailed before, but I'm not an invalidish sort of person.”

“No, I should imagine you're not.” Hugo grinned. St. Simon had given him a brief description of the girl's antecedents, but he'd filled in the details for himself with little difficulty. He understood the colonel was escorting her to her mother's family in Cornwall, but he had the sense that there was more to it than that. Colonel St. Simon clearly wasn't happy with his mission, but Hugo was convinced the tension between the colonel and the girl had its roots in something much deeper.

“Well, if we're in for a Biscay widowmaker, you'll discover what kind of a sailor you are,” he said cheerfully, pushing back his chair. “The bay's notoriously rough even without a full-blown storm.”

“I stand warned, Captain.” She smiled and drank her coffee with relish. Pregnancy was supposed to put one off one's food… or at least in the morning. So far, she was as hungry as ever.

The captain left the cabin, returning to his quarterdeck, and Tamsyn finished her own breakfast while Samuel cleared up around her. “Do you know where Gabriel is this morning, Samuel?”

“Watchin' 'is treasure, like as not,” Samuel opined, sweeping crumbs into the palm of his hand. “Doesn't like to let it out of his sight, though it's stowed right and tight in the ‘old.”

“Perhaps he's afraid someone might make off with a ducat or two,” Tamsyn said laughingly, although she knew that was exactly what Gabriel was afraid of.

“Not on this ship, they won't,” Samuel declared, a touch of passion enlivening his customarily stolid countenance. “There's no thieves in Cap'n Lattimer's ship. Every man jack of 'em knows the cap'n turns thieves over to their shipmates, powerful ‘ard on a man is own mates are. Damn sight 'arder than the cap'n.”

Tamsyn had already decided that life before the et on one of His Majesty's men-of-war was about as grim as life could be, so she merely nodded her comprehension, finished her coffee, and went up to the quarterdeck.

She'd learned in her first hour that the starboard side of the quarterdeck was holy ground, the captain's preserve, to be entered only on invitation. Lord St. Simon, however, seemed to have a standing invitation. In the orderly quiet of midmorning at sea, the two men were talking together at the starboard rail; the marine sentry turned the hourglass at the half hour and struck three bells to signal the third half-hour of the watch. A bosun's whistle thrilled, and a trio of midshipmen jumped for the rigging, scrambling up into the shrouds and racing each other along the ratlines to the masthead some hundred feet above.

Tamsyn's toes curled in her boots as she craned her neck to watch them enviously. The view must be spectacular from the top, and it didn't look that hard. If she took off her skirt…

“Don't even consider it.”

“Oh!” She spun round to find Julian regarding her, his heavy-lidded eyes shrewd and for once amused. It wasn't the first time he'd second-guessed her. “How could you possibly know what I was thinking?”

He gave her a lazy smile. “Believe me, buttercup, there are times when I can read you like a book.”

“Oh, don't call me that,” she said crossly.

He laughed. There was something about the beauty of the morning that for the moment eroded his bitterness. He didn't attempt to examine whether Tamsyn's own brand of beauty on this gorgeous day could have contributed to his general sense of well-being. “It's hard to resist when the sun's shining on your hair.” He ran a flat palm over the top of her head. “When I was a boy, the village girls used to hold buttercups under their chins on May Day. And if the golden glow was reflected, it was said they'd find a lover before the day was out.”

Tamsyn wondered why he had so suddenly lost his stiffness. He leaned on the port rail beside her, gazing out to sea, his demeanor relaxed and friendly. Tamsyn continued to watch the boys in the rigging, swinging like monkeys from shroud to shroud, but her mind was on her uncooperative body. She didn't feel any different, but that didn't mean anything. And what in the name of grace was she going to do if she was pregnant?

Julian glanced sideways at her, feeling the tension in the slight frame. “What's troubling you?” He told himself he couldn't care less, but he asked the question anyway.

Tamsyn met his eye for a second before turning back to watch the game in the rigging. “I'm just tired of twiddling my thumbs when I could be up there, or doing something useful.”

The fib convinced him, as she'd expected it would. It was only half a fib, anyway. “You put one little toe on that rigging, my friend, and our contract is broken… finished, permanently. Understand?”

“You are, as always, perfectly lucid,” she said, for once glad that they were quarrelling.

“I do my best,” he said acidly. He was about to return to the captain's side when a voice bellowed from the masthead.

“Sail ahead, sir. Three points on the starboard bow.” Hugo raised his glass, gazing across the flat expanse of ocean. He could just make out her royals on the horizon. “Send the signal midshipman up to the topmast, Mr. Connaught.” His voice was quiet and without a hint of the exhilaration ripping through him. “I want an identification.”

“Aye, sir.”

The ferment on the ship was palpable, and yet it evinced itself in no sudden sounds or movements, only in a watchful silence. The hands on deck had moved to the rails, the bosuns stood with their pipes ready, every eye was on the horizon, every ear waiting for the midshipman to identify the ship's flags.

The lad's voice drifted down, shaky with nervous excitement. “It's flying the Frenchie flag sir. I'll lay odds.”

“I don't want a wager, Mr. Grantly, I want facts.” The captain’s voice cut like a diamond through glass.

“Crowd sail, Mr. Connaught. Let's see if we can help the young gentleman by getting closer.”